No skill balance this month?
Not that it would be good, but is there going to be one?
Seef II
It's probably next week. Linsey said something about a new build then.
Horace Slughorn
Darn, I have a bunch of zaishen keys saved up in anticipation of the new tonic. Was really hoping for the update today.

<--has come to expect updates during the second Thursday of the month. If there is one, it'll be then, when the update anything else and hand out the tourney points.
Reverend Dr
I'm still waiting for the skill update from last month.
And then I was still waiting for...
I'm still waiting for a skill update for pre-Factions.
And then I was still waiting for...
I'm still waiting for a skill update for pre-Factions.
yea there commitment of the first Thursday of every month has proven to be wrong time and time again if you haven't learned that by now i dont know what game you have been playing....
well u'd think they'd be able to make the 1st thursday for small and minor updates
big updates like last month was understandable
unless anet is tryin to say that this months update is also quite big?
big updates like last month was understandable
unless anet is tryin to say that this months update is also quite big?
wind fire and ice
updates have ben on the second week for quite a while,it isnt any thing special...
Wait... what's the big update this month again? 
Seriously, as if Zkeys + Wintersday isn't enough.

Seriously, as if Zkeys + Wintersday isn't enough.
It makes more sense that the update would be next week. They will probablly include the skill bonus and the reward points along with the wintersday update.
Icy The Mage
wintersday!!! woot!!!
Actually they've been doing the skills on the first thursday and the other stuff on the second one. That's why I think there isn't going to be one because they've made no attempt to let us know it's going to be pushed back a week.
Star Gazer
what about that HOM update they quietly dismissed?
That HoM update can wait since Wintersday is going to begin shortly. I'm sure Linsey is busy enough as it is with getting things ready for the big, annual event.
Actually they've been doing the skills on the first thursday and the other stuff on the second one. That's why I think there isn't going to be one because they've made no attempt to let us know it's going to be pushed back a week.
As for HoM updates, no mention that they've been "dismissed." Of course, there's also never been a release date for them so the constant whine about them not showing up is getting pretty old.
What Now
No, its pretty much been the second Thursday. When there are big updates being pushed out(like the last 2 months) they have split the skills and the main meat of the updates into two. Since there's nothing new in the Wintersday update(except the hats), well not likely anything new, its not a big big enough update to warrant splitting them.
As for HoM updates, no mention that they've been "dismissed." Of course, there's also never been a release date for them so the constant whine about them not showing up is getting pretty old. |
Oh well, the Thursday updates are nothing compared to Wintersday. ^_^
They switched it to the 2nd Thursday of each month so they can do the reward points in the same build. reward points are given out 2 weeks after the mATs.
They could have at least updated the AT rotation maps this thursday....
Master Ketsu
Iv'e given up on skill updates. The meta has been noobish and stagnant for quite some time now. If Anet cared about this problem they would have likely included it in the last few skill updates, which were all jokes.
Sure there's that hope that they one day release a real balance update like they used to 2 years ago, but its highly unlikely. I would not be surprised if the pattern of only having 2~4 skill changes per update that ultimately never accomplish anything continue until the day the servers go offline.
Sure there's that hope that they one day release a real balance update like they used to 2 years ago, but its highly unlikely. I would not be surprised if the pattern of only having 2~4 skill changes per update that ultimately never accomplish anything continue until the day the servers go offline.
heres wuts anet's gonna do for update. yall rdy for this?
1. nerf skill so bad that mending can laugh at it
2. change a skill completely from wut it did before
3. not buff anything important
4. ???
5. profit
1. nerf skill so bad that mending can laugh at it
2. change a skill completely from wut it did before
3. not buff anything important
4. ???
5. profit
heres wuts anet's gonna do for update. yall rdy for this?
1. nerf skill so bad that mending can laugh at it 2. change a skill completely from wut it did before 3. not buff anything important 4. ??? 5. profit |
At least, that's my prediction.
Uh no, look back, skill updates have been the first Thursday the last month or few with bug fixes then the NEXT one is the actual game update.
When there are big updates being pushed out.. they have split the skills and the main meat of the updates into two. |
wire dawg
here let me end this go read lindsey's journal update is next week
WTS Elite Frenzy PST
Knight O Cydonia
Maybe it's been put on hold due to the ESL Final tomorrow.
So I am guessing it's happening in 14 days?
Since this month almost started with a Thursday and considering how busy they are and given the fact that they've gotten used to needing 14-ish days ...
The big question really is - when will the updates start dropping so late that we're going to end up with a month skipped?
