LF Nightfall Storyline runner

SteelShape TanK

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006

sky kings



I need to get my sin through nf and to bored to do it myself.
So I'm looking for some1 who can rush me through all missions( dont have to be masters) + prim quests while i am Semi-Afk.
I'm at Land of heroes now.

leave you're ign & price pls.


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2008

My guild hall (which smells of rich mahogany, i wish)


Hey dude, i can run all the missions for you. it'll cost 100-120k for all, and if i rush i might be able to get them all in a day or 2 if you're interested. Pm me in-game or post back soon to let me know. it'll take me all day so I don't know how you'd pay. well answer back. thx