Quick question


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

So is the Paragon kind of like a paladin in diablo2 ? just kind of a class with a lot of group buffs?

Onion Guy

Onion Guy

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2008


The Mentalists [THPK]


Not much. Paladins in D2 were far overpowered. They could do magic damage like mad, or physical and give aura boosts. (Dam hammerdins/smiters/zelodens/FoHers etc...) alone they were gods. The auras were almost only used with self interest, although they do help nearby people.
Paragons however are very bad alone. They need a party. There DPS is not very high. About the only thing in common with paladins is that they can give boosts to nearby party members (or allies). The boosts that paragons give are almost always used for the party, not themselves. There are not many around though and the pve skills for them are very helpfull. in a big orginised party they are great.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

They do have a fair bit of party support, but don't ignore the fact that they're impressive physicals aswell. Spear auto-attack damage compares well to other weapons.



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

The paragon is basically a ranged warrior with less offensive disruption and more party support.

Rhamia Darigaz

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2008

i'm thinking more along the lines of javazon meets BO barb, conceptually at least.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2008


Vanquished Memories [VM]


Paragons are a decent source of dps but not as good as other classes... However they are the best out there for party defense and will relieve pressure from your backline which ultimately results in a higher survivability for the damage on your team... They're pretty good

Shemsu Anpw

Shemsu Anpw

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2008

Sephirot - Keter

I'd have to agree with what has been posted. But also have to add with certain skills either on yourself or heros and other players you can markably increase the overall damage with skills like. Order of Pain, I am the Strongest, Ebon Battle Standard of Honor, and The Dwarf one don't remember at this time. Go for the Eyes and Anthem of Envy are nice but short lived compard to the others that have durations. They can do signifcant damage if they are set up for it, at least over a time frame. its really a choice of how you play. Most Paragons enjoy the team concept buffs and helps a paragon gives out. They are not usualy in it for the damage (personal opinion). I think it takes a certain type of person play and enjoy a Paragon. (again a personal opinion)

Carpe Turkey

Happy Thanks Giving :-)

P.S. Should have a Turkey Dinner drop that gives some sort of buff. LoL


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2008


Paragons do pathetic damage.
Yes, their auto attack is nice and they got good IAS. But in hard mode, nobody cares about auto attack. Paragons lack any significant armor ignoring damage source.
However, as physicals, they profit greatly from having skills like Barbs, Orders or Ebon Battle Standart of Honor around. Those, combined with Asuran Scan, give some great damage even in hard mode.
However, this damage is not coming from the Paragon himself but mainly from the other classes supporting him.

That's what makes Paragons great in groups: They get their damage from "outside" and can focus their skill bars on party support, giving the party a strong defense.
Especially in Paraways (groups of 8 Paragons) this concept is used very sucessfully.

However, a single Paragon in a group usually isn't that useful. Without the synergy from different shouts and chants (to trigger refrains or echos) the Paragon is rather weak.
Except for the Imbagon build, which is very popular for that reason: It's basially the only thing a single Paragon in a group can do.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2007

Originally Posted by MegaVolti
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Paragons do pathetic damage.
Yes, their auto attack is nice and they got good IAS. But in hard mode, nobody cares about auto attack. Paragons lack any significant armor ignoring damage source.
However, as physicals, they profit greatly from having skills like Barbs, Orders or Ebon Battle Standart of Honor around. Those, combined with Asuran Scan, give some great damage even in hard mode.
However, this damage is not coming from the Paragon himself but mainly from the other classes supporting him.

That's what makes Paragons great in groups: They get their damage from "outside" and can focus their skill bars on party support, giving the party a strong defense.
Especially in Paraways (groups of 8 Paragons) this concept is used very sucessfully.

However, a single Paragon in a group usually isn't that useful. Without the synergy from different shouts and chants (to trigger refrains or echos) the Paragon is rather weak.
Except for the Imbagon build, which is very popular for that reason: It's basially the only thing a single Paragon in a group can do. I would phrase it differently.
I would say paragons do very solid single target damage (their spear skills are pretty strong), that can be boosted by all the stuff you said, but aren't as good as other physical in damage department cause they lack multiple target and/or multiple attacks on same target.

Their strength though, comes from the fact that if you give them 2 spear attacks, aggressive refrain, there's nothing to fear, some sort of adrenal shout, you have 3 frees slots on a character that (at least) do solid single target damage (which by the way is quite good in some HM elite areas) and provide 30%+ damage mitigation of the time pegged with a 60 health heal party every 10 secs.

Additionally, they are quite sturdy and possess the resource engine to spam expensive stuff.

Considering physical teams with barbs, order of pain and EBSH are one of the most powerful out there, the paragon seems to fair good.

And that is without bringing [[Save yourselves] into this.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2008

Burninating the countryside


A good D2 Paladin could Solo the entire game. Paragons can't solo pretty much anything.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2008


Paladins were not really powerful in D2 ... try the Amazon, especially when Guided Arrow did multiple pierce. THAT was powerful.
Mephisto? 5 seconds.
Any mob? 2 seconds.