I want my HFFF back!
With the title rebalance on Nov. 13 also came the hfff nerf. Why... I can understand because of the botting problem, but why could'nt A-net just ban the botters instead of having to nerf the whole thing all together? It wasn't that hard to zone to Lut. and spot the botters. Now we get to Vanquish or redo missions for faction. Could they have not implemented that and left HFFF alone?
Oh and i think its kind of funny how they put faction transfer guy in Lut after they nerf it. xD
Oh and i think its kind of funny how they put faction transfer guy in Lut after they nerf it. xD
Guild Wars is not a game about putting up little flags over a map.
That said, vanquishing is a heck of a lot more fun than HFFF could have ever been.
That said, vanquishing is a heck of a lot more fun than HFFF could have ever been.
Do ABs, JQ, FA, Vanquish, or Missions.
HFFF was useful, but it was too exploitable. Nerf was really needed.
Do ABs, JQ, FA, Vanquish, or Missions.
HFFF was useful, but it was too exploitable. Nerf was really needed.
Kormirs Sister
Or try out amatz basin...
with a group of good players, a run yields about 7k points in about 15min...
far more effective than HFFF imo
with a group of good players, a run yields about 7k points in about 15min...
far more effective than HFFF imo
Riot Narita
Pfft. If anything, I wish they'd done it sooner. VQ'ing now gains faction faster than HFFF ever could... so I wouldn't have had to grind nearly as long for my Kurz title, and it wouldn't have been so mind-numbingly tedious.
The downside of nerfing HFFF is the XP - it was a fast, easy and safe way to get Legendary Survivor, assuming you could get your char to Lutgardis.
The downside of nerfing HFFF is the XP - it was a fast, easy and safe way to get Legendary Survivor, assuming you could get your char to Lutgardis.
wasn't anets goal to make kurzick easier? seems with removing HFF maxing kurz will now just be longer..
Riot Narita
looks like flaming is gonna start. . . . . .

HFFF was a good way to farm faction, but luxon were massively neglected in that area. Now it's just even for all. Too bad they've only done it now and not ages ago when it would've been REALLY usefull.
I'm so sorry you have to play the game.
Try playing Tetris, maybe it's easy enough for you, you don't have to use too much brain to play it.
Try playing Tetris, maybe it's easy enough for you, you don't have to use too much brain to play it.
With the title rebalance on Nov. 13 also came the hfff nerf. Why... I can understand because of the botting problem, but why could'nt A-net just ban the botters instead of having to nerf the whole thing all together? It wasn't that hard to zone to Lut. and spot the botters. Now we get to Vanquish or redo missions for faction. Could they have not implemented that and left HFFF alone?
Oh and i think its kind of funny how they put faction transfer guy in Lut after they nerf it. xD |
If you like putting up flags in video games so much, you might just want to go back to the basics.

Calista Blackblood
HFFF was waay too unfair and bottable to really,allow it to continue.The luxon equivalent took twice as long and IIRC there is no other repeatable quest in the game that rewards 400faction+2k xp +150g for 40-50 seconds of flagging and watching for SF dropping.
Go vanquish or do the competitive missions,it's far more fun and the rewards per time period are much greater
Go vanquish or do the competitive missions,it's far more fun and the rewards per time period are much greater
I am guessing because with HFFF in the game it was clear what insane grind the title is. Now you have the illusion of fun, because you only need to do some missions or vanquish a bit!
As previously said - the change didn't address the real issue of the title which is the insane amount of time it takes to max. The fact that the new options are now in line with the old HFFF matters very little.
In that case - it seems that you just aren't good enough to earn the title.
As previously said - the change didn't address the real issue of the title which is the insane amount of time it takes to max. The fact that the new options are now in line with the old HFFF matters very little.
In that case - it seems that you just aren't good enough to earn the title.
Anet never had a problem with how the quest orignally worked, they allowed the FFF team build to go on for years. It only became an issue when hff uses the exploit that mob do not spawn (same with ghost running) and that it is easily bottable.
