I'm looking for some one - well, more likely, a bunch of people on an area by area basis - to pretty much vanquish all three campaigns for me. I'm on the title grind, but like catogropher, this one just fills me with crushing despair of doing myself. Plus I'm spending a lot of time working from home, so I have an excess of time to spend semi-idle.
But enough backstory. I'm paying a premium rate, as I understand it, of 120G per monster killed. Payment made on completion of area.
IGN is Rakk Endleslight, and I'm in the GMT timezone. Though I'm usually up late.
LF AFK Vanquishers.
Rakk Endleslight
Hi there. I can probably run all the ones you need, and you say you need everything. I added up the foes, and there's about 10,500, a bit more, that are going to be killed. At the rate of 120G each, the price will be 1,264,080G. Let me know if you're interested.
<---- IGN
<---- IGN
pm me ign vial of ink