/zranking in PvP.
Shadowspawn X
The soul purpose of the zrank is to gloat. Its allowed and encouraged by Anet and even the charr gloat. You are the one who is a bad sport by hating on those who gloat. They won so give them their little victory dance. It is better to get ranked or zranked than have local chat full of trash talk. Lighten up, some 12 year old kid kills you in RA he's proud and zranks you, so what? Why deny him that?
AFAIK, zranking and ranking is considered bad behaviour. I remember a guild punished because they kept /ranking their opponents.
Well, if you like playing a fair football game and then instead of a handshake, opponents mob you after you leave the field. And beat you up and shave a curse word in your head.
Or how should 4th graders feel if 6th graders beat the brains out of them and were haunted by it for the next week? Even if all of the opposing players were 10cm higher and 15kg heavier than your best player.
You do like that? Okay, don't be surprised if some people break your legs if you played bad. And then chop your foot off and shove it up your ass.
tl;dr /ranking is acting like a poor sportsman asshole.
About that, I remember A.Net saying Resurrection on W/Mo or Healing Breeze + Orison of Healing means he's able to survive without a monk's help. Or that Mini Polar Bear doesn't exist. Or that there never has been anti-farming code.
Or how should 4th graders feel if 6th graders beat the brains out of them and were haunted by it for the next week? Even if all of the opposing players were 10cm higher and 15kg heavier than your best player.
You do like that? Okay, don't be surprised if some people break your legs if you played bad. And then chop your foot off and shove it up your ass.
tl;dr /ranking is acting like a poor sportsman asshole.
Even Arenanet stated that it's awesome if you /zrank your enemies. |
About that, I remember A.Net saying Resurrection on W/Mo or Healing Breeze + Orison of Healing means he's able to survive without a monk's help. Or that Mini Polar Bear doesn't exist. Or that there never has been anti-farming code.
/zrank is a title like Treasure Hunter (except for Treasure Hunter you actually have to work a little bit) with an emote.
As people said before, it has nothing to do with PvP, who cares if they are stabbing your corpse with a copper spear.
Eragon Zarroc
what is the purpose of having the emote if not to use it to show off? what is the purpose of having titles at all if not to show off? The entire purpose of playing this game for many people is just to become better than others in a certain aspect of the game so that they can enjoy showing off to those that aren't as good. if someone emotes on ur dead corpse, who cares? if it makes u feel better, just call them a noob in ur mind so that u can feel like superior one. would that make u happier? ur going to have to deal with bigots in pvp, deal with it or don't play pvp.
what is the purpose of having the emote if not to use it to show off? what is the purpose of having titles at all if not to show off? The entire purpose of playing this game for many people is just to become better than others in a certain aspect of the game so that they can enjoy showing off to those that aren't as good. if someone emotes on ur dead corpse, who cares? if it makes u feel better, just call them a noob in ur mind so that u can feel like superior one. would that make u happier? ur going to have to deal with bigots in pvp, deal with it or don't play pvp.
xDusT II
By this logic, if someone from the opposing soccer team beats you up, you can either deal with it or don't play the game. I really, really hate such 0/1 thinking.
This is even worse than when people complained about golems blocking mad king...
Reverend Dr
Personally I'm upset that when my team surrounds and completely bodyblocks the last remaining player and we Zrank them they don't die from the spear damage.
Seriously, if /rank and /zrank are not intended to be used as some sort of victory pose, then why have them in the game at all? If someone is complaining about their current use, please answer me this: What are they supposed to be used for?
Also, this is the internet, if you cannot getover someone gloating over a win or being upset over a loss, well then you are not suited for any type of sport to begin with.
Seriously, if /rank and /zrank are not intended to be used as some sort of victory pose, then why have them in the game at all? If someone is complaining about their current use, please answer me this: What are they supposed to be used for?
Also, this is the internet, if you cannot getover someone gloating over a win or being upset over a loss, well then you are not suited for any type of sport to begin with.
I have a sneaky suspicion somebody just had their ass handed on a platter ...

Don't get mad, get even.
(And as I have stated before - with the /bow emote followed by the explanation that you don't have any flashy emote because you are bad. And that they just got trashed by you ...)

Don't get mad, get even.
(And as I have stated before - with the /bow emote followed by the explanation that you don't have any flashy emote because you are bad. And that they just got trashed by you ...)
Kyp Jade
Aye know what you mean,
bottom line is people are asshats
It's kinda like griefing in a way. It's the fact that they think there better is what gets me about it, most of the time its z-rank or bambi spam, I ignore it for the most part as those titles don't really, but its how they think it does, only a small thing for me in the end though
bottom line is people are asshats
It's kinda like griefing in a way. It's the fact that they think there better is what gets me about it, most of the time its z-rank or bambi spam, I ignore it for the most part as those titles don't really, but its how they think it does, only a small thing for me in the end though
Tamuril elansar
why zrank?
cuz i can.
cuz i can.