Anet had two solutions, either fix the mob spawning exploit (which would be a gmae wide change), or change the quests * local change). Both of these changes would end the hfff either way.
Funny thing is now Amitz Basin is the new faction farming central, and gaining more faction than the old hfff. It now seems that both the deep challege missions have easy exploits to get high scores. To get alot of faction i suggest getting a rit, warrior or perma sin down there.
Those sayign to "play the game", the new amitz farm is just as interactive as hff ever was.
Anet had two solutions, either fix the mob spawning exploit (which would be a gmae wide change), or change the quests * local change). Both of these changes would end the hfff either way.
Funny thing is now Amitz Basin is the new faction farming central, and gaining more faction than the old hfff. It now seems that both the deep challege missions have easy exploits to get high scores. To get alot of faction i suggest getting a rit, warrior or perma sin down there.
Those sayign to "play the game", the new amitz farm is just as interactive as hff ever was.
In that case - it seems that you just aren't good enough to earn the title. |
And Tbh I did hfff for the money. Running 3 accounts was great 15k/25 runs. (including selling amber to merch)
I couldn't bring myself to grind out this title until after the hfff nerf. And even only playing a hour or two a day, I'm already up to 600k faction. I think it's the best thing they could have done. Now, no matter how you go at it, you can rake in at least 10k an hour.
I got Dual savior before nerf thank goodness.
And Tbh I did hfff for the money. Running 3 accounts was great 15k/25 runs. (including selling amber to merch) |
QQ corner is that way.
How about you shut up? Seriously, I for one am against redoing books, vanquishes and such for titles and benefits from those titles even more, but (H)FFF was even dumber than that. You should have to earn your shit by doing something, not clicking flags and finishing the quest every minute.
Kerwyn Nasilan
Now you are rewarded for playing GW, not minesweeper as already pointed out, its a good thing.
wasn't anets goal to make kurzick easier? seems with removing HFF maxing kurz will now just be longer..
You can gain points at over twice the rate of HFFF now with nominally more difficult (but greatly more fun) gameplay.
And if you VQ or do Urgoz or do HM books, for example, this comes with chance for rares, IDs, chests, etc. Far greater than HFFF in pretty much every distinguishable category.
Wow, lazy much?
How dare anet require you to actually play the game. They are evil and must be stopped.
How dare anet require you to actually play the game. They are evil and must be stopped.
Shemsu Anpw
I actually move back and forth in the Amatz Basin Mission I have 2 differnt shouts I use I can usually get all three groups with the 2 shouts, as well as heal and defence. And I've seen diferent people dieduring it. Whether the speeders or the sins death interferes with faction gathering. So compared to clicking flags with no chance of death, I''d says it is several stages up of interactive then the point and click method.
@Nightow: that was funny, good dig. Minesweaper FTW.
@Nightow: that was funny, good dig. Minesweaper FTW.
QQ moar pl0x
I'm actually happy that JQ/FA is alive again. Since AB seems to be ridden with morons and hfff was just plain boring...I have a chance to max kurz without flagging heros over and over again @.@.
I'm actually happy that JQ/FA is alive again. Since AB seems to be ridden with morons and hfff was just plain boring...I have a chance to max kurz without flagging heros over and over again @.@.
Now you are rewarded for perma sin tanking or spamming charge, not minesweeper as already pointed out, its a good thing.
The main complaint is that to get this large faction gain, you must play with people, which reading this board with the myriad of "I want 7 heroes now" posts, isn't what a lot of people want to do.
To reply to OP, Hff used an exploit and was easily bottable. Anet sucks at correctly figuring out if someone is botting. Rather than finding better bot detection methods (like having a GM pm the person to make sure he is actually playing) or fixing the heroes not spawning mobs exploit, they removed it completely. It will probably never return to the game. Personally when I fill like grinding my luxon titles, I h/h vanquish. I suggest you find a nice solo activity to gain faction again, one must always evolve.
i'm too bad to play hm...