Since this month almost started with a Thursday and considering how busy they are and given the fact that they've gotten used to needing 14-ish days ...
The big question really is - when will the updates start dropping so late that we're going to end up with a month skipped?
The big question really is - when will the updates start dropping so late that we're going to end up with a month skipped?
And then we have an update on the first Thursday of the month. Rejoice.
Why is everyone flipping out? Since May, every skill update has been on the second Tuesday of the month except in November, and that was on account of the GSL finals - Izzy didn't want to release a large skill update two days before a major third-party event.
Meh, unless the give something new cool and interesting its still gonna be the same old stuff.
Fril Estelin
Some Guru-ers are desperately in need of patience. I mean, what's the big deal with something being this week, next week or even next months? Why can't people just sit and relax, take things as they happen instead of putting their expectations first?
WTS Patience, whisp offer.
WTS Patience, whisp offer.
Some Guru-ers are desperately in need of patience. I mean, what's the big deal with something being this week, next week or even next months? Why can't people just sit and relax, take things as they happen instead of putting their expectations first?
WTS Patience, whisp offer. |
Cale Roughstar
Last month didn't clue you in to how some things might be late? lol
Meh, unless the give something new cool and interesting its still gonna be the same old stuff.
Also, to extend on my previous post:
Why is everyone flipping out? Since May, every skill update has been on the second Tuesday of the month except in November, and that was on account of the GSL finals - Izzy didn't want to release a large skill update two days before a major third-party event.
The estimated release date for this balance has always been the 11th; it's mere speculation based on limited information that led to the faulty conclusion that it would have been released on the 4th.
Iv'e given up on skill updates. The meta has been noobish and stagnant for quite some time now. If Anet cared about this problem they would have likely included it in the last few skill updates, which were all jokes.
Sure there's that hope that they one day release a real balance update like they used to 2 years ago, but its highly unlikely. I would not be surprised if the pattern of only having 2~4 skill changes per update that ultimately never accomplish anything continue until the day the servers go offline. |
The First Silvari
Well... people have a right to demand what they have been told to expect. (updates on the first Thursday of the Month)Top it off this is a business releationship between consumers and merchant. Have you ever read the complaints of cutomers from any large business? Its natural and expected.
Updates increase the value of the product as it enhances the experience so of course people will want the updates to happen when ANet says they will be.
ANet drops the ball be creating expectation and not fulfilling them on a consistent basis. Customer relations need to get their act together and get infront of it by making announcements when things they have promised to do will be delayed and provide a reason.
For those who QQ at posts that complain... WTH did you buy this game for meh? Customer is always right?
Updates increase the value of the product as it enhances the experience so of course people will want the updates to happen when ANet says they will be.
ANet drops the ball be creating expectation and not fulfilling them on a consistent basis. Customer relations need to get their act together and get infront of it by making announcements when things they have promised to do will be delayed and provide a reason.
For those who QQ at posts that complain... WTH did you buy this game for meh? Customer is always right?
Fril Estelin
Yea...because waiting 2 years for Anet to balance their game isn't having patience.
I don't know where your priorities are, but 2years for a game is nothing to me. (sometimes I even wonder why it should be so long for gamer who have plenty of other games to play anyway) I'm not impatient because I'll take what I can get, when it's available. People bash Anet because of poor PR (announcing GW2 way too early), and I'm not going to "try to silence or censor people" who have the right to express their impatience, but I think it's deeply counter-productive (in the sense of the collective where we spend time reading this GW board). It's a game, why put expectations so high? I'd understand if it was a professional software which people use in their professional life, but not for a game.
Yes it's late, similarly to last month and to the GW2 beta. But then, why having to discuss it? I'd understand if it was about knowing whether someone didn't get the update because of, e.g., a bug. Or even if there was a month delay (i.e., no December update). But not for a short delay. People try to dissect these facts and start inferring what, say, Linsey is doing or not doing, what Regina should or should not say (haven't heard that one yet, it'd be nice but I won't take against her "delays" unless this issue becomes very hot), or the global strategy of Anet. It's mad, Anet is made of people trying their best to deliver, it's understandable given how they gave us a f2p MMO (let's not go back to the very-very-very-long discussion of the downfall of GW...) and are preparing for another big one.
Why is everyone flipping out? Since May, every skill update has been on the second Tuesday of the month except in November, and that was on account of the GSL finals - Izzy didn't want to release a large skill update two days before a major third-party event.
The skill balance is more than likely going to be next week. Don't jump to conclusions because the skill update wasn't this week. There hasn't been a skill balance the first week of the month in a long time, I don't see why this thread was created.