Goons Vs Goblins [GvG]
-Laid Back Guild looking for serious PvP game play
-LF Haers and GvGers
-LF players from all over
-LF players who are expd at GvG as well as HA
-LF Mature Non Raging Players with the ability to learn from their mistakes
-LF Core Monks, Mesmer, and Ranger
-r5+ or g3+
-Vent + Mic
We are trying to develop some daily HA and GvG. Being a fairly new guild this may take a while. This guild also does a lil PvE, Ta, and AB. The End fo the College semester is coming up so there will be plenty of time to do HA and GvG if the players are available. Most of the playing time should be done during the day/night or when ever players are online to play. We are looking for players who are versatile in game play meaning not only being able to just play 1 or 2 profession but 3-4 really well.
Send an app in a message if interested or Pm IGN.
Goons Vs Goblins [GvG] Recruiting
The Real CeeJay