Anet gives us Ranked Random Arena
Im gonna make it short and very straight forward. A 3yrs GW players spent most of the times on RA has finally step up and speak for the rest of experienced players that also enjoyed RA, " GIVE US A RANKED RANDOM ARENA!" Make a RA that same rank players against same rank, that way every games is GG and well worth of time playing it.
Arena Net already said no further content will be discussed/implemented for GW.
You spent most of your 3 years on GW in RA?
This is what GvG is for.
If it was ranked then it wouldn't be random... would it?
Orange Milk
WOW is right.
RA is NOT serious PvP
In my opionion RA should nt be rewarder Glad points, or at least it should have been kept on the 10 win = GP system so that TA could actully be the arena it was ment to be.
yeah, 3 years in RA, that's,...........sad.
RA is NOT serious PvP
In my opionion RA should nt be rewarder Glad points, or at least it should have been kept on the 10 win = GP system so that TA could actully be the arena it was ment to be.
yeah, 3 years in RA, that's,...........sad.
The Meth
The fact that you can get a gladiator rank in Retard Arena is a travesty.
95% of the RA players using the same builds from pvxwiki. It's no matter if you are playing in g2+ Arena or random. It's all the same.
95% of the RA players using the same builds from pvxwiki. It's no matter if you are playing in g2+ Arena or random. It's all the same.
The fact that you can get a gladiator rank in Retard Arena is a travesty.
Terrible idea, you take RA way too seriously. Plus if a system was implemented where you fought people of a similar rank.. it would be really boring for me just to play against R/P RaO and Enrage Lunge beastmasters, there would be nothing to powerblock LOL.
Farming mass glad points in RA with imba dps shit ftl.

hero battles is that way --->
Divinity Sword
I guess I didn't get the memo where the community can tell me where I spend my time in GW. Anyway...
95% of the RA players using the same builds from pvxwiki. It's no matter if you are playing in g2+ Arena or random. It's all the same. |
I hope that you don't actually believe what you just said.
Im gonna make it short and very straight forward. A 3yrs GW players spent most of the times on RA has finally step up and speak for the rest of experienced players that also enjoyed RA, " GIVE US A RANKED RANDOM ARENA!" Make a RA that same rank players against same rank, that way every games is GG and well worth of time playing it.
Sir Pandra Pierva
ohhh this would be a great idea.......ok i can't go on with a straight face
this thread wins the funniest thread ever
3 years in RA.....i've also spent nearly 3 years in RA cause its just so funny I also do other forms of pvp but mostly its RA/HA since getting a good gvg group who actually works together is getting really difficult...but anyway this idea of ranked RA is a joke cause i saw yesterday a g5 wammo in ra so glad or any title doesn't mean skill in fact I dont think it ever has, maybe at one point it may have but that was before my time in guildwars.
plus ra is always a great place to grab retarted builds and see if they work at all.........
also if you want a "challenge" in ra go to the Chinese district. syncers galore
this thread wins the funniest thread ever
3 years in RA.....i've also spent nearly 3 years in RA cause its just so funny I also do other forms of pvp but mostly its RA/HA since getting a good gvg group who actually works together is getting really difficult...but anyway this idea of ranked RA is a joke cause i saw yesterday a g5 wammo in ra so glad or any title doesn't mean skill in fact I dont think it ever has, maybe at one point it may have but that was before my time in guildwars.
plus ra is always a great place to grab retarted builds and see if they work at all.........
also if you want a "challenge" in ra go to the Chinese district. syncers galore
Martin Firestorm
Avatar of Healing
RA is definitely serious business. >_> its a place to test out redonkulous builds to see if they even work. ranked RA=TA.
Icy The Mage
You spent.. HOW MUCH TIME IN RA?!?!!!?!?
Holy cow; you have my pity.
Holy cow; you have my pity.
