Seeking ECTO service

Preacher Jim

Preacher Jim

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007

Battlestar Ares


I'm NOT looking for any handouts, I'd just like to know if there's anyone out there who'd be willing to cut a deal on running ectos for me. I'm about 1/3 of the way to obby armor & getting impaitent. I don't run/farm/solo UW. However, as I stated perhaps I can work something out with someone who does.

EDITED by Yang Whirlwind If you are looking to buy Ecto, please make a post in the Buy section.
Since the trade window and characters cannot hold more than 100K cash at a time, Ecto (and Z-keys) are used as cash in 100K+ trades. Because of this, the value of Ecto, is quite established.
You do not need a "runner", you need a seller ... closed!