Guild War Character Stuffed Animals
Phantom Flux
Anet had created some GW acessories. Through the GW store it would be soooo cool to purchase and own personalized GW character with choice of elite armors, basic armors, weapons and such.
I'd love to have one of my Assassin. I know those with female eles wearing sunspear elite would get a kick out of that!
A Minion Master with lil jagged bones around it or whatever.
I'd love to have one of my Assassin. I know those with female eles wearing sunspear elite would get a kick out of that!
A Minion Master with lil jagged bones around it or whatever.
Customizable characters with individual weapons and faces+skin tones? 120$?
Maybe the generic derv/para/w/e they use in the class select screen, but otherwise
Maybe the generic derv/para/w/e they use in the class select screen, but otherwise
the savage nornbear
No, because I voted no on Solange's idea and yours in remarkably similar. Secret Solange?
Calista Blackblood
I'd sooo pay for a stuffed Mallyx/Shiro/Lich/Abaddon
Rak Orgon of Beowulf
stuffed foes and heroes would be cool, but customized characters would unavoidably cost too much.
I'd deff buy a stuffed/action figure mallyx
I'd deff buy a stuffed/action figure mallyx
pumpkin pie
/Not signed
No because its a waste of raw materials creating future rubbish
No because its a waste of raw materials creating future rubbish
Calista Blackblood
pumpkin pie
useful things compare to stuffed toys for self satisfaction? i don't know about you but i seldom buy things that are for looks and display and to satisfy the yeah I own that mentality. sorry to disappoint you.
I wouldn't. Not saying it would be a bad idea so not signing either way, but I voted no, because no, I wouldn't get one.
Sure, if Anet had shittons of money to throw at stuff like this, but they don't so...
Shayne Hawke
I think that a stuffed animal from GW is the last thing I would want to buy.
Your poll options are horrid. Even though you try to make people pick the option you want by phrasing them so it seems saying no makes you an idiot, I said 'no'. I am an adult, and this is a game. If I was a kid of 10 years or younger, I'd be interested in a stuffed toy, but not as an adult. Even an action figure would be a childish thing few would want except the immature kids who /report you for saying damn.
A simple yes or no in your poll would suffice.
Voted no because I wouldn't buy it. I'd probably decline if it was free.
Voted no because I wouldn't buy it. I'd probably decline if it was free.
Daft Shifty
Your poll options are horrid. Even though you try to make people pick the option you want by phrasing them so it seems saying no makes you an idiot, I said 'no'. I am an adult, and this is a game. If I was a kid of 10 years or younger, I'd be interested in a stuffed toy, but not as an adult. Even an action figure would be a childish thing few would want except the immature kids who /report you for saying damn.
Wrath of m0o
Because i would hate to see Anet beat the crap out of my Stuffed Animal with the Nurf Bat.
Because i would hate to see Anet beat the crap out of my Stuffed Animal with the Nurf Bat.
Not because I would not like it, but because I don't see it happen. Creating unique designs for every order is just way too much work and too expensive.
But my wish for a big pluche Charr Shaman is still standing.
Not because I would not like it, but because I don't see it happen. Creating unique designs for every order is just way too much work and too expensive.
But my wish for a big pluche Charr Shaman is still standing.
Yeah , i can just imagine the scenario right now,-Invite girl to my room - girl see's stuffed guild wars toy - girl leaves ..........
/notsigned becouse I don't like the game that much.
Also someone come into my room, see the, for example Mallyx figure, and asks oh hey, what's this? And I say ah this is an overpowered boss from the multiplayer online game that I'm playing for 3 years now. I pwned him so much!!!!!!!111!
Ah but simply /notsigned.
Also I won't vote, becouse your options definitely sucks.
Also someone come into my room, see the, for example Mallyx figure, and asks oh hey, what's this? And I say ah this is an overpowered boss from the multiplayer online game that I'm playing for 3 years now. I pwned him so much!!!!!!!111!
Ah but simply /notsigned.
Also I won't vote, becouse your options definitely sucks.
Charr or Asura plushie, sure. However, I'm not sure you realize just how ugly plushies are when they attempt to make human looks for them. (just check out the Gwen plushie for the photics blog competition. Seriously, she's so gross). They always just end up looking like cheap cabbage patch dolls. 'Stuffed Animals' only look even remotely decent when they're just that...animals.
Also, your poll options suck. Next time you want someone to take an idea seriously post a serious poll.
Also, your poll options suck. Next time you want someone to take an idea seriously post a serious poll.
as above, poll options are terrible. I think cost of such thing would be enormous as well. They might offer some bosses maybe but not the personalized characters.
Maybe two or three years ago.
But today it doesn't make sense.
But today it doesn't make sense.
Not many people are interested in this and people who never heard/played GW won't know what it is. Anet would lose other than gain with this idea.
Sweet Mystery
I don't like physical stuff. What I want is more stuff in the GW shop. More stuff that I can keep even if my house burns, not things that can grow dust.
Keys to unlock stuff, real unreal stuff, not cups or shirts or pillows. I can't use that at all.
Keys to unlock stuff, real unreal stuff, not cups or shirts or pillows. I can't use that at all.
I think it would be kind of cute to have them. lol. Maybe a certain character or something.
Hey, what's wrong with adults having plushies? :s
Hey, what's wrong with adults having plushies? :s
mmmkay i am bad
GW2 dolls / stuff animals maybe
stuffed asurans ftw =D
stuffed asurans ftw =D
Omega Precept
Its a fun Idea but Its not a feasible business proposition. To much over head cost not enough buyers manufacturing nightmare. But I would love a stuffed rotwing or a The Black Beast of Arrgh
Perhaps if they came out with just a few stuffed animals like one for each class, a few major baddies and some minipets!
Perhaps if they came out with just a few stuffed animals like one for each class, a few major baddies and some minipets!
Yeah, and most people playing this game are a little too old for soft toys. I'd be tempted if they made a little Vekk figure or something, but in the end it's just more crap I don't really need and wouldn't actually buy. :P