It's something done for kicks. Grow up and get over it. It's not griefing. It does not hurt your play in any way. Bad mannered players exist. Welcome to competition.
/zranking was added as a means to Taunt ones dead target. Therefore the players are using it as it was intended to be.
This thread is epic fail
This thread is epic fail
Personally I'm upset that when my team surrounds and completely bodyblocks the last remaining player and we Zrank them they don't die from the spear damage.
Seriously, if /rank and /zrank are not intended to be used as some sort of victory pose, then why have them in the game at all? If someone is complaining about their current use, please answer me this: What are they supposed to be used for? Also, this is the internet, if you cannot getover someone gloating over a win or being upset over a loss, well then you are not suited for any type of sport to begin with. |
I hope we get to crouch in GW2, so i can teabag corpses instead of ranking them xD
Trash talking, taunting, ranking ... it's part of pvp ... and you know what?
I even enjoy 99% of the times. It's part of the game for me.
And yeah I can get mad about someone zranking me while I am lying on the ground, just wanting to flash my tiger in his/her face. It gets me mad in a good way though, gets me in the fighting mood. We are laughing a lot about the shit talking going with my guildies. Most of the time not actively joining in but it is a lot of fun to see and hear all that raging.
I think more of it like the haka of the NZ Rugby team then the misplaced examples of Abedeus. Don't forget that the zrank emote doesn't do any damage ...
I even enjoy 99% of the times. It's part of the game for me.
And yeah I can get mad about someone zranking me while I am lying on the ground, just wanting to flash my tiger in his/her face. It gets me mad in a good way though, gets me in the fighting mood. We are laughing a lot about the shit talking going with my guildies. Most of the time not actively joining in but it is a lot of fun to see and hear all that raging.
I think more of it like the haka of the NZ Rugby team then the misplaced examples of Abedeus. Don't forget that the zrank emote doesn't do any damage ...
thor hammerbane
I love when people zrank/rank me in RA or something, makes me laugh every time. Enjoy it 
Morons think that a sway title or a pve farming title applies to RA? mmkay

Morons think that a sway title or a pve farming title applies to RA? mmkay
What is this nonsense about this being a PvP phenomemon? That title is essentially a PvE title. As far as I'm concerned this simply proves that PvE players are a bunch of assholes.
That's the purpose of the emote, to show off.
You're gonna see some far worse things in pvp than corpse ranking (namely, alot of elitism), if you can't deal with it don't play it.
You're gonna see some far worse things in pvp than corpse ranking (namely, alot of elitism), if you can't deal with it don't play it.
Zranks, means nothing in pvp tbh.
just some pve nub who failed in HA and now is buying his emote. final.
just some pve nub who failed in HA and now is buying his emote. final.
Cale Roughstar
onoz! he stuck his gholen shpear in meh bodies! whatever will I doz?
Zrank is just a way for people who have pixel money to piss it away on shiner pixels, that apparently make people rage.
Zrank is just a way for people who have pixel money to piss it away on shiner pixels, that apparently make people rage.
that's what the /zrank is for. if something as simple as an emote can make you want to quit pvp, then that's just kind of pathetic.
I Could care less about /zrank in RA, if they want to look like a fool let them. in fact i would to as far as to say i like the /zrank stuff.
Lets Face it /zrank is the best thing Anet has ever done for people who primarily PvP. thanks to it the value of a zkey went from 500 to 5,000 gold.
so look at it this way the next time you get /zranked in ra
"you may have killed me because my side had no monks or your useing a over powered build that is as easy to use as rolling your head across the keyboard and now your going to flash a title that you got by buying Over valued keys for a chest with a crap drop rate from people like me. GG GfG!
Lets Face it /zrank is the best thing Anet has ever done for people who primarily PvP. thanks to it the value of a zkey went from 500 to 5,000 gold.
so look at it this way the next time you get /zranked in ra
"you may have killed me because my side had no monks or your useing a over powered build that is as easy to use as rolling your head across the keyboard and now your going to flash a title that you got by buying Over valued keys for a chest with a crap drop rate from people like me. GG GfG!
Hahaha I like how some of you guys are acting like high end PvP players don't have the highest ranks of this title. Maybe the first few tracks of this title are PvE, but after that no way jose. The only people who have that much keys/money are PvPers or some of the high end trader types. Anyways people need to stop thinking HA takes skill, because last time I checked I won halls with IWAY and if I can do that then something is obviously not right with that place. The only thing that I think might take skill is top 100 GvG, but even that is a lolfest sometimes.
Regardless it's just a game and it really shouldn't upset you that much OP. It just means you're upset because you got beat, which is okay. Just means you have to play better next time.
Regardless it's just a game and it really shouldn't upset you that much OP. It just means you're upset because you got beat, which is okay. Just means you have to play better next time.
Well, if you like playing a fair football game and then instead of a handshake, opponents mob you after you leave the field. And beat you up and shave a curse word in your head.
Or how should 4th graders feel if 6th graders beat the brains out of them and were haunted by it for the next week? Even if all of the opposing players were 10cm higher and 15kg heavier than your best player. You do like that? Okay, don't be surprised if some people break your legs if you played bad. And then chop your foot off and shove it up your ass. |
By this logic, if someone from the opposing soccer team beats you up, you can either deal with it or don't play the game. I really, really hate such 0/1 thinking.
So using an emote which is essentially the equivelant of poking somebody and saying "Hey I won you suck" is the same as beating the shit out of a person!
Because only bad players die in PvP, right you retard??
NO, I think it is a very good description of play modes where competition rules, you get the worst of the scum there, like some moderators and members of this forum. Nobody judges it because the PvP RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOheads of ANet encourages it. I lost any respect towards all the PvP programmers and designers the day they decided to do that. It is not a sport, if you don´t have rules of sportsmanship. |
Okay, so... I don't have an emote, but still, if I did have one, I would flash because it's funny. It's a joke, yeah?
Also: It's pretty much impossible to flash your emote, whether it be zrank or hero, without someone calling you an elitist, a showoff or whatever. If you flash it in town, it's offending and you're an elitist and a showoff, if you flash it in a match it's either offending and bad sportsmanship and elitism, or just dumb if you're losing.
If you use it in PvE, well, all hell breaks loose, 'cause we all know those PvP'ers are just a bunch of elitists and asshats.
So what are emotes for again? For using it when you're on your own?
lol So using an emote which is essentially the equivelant of poking somebody and saying "Hey I won you suck" is the same as beating the shit out of a person! THE MORE YOU KNOW |
So what are emotes for again? For using it when you're on your own?
I don't care much if people are z-ranking over my corpse. I'll just respawn and kick the crap out of them. Or get killed and z-ranked once again by that same person, but that would just mean I suck at PvP.
feels good man
Snow Bunny
Because competitive taunting in a player vs. player format isn't a bad thing?
I do it only in HA or AB where people use their HA emotes.
Where you roll past a R6+ team or something and Zrank them saying
'You just got pwnt by a PvE scrub'
Where you roll past a R6+ team or something and Zrank them saying
'You just got pwnt by a PvE scrub'
Jae Onasi
Getting /zranked in AB by someone who killed me makes me just laugh at the silliness. It also makes me notice their name. They become a top target for me when I find them next. 
It is, however, fun to /zrank a dead boss in PvE. It's completely inane, but it's still fun. You don't have to earn a zrank in PvP--I've gotten most of my points from the Xunlai tournament, and instead of being smart and selling the keys, I've fed my z-chest addiction and opened the thing enough times to get a rank. Ah well.
It is, however, fun to /zrank a dead boss in PvE. It's completely inane, but it's still fun. You don't have to earn a zrank in PvP--I've gotten most of my points from the Xunlai tournament, and instead of being smart and selling the keys, I've fed my z-chest addiction and opened the thing enough times to get a rank. Ah well.
Still unhealthy sportsmenship. Making fun of inferior players when they are obviously inferior is exactly like tripping a small kid because he lost a game against your team.
Stop being a pussy and kick him in the nuts when he's down!
Seriously - I'd tell you to go play PvE, but I fear that the we'll be reading about how rude the Charr are for /ranking you next ...
Rocky Raccoon
Why do people have to go and ruin a friendly game by /zranking on other people's corpses in PvP? I've always shown good sportsmanship behaviour but all these efforts just go down the drain when everyone else simply doesn't care and continue to rub salt on your wounds... while they don't even know you. I just quit 10 minutes into RA just 'cause chances are I just know someone else is going to /rank on us again and spoil the fun in playing.
If anyone here does it, just give me an honest answer. Does it make you feel superior or what? Why can't we just keep quiet and be a good sport about it? |
Ultima pyromancer
For each Rank you have on the Zaishen Title track, you will get a special emote that shows off your Title. To display your emote, just type /zaishen or /zrank. When you type in the emote command, the weapons listed below will dramatically fall from the sky and embed themselves into the ground in front of you. The Zaishen Rank emotes were created to be very interactive. For example, if you position yourself correctly, you can use it as a finishing move after you defeat someone!
Quoted from Guildwars official site
well i guess they anticipated PvP to turn into such a grudge fest and decided to give us something to properly rub it in after you kill someone.. i still prefered bambi spikes
Quoted from Guildwars official site
well i guess they anticipated PvP to turn into such a grudge fest and decided to give us something to properly rub it in after you kill someone.. i still prefered bambi spikes

Except when you get tripped, you get physically injured. When you get (z)ranked, you get no injury, unless you're a huge carebear and you get emotionally scarred. In that case, you shouldn't be playing a competitive game.