I thought I would start this thread here now in order for it to have at least one applicant by the time of the event.
The event is in Maguuma Stade International District 1
April 11th, 1-5 GMT-6/CST
We're looking for volunteers to offer free runs from places in Tyria to the event location of Maguuma Stade. This outpost is in the Wilds, just South of The Henge of Denravi. Most runs would probably be from places like Sanctum Cay, The Wilds(Mission), Bloodstone Fen, Temple of Ages, or even Henge of Denravi.
We could discuss a form of payment although that may be difficult given the situation at hand. This may end up that each runner pays you a set price and we refer anyone who asks to you. We just don't know yet, it's still too early to decide.
You can PM me in game just add Amantis Asoko to your friends list.
Or you can PM Konig Des Todes or Leon Wyvern with this message or similar. "Hi, I would like to know if I could apply a position of runner to Maguuma Stade for MantleCon."
Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a great day! - Amantis
Looking for runner positions for MantleCon(the 2009 Mursaat Rally)
Burning Freebies
I might be able to run through the area with henchies. It wont be fast, but it will be free.
Zach W
i can run, i have a warrior, derv, and assassin that can run well. I don't know the trail so you'd have to show me it maybe once. I can try to do it if i am on that day, just contact me in game sometime. IGN= Afterlife Assasin
i can probably do it for free or if not very little.
i can probably do it for free or if not very little.
Rhiana Reborn
I could also run on my sin/ranger, but I'd have to be taken on a run first, to learn the route. Don't even have it on my sin yet.
IGN: Rhiana Gladeborn
I'm a bit hesitant about the time, though. I'm in a GMT+2 timezone.
IGN: Rhiana Gladeborn
I'm a bit hesitant about the time, though. I'm in a GMT+2 timezone.
I will do some runs
IG : Shalsoren Queen
btw thanks tyrano for telling us what to say : "Hi, I would like to know if I could apply a position of runner to Maguuma Stade for MantleCon."
IG : Shalsoren Queen
btw thanks tyrano for telling us what to say : "Hi, I would like to know if I could apply a position of runner to Maguuma Stade for MantleCon."