KoleAurow 23
Yes, RA is not serious. And the worst part about it is when people get flamed by PVXWiki-noobs for using a more Original build...
lol. I think RA is great for testing builds. It is not a place for hardcore PvP with ranks...
lol. I think RA is great for testing builds. It is not a place for hardcore PvP with ranks...
interesting Idea, although somewhat anacronistic...
I too enjoy RA. For the most part, THERE IS NO WAIT!!!! U get to staging area, U play. If UR not part of a PvP guild that realy N-JOYS TA, it takes A LONG TIME to form a PUG in TA & oh by the way, U have to run a specific build (tha's ok since that's the nature of the team). I totally agree with the need to run a specifc build in TA, after all it IS a TEAM. In a way, RA is more of FA & JQ play/build style due to the random nature.
besides I find PUGGING in TA to be tedious at best: unranked RaO LFG... oh please add me... I'm a good player really... 20 min later... map to RA for gamin... sheesh!!!
I too enjoy RA. For the most part, THERE IS NO WAIT!!!! U get to staging area, U play. If UR not part of a PvP guild that realy N-JOYS TA, it takes A LONG TIME to form a PUG in TA & oh by the way, U have to run a specific build (tha's ok since that's the nature of the team). I totally agree with the need to run a specifc build in TA, after all it IS a TEAM. In a way, RA is more of FA & JQ play/build style due to the random nature.
besides I find PUGGING in TA to be tedious at best: unranked RaO LFG... oh please add me... I'm a good player really... 20 min later... map to RA for gamin... sheesh!!!
Dan Ops
So you like PUG PvP. Wait...what!?
Rhamia Darigaz
easy there cowboy. nobody's telling you what to do in gw. they're just saying that taking RA this seriously is stupid. i guess i didn't get the memo where the community isn't supposed to express their opinions in their posts.
Fitz Rinley
The fact that you can get a gladiator rank in Retard Arena is a travesty. |
What is a travesty is this attitude. This is a primary reason and example of why I will not consider being a PvP player. Also, why I avoid playing with most of the PvE players that I do not know from gaming. What is apparent to me is that some players cannot adjust to the challenge of random obstacles. One of those key and critical obstacles is playing with players who have less experience or are trying new things. That effectively means excluding all who are willing to push the envelop, make the errors that result in learning, and could learn from a constructive example. (An example insulting players apparently do not have the patience with which they ought to perform.)
I can understand the OP's desire to see RA be something better as an experience. I quite frequently assist PvE players in developing a better understanding of the game. But there are times when I like to get together with what experienced players are available to go and do something more difficult with the smoothness that our experience results in. Allowing people to enter ranked RA has pro.s and con.s that may justify leaving it just as it is.
I would favor something like this if experienced players were more forthcoming and supportive with newer players. (Three years playing and I still find no reason to PvP.)
Reverend Dr
No matter how horrible the OP's idea, I would be all for it. It would finally give me a goal to strive: Being the worst RA player in the whole game.
In three years you are the first one who had the idea to ...
Oh wait, I forgot about search:
RA "Ranked" District
(wonder why it is closed
PvP District Accessibility Based on Rank
Oh wait, I forgot about search:
RA "Ranked" District
(wonder why it is closed

PvP District Accessibility Based on Rank
fitz is right. that attitude stinks here. you all say RA is lame pvp or whatever. its pvp none the less and since its random i think it actually deserves more weight than TA. not hard to farm points with smiters boon/rao axe now is it? gogogo discordway. ra is the highly competitive, so id have to venture a guess that most of you that flame it for being lame are the ones that go there and get killed instantly. you have to think a bit to make a build that has dps + survivability. yeah some pvx builds are quite common, but isnt that the point of pvx? to help people out. there may be lots of fail people there as youve said, but then you come across people that are ridiculously good. i wouldnt mind seeing a ranked ra so that the game would group me with people of 'my' skill level. wouldnt that make rank mean something? owait you all say it doesnt mean anything, so why not have a ranked version? if youre so sure rank is meaningless, why not let your r5 glad you got as a lame sway/rao be tested against a r5 that got it without the gimmic? let your game do the talking. or are you afraid of getting beat?
Fitz wins the thread.
I don't see a problem with changing it. Might breathe new life into some things. Who knows. But then again, I doubt they will change it.
I don't see a problem with changing it. Might breathe new life into some things. Who knows. But then again, I doubt they will change it.
Omega Precept
Yes, RA is not serious. And the worst part about it is when people get flamed by PVXWiki-noobs for using a more Original build...
lol. I think RA is great for testing builds. It is not a place for hardcore PvP with ranks... |
I am going to have to go with not /signed on this one. I do however agree with Fitz and appericate his mature attitude and knowledgeable response. That said imo Ra is just a place to get your feet wet for serious pvp. Maybe spending a month or two testing builds and getting the hang of pressure and what not with out serious stakes at hand. Its good times and all but lacks real challenges that I have enjoyed in pvp through out the years. If you would have spent 3 years in HA you would know and have used pretty much every fad build ever made (good and bad before nerfs) + you would have a much larger understanding and knowledge of the diversity of skills and builds that are available. I have seen some really out side the box thinking in ha and gvg while in ra... not so much .
Good players will quickly crush bad players (read: most GWG posters lululul), gaining ranks and eventually ending up playing against the same 4 people over and over again. Bad players will get crushed repeatedly until a clear rank tier is formed at which point they will slowly gain points by getting lucky in matches against other bad players until they get to the point where they magically fall into a tier high enough for the good players to crush them some more, giving the good players free rank and teaching bad players absolutely nothing other than how to suck and lose.
Owik Gall
Good players will quickly crush bad players (read: most GWG posters lululul), gaining ranks and eventually ending up playing against the same 4 people over and over again. Bad players will get crushed repeatedly until a clear rank tier is formed at which point they will slowly gain points by getting lucky in matches against other bad players until they get to the point where they magically fall into a tier high enough for the good players to crush them some more, giving the good players free rank and teaching bad players absolutely nothing other than how to suck and lose.
pumpkin pie
hrmz, ranked random arena is called team arena. lol
but this gives me an idea, prevent ranked player from entering random arena.
but this gives me an idea, prevent ranked player from entering random arena.

unranked to g1 RA: US dists
g2-g4/5 RA: International dists
g5/6+ RA: Asia-China dists kekeke
g2-g4/5 RA: International dists
g5/6+ RA: Asia-China dists kekeke
Visit international districts- thanks.
I would support a 4vs4 GvG match for small guilds.
It's called Hero-way.
And /unsigned for ranked random arena. RA is simply to test out the PvP, it's not something you play seriously. Ranked RA will be dumbest thing ever, since already dumb elitism will rise through the roof. You think syncers, griefers and leavers are bad now? Guess what'll happen if there's a ranked arena.
And /unsigned for ranked random arena. RA is simply to test out the PvP, it's not something you play seriously. Ranked RA will be dumbest thing ever, since already dumb elitism will rise through the roof. You think syncers, griefers and leavers are bad now? Guess what'll happen if there's a ranked arena.
I agree with TC. Some of us like to play with others, but don't like the hassle and time of making groups. And some of us are anti-social, like me. I like to play with people online, but I don't like to get to know people so I try to avoid things like voicechat or close-knit guilds. Hence the only forms of PvP I do are the random kind, Fort Aspenwood and RA.
RA may not be serious, but it's the easiest option for quick fun anti-social pvp. It gets a lot less fun when you constantly get a bane signet wammo or something or a build on your side that is terrible. Dividing into ranks would make each battle more worthwhile I think.
RA may not be serious, but it's the easiest option for quick fun anti-social pvp. It gets a lot less fun when you constantly get a bane signet wammo or something or a build on your side that is terrible. Dividing into ranks would make each battle more worthwhile I think.
its alredy there, its called Korean district...
Master Ketsu
My name is korean district. Hi.
if u want to play with ranked player try ta and it shouldn't matter if its random wouldnt u rather play with freinds im sure u made some over the course of 3 years...i hope