Post Count Error? or me being dumb
l Rainy l
Maybe I'm an idiot and I'm not getting a basic concept but.....When I look at the post count in my profile it says a number that is lower than it is (25). When I search all posts by myself, however, there are 36 - these are posts that have not been deleted. I'm a little confused. Help?
Yang Whirlwind
Easily answered:
Post count has been disabled in the Off-Topic & the Absurd section, where a lot