Please fix Factions regular Armors!
Houston, we have a problem.
Monstrous claws are used in 8 types of armor. 6 of them are prestige armors, and the price of the claws reflects that. As a result, bog-standard Rit Seitung armor costs, as of the timestamp of this post, just under 40k (32k for claws, 2k leather 5k crafting cost)! Necro Canthan non-prestige armor has the same problem to a lesser extent. 7k for claws + 9k for fangs.
Again. this is non-elite, non-prestige armor we're talking about. Can we get this looked at and maybe changed to something not completely insane?
Monstrous claws are used in 8 types of armor. 6 of them are prestige armors, and the price of the claws reflects that. As a result, bog-standard Rit Seitung armor costs, as of the timestamp of this post, just under 40k (32k for claws, 2k leather 5k crafting cost)! Necro Canthan non-prestige armor has the same problem to a lesser extent. 7k for claws + 9k for fangs.
Again. this is non-elite, non-prestige armor we're talking about. Can we get this looked at and maybe changed to something not completely insane?
hmm i never had any problems with em
Marty Silverblade
I'd say the price of claws reflects the fact that they are only really available as random drops (not able to be farmed or salvaged), not that they are used in elite armors. I'd say more than 6 elite Warrior armors use steel, and they're only 200-300 gold each.
Maybe increase claw/fang drops to compensate?
Maybe increase claw/fang drops to compensate?
As long as we have multiple options, and each class having a comparably cheap option, I am fine with it.
/not signed
/not signed
iono Upier, we do have cheap options but it still stinks that we need to buy a very rare material just to craft that stupid NON-prestige armor. I'd /sign this still. We do have alot of other options, but meh.
I'd say the price of claws reflects the fact that they are only really available as random drops (not able to be farmed or salvaged), not that they are used in elite armors. I'd say more than 6 elite Warrior armors use steel, and they're only 200-300 gold each.
Maybe increase claw/fang drops to compensate? |

I don't think making the claws/fangs more common is the right call though. That effects more than just the problem at hand. Smartest thingto do would just be to replace the claws with something else on the non-elite armors.
Codin The Great
I totally agree with this. They should change it out to a cheaper material.
I'd agree to change it somehow. Seems spendy for normal armor.

We need more Clay Bricks.
Owik Gall
Just change it in some way. Maybe make the materials drop much more often. Especially with the monster claws. Come on, monsters, monster claws. Makes sense, right?
/signed. Increasing the drop would be a neat solution.
why would you but those armors anywayssssssssssssss
Lady Lozza
I agree that this is a problem. Claws are not easily salvaged (even though they can be) where as steel and leather and silk are all easily and readily salvaged from drops. It seems excessive to require a material so (relatively) hard and expensive to get a part of 1k armour.
FFS I bought my necro armor without looking at alternatives(the armor did look the best to me out of the ones available in Kaineng). Then I checked the requirements for the other armors and cried to myself in a corner. Seriously that's just ridiculous...I understand if Monk and Necro elite tattoos armors have amazingly high amounts of Parchment involved, but the key word is ELITE.
FFS I bought my necro armor without looking at alternatives(the armor did look the best to me out of the ones available in Kaineng). Then I checked the requirements for the other armors and cried to myself in a corner. Seriously that's just ridiculous...I understand if Monk and Necro elite tattoos armors have amazingly high amounts of Parchment involved, but the key word is ELITE.
the Puppeteer
spent 20k for the mats on 1,5k rit armor
so yeh - /signed for more resonable mats for the armor or incresed drop of the same
so yeh - /signed for more resonable mats for the armor or incresed drop of the same
Monstrous stuff drops as hell from afflicted on HM so no I do not think those armors need any fixing.
...and why would you need Ectoplasm in fow armour? :P (Possible answer)
Lowering the quantity required is probably the better option imo. I'd agree that something should be done, at least.
Lowering the quantity required is probably the better option imo. I'd agree that something should be done, at least.
/signed, good argument. Don't need it myself, but still I agree.
Eragon Zarroc
supply and demand. farm the money or get another type of armor. if you want it bad enough, u will raise the money. if u don't want to farm the money, then u must not want it enough. those armors are completely optional and u do not have to have them, therefore the prices do not have to be low.
I heard you don't have to buy the armor that requires monstrous fangs.
As long as there are different options, I see absolutely no reason to change this.
As long as there are different options, I see absolutely no reason to change this.
...and why would you need Ectoplasm in fow armour? :P (Possible answer)
And since we all know that Ghostbusters is totally canon to Guild Wars, I must be right.
no you dont HAVE TO buy the armor, but.....its a choice for the 1k varieties, and people are just saying that 1k should NOT require really rare crafting materials to craft (and look at necro luxon armor---the 1k version, more m fangs there too)....
yes this should have been thought about, however, doubt it will change --they are working on gw2 ya'know
yes this should have been thought about, however, doubt it will change --they are working on gw2 ya'know
no you dont HAVE TO buy the armor, but.....its a choice for the 1k varieties, and people are just saying that 1k should NOT require really rare crafting materials to craft (and look at necro luxon armor---the 1k version, more m fangs there too).... |
I always assumed it was because, according to Ghostbusters, ectoplasm is the "matter" out of which ghosts take form. Therefore, since the forgemaster is a ghostly dude, he'd been copious quantities of ectoplasm in order to interact with normal matter and thus forge some armor that non-ghost people can wear.
And since we all know that Ghostbusters is totally canon to Guild Wars, I must be right. |
Ecto looks like jelly in a way.
So the Forgemaster must be eating ectoplasm, and since he can't kill a thing, he asks us to feed him...

All I'm trying to say is that certain stuff in the game is expensive, but there are options. Yes, monstrous fangs are expensive, especially for 1k armor. But you don't have to get that armor. If you were forced to get armor that required monstrous fangs, I'd understand why people would complain...but you don't.
Not all elite armors cost the same amount. Considering the cost of the crafting and materials both, they don't even come close to the same cost. Why should standard armor be different? As long as there is armor you can get at a price that is 'cheap', why does it matter that some armor is different?
Not all elite armors cost the same amount. Considering the cost of the crafting and materials both, they don't even come close to the same cost. Why should standard armor be different? As long as there is armor you can get at a price that is 'cheap', why does it matter that some armor is different?
Not every player is the money-hoarding power trader that makes enough noise to get them to renerf shadow form when the change caused problem. How is this any different (other than I'm putting effort into being rational)
Non-elite armor shouldn't cost so much.
Non-elite armor shouldn't cost so much.
I agree, I was thinking of getting that armor for my rit and had a quiet laugh when I saw what it would cost to make it. Why should a non-elite armor cost more to make than an elite armor? Makes no sense.
Originally Posted by arkantos
I see absolutely no reason to change this.
and the general reaction is that errors should be "fixed"
however, its small, trivial, and unimportant
so i dun think it should be bothered wit
but i kno that it wont, so it doesnt really matter wut i think anyways lol
i cant think of specific occasions
but im sure similar things have happened in gw's past
where they miscalculated or underestimated or wutever
and anet has remedied them
Phantom Flux
I don't dig basic armor. I stick to elite only, however I understand your point.
Just because I wear elite armor, doesn't mean I can't support those who just wish to have maxed armor.
Just because I wear elite armor, doesn't mean I can't support those who just wish to have maxed armor.
i cant think of specific occasions
but im sure similar things have happened in gw's past where they miscalculated or underestimated or wutever and anet has remedied them |
"I will avenge you!"
Soul Reaping
As for it being a trivial problem, it's also a trivial solution. No matter how it's set up in the code (Object oriented class, tied to the single armor crafter that sells it, whatever) it's just a matter of changing what mats are used, also easier than adjusting the drop tables (unless most of the monsters share a drop table, at which point it's just as easy.)
Originally Posted by targren
Shadow Form
"I will avenge you!" Soul Reaping ... As for it being a trivial problem, it's also a trivial solution. No matter how it's set up in the code (Object oriented class, tied to the single armor crafter that sells it, whatever) it's just a matter of changing what mats are used, also easier than adjusting the drop tables (unless most of the monsters share a drop table, at which point it's just as easy.) |
skill balance is a much bigger (and important issue)
oh, and i think u underestimate anets laziness
It's a good point, but I get monstrous mats all over the place just shuttling characters through the Factions missions with waves of Afflicted. In NM. With a full party. Of course you'd get more solo farming HM, but it's not necessary to get it.
Also, if they dropped the price or lowered the requirements now, people who paid for it or wore something plainer until they could get at the good stuff are going to be pretty pissed. It's a problem that something so expensive is used in basic armor, but what are they going to do? Refund 10 fangs/claws per person that ever bought the set and make the price plummet?
I think you have a good point about the cost of monstrous materials, but I also think it's not going to change and you should look into a different set. Or, if you MUST have that set for aesthetic reasons, pipe down and pay up.
Re: what really happens to the ecto:
Also, if they dropped the price or lowered the requirements now, people who paid for it or wore something plainer until they could get at the good stuff are going to be pretty pissed. It's a problem that something so expensive is used in basic armor, but what are they going to do? Refund 10 fangs/claws per person that ever bought the set and make the price plummet?
I think you have a good point about the cost of monstrous materials, but I also think it's not going to change and you should look into a different set. Or, if you MUST have that set for aesthetic reasons, pipe down and pay up.
Re: what really happens to the ecto:

Re: what really happens to the ecto:
![]() |

Edit: Awww.. only 25 of them.

As for the "refunding" thing, the nature of the game is to change when things break. When Anet finally realized what a charlie-foxtrot the Alliance faction titles had become they changed them. Did this piss off the people who had already done it the hard way (pre-HFFF) or the easy-but-painfully-slow-way (HFFF)? Yes. Did it have to be done? Yes.
Factions armors require materials that drop in Factions A LOT. (NM aswell as HM)
Must nerf!
It wasn't a problem for all those years and now is?
How? Maybe people don't play Factions enough but just go there for faster exp and fast max armors.
/not signed
Factions armors require materials that drop in Factions A LOT. (NM aswell as HM)
Must nerf!
It wasn't a problem for all those years and now is?
How? Maybe people don't play Factions enough but just go there for faster exp and fast max armors.
/not signed
Factions armors require materials that drop in Factions A LOT. (NM aswell as HM) Must nerf! |
It wasn't a problem for all those years and now is? How? Maybe people don't play Factions enough but just go there for faster exp and fast max armors. |
Lycan Nibbler
Come on now, we are talking about a few k for mats....dont go overboard with your terminology.
Again, really? When I run chars though Zen D in NM, I often get a claw or fang drop - the same with places like Tahn temple too.
Yes, it might take some farming and hoping for luck on the randomness but as others have said, there are alternatives armours available.
As I remember, claws and fangs have been around the 1k mark since the start of factions (at least once the initial price spike dropped to normal).
I would /sign for an increase in drop rate maybe /notsigned for other changes suggested.
I play factions a helluvalot, actually, and I've had one drop in 2 years. |
Yes, it might take some farming and hoping for luck on the randomness but as others have said, there are alternatives armours available.
Yes, that must be it. It must have nothing to do with a bunch of new prestige armors in EotN spiking the material popularity... |
I would /sign for an increase in drop rate maybe /notsigned for other changes suggested.