i have up to $2000 to spend on a new desktop. (this includes monitor, OS, mouse, keyboard,...: the whole thing!)
any ideas on how to spend my money?
(can use newegg even tho i'm european, have a friend in amerika that will mail me my parts)
can't say i know nothing about computers, but not enough to pick all my computer parts. I am partial to intel based pc's, but if there is a significant performance boost by going AMD, i'll consider it.
whole builds are ok, parts are ok, comments on my chosen parts are ok.
thx in advance
what i was thinking:
cpu: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...ehalem%2092 0
mobo: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16813130215
memory: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820145221 (do i need more memory?)
GPU: 2x http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16814130398
hdd: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16822152098
case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16811129021
PSU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16817171023
monitor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16824001309
OS: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16832116485
keyboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16823175104
mouse: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16834998675
total price: 2034,89 USD
comment are more then welcome!
my new rig
dark horni worm
CPU/MB - The Nehalem is a nice setup. It's getting good reviews all over the net, but it is still a new technology so expect a bug or two with it, especially that motherboard/chipset. It should overclock well if you're into that sort of thing. Make sure you get an aftermarket CPU cooler if you plan to do any overclocking. Let me know if you'd like some suggestions.
Memory - Since you chose a 32-bit OS, the 3GB kit you chose is the max you can use... if you want to step up to a 6GB kit, you'll need to get a 64-bit OS.
GPU - I personally would go with the Radeon 4870 X2 instead of 2x GTX260's for $500. Later, if you want another, get another 4870 X2 since that MSI board supports both SLI and CrossfireX.
HDD - go with this instead. I have owned 2 of these and they're fantastic drives.
PSU - that unit is 80-Plus so it may be a quality unit, but trust me, that's one place you do not want to skimp on your PC. If it were my money, I'd get this 650W Corsair unit. I've owned 2 of the 520W versions and they are the best.
Monitor - Samsung Monitors FTW
KB - Thats my KB! I have the blue one - they're good keyboards.
Mouse - I dunno. I've never owned an HP branded mouse so you're on your own. I have owned a TON of Logitech stuff and they're the best in my mind. May I suggest this, unless you already have a Bluetooth adapter (the mouse doesn't come with one):
Memory - Since you chose a 32-bit OS, the 3GB kit you chose is the max you can use... if you want to step up to a 6GB kit, you'll need to get a 64-bit OS.
GPU - I personally would go with the Radeon 4870 X2 instead of 2x GTX260's for $500. Later, if you want another, get another 4870 X2 since that MSI board supports both SLI and CrossfireX.
HDD - go with this instead. I have owned 2 of these and they're fantastic drives.
PSU - that unit is 80-Plus so it may be a quality unit, but trust me, that's one place you do not want to skimp on your PC. If it were my money, I'd get this 650W Corsair unit. I've owned 2 of the 520W versions and they are the best.
Monitor - Samsung Monitors FTW
KB - Thats my KB! I have the blue one - they're good keyboards.
Mouse - I dunno. I've never owned an HP branded mouse so you're on your own. I have owned a TON of Logitech stuff and they're the best in my mind. May I suggest this, unless you already have a Bluetooth adapter (the mouse doesn't come with one):
Lord Sojar
I disagree about the 4870x2 over the dual GTX260s. Quad crossfire doesn't scale well, and is a waste of money, aka two of the 4870x2's in Crossfire. The same can be said for triple GTX280's in TriSLi, but going from dual to tri is bad enough, going from tri to quad is just retarded.