There is a LOT a clipping bug problem with the female norm chest armor.
The major HORRIBLE clipping bug is with the character legs !
When your female Mesmer wear only the chest norm armor , when your char just stand up, u see the underwear trought the armor
horrible clipping bug when the Mes attack at legs , you see the legs trought the armor
I know i'am dreaming , but .. Anet please , fix it xD
( if it needed i'll post somes screens )
Fix Mes Norm chest armor clipping !
Gill Halendt
There is a LOT a clipping bug problem with the female norm chest armor.
Well, a lot of armor sets have evident clipping issues tha have never been fixed up to now, not only this one. Think of the Male Warrior Gladiator leggings, they've been like that since Day 1...
When your female Mesmer wear only the chest norm armor , when your char just stand up, u see the underwear trought the armor
You're supposed to wear leggings while playing tough, so, not really a problem.
That would require altering the character's animations. I doubt anything would change because of this.
Also the male enchanter is clipping with the gloves , as well as elite canthan. It would be awesome if the clipping issues are fixed.
Owik Gall
I understand that this isn't necessary, but can someone post a pick showing the issue? That way we can get a concise picture of the problem.
Stolen off GWO:

I LOVE it because it's such a massive failure!

I LOVE it because it's such a massive failure!
I vote for a fix to ALL the clipping issues. Given this a particularly bad one, however I do think some time could be spent on fixing the issues with armour in general.
Yea i would love to see a lot of those armor cliping issues resolved and some of the freaking red bleeding on some of the Gwen armors. i also hate it when i tell my war with elite luxon armor to dance and if i look at his crotch its like all black and bad looking it drives me crazy.
When was the last time they fixed a clipping issue?
Have they ever fixed a clipping issue? In fact I'm pretty sure there's a thread around here dedicated to screenshots of clipping issues.
Ahh, here it is. It was the first sticky in game bugs dedicated completely to graphical anomalies of all kinds, including, but not limited to the huge number of armour clipping issues.
Ahh, here it is. It was the first sticky in game bugs dedicated completely to graphical anomalies of all kinds, including, but not limited to the huge number of armour clipping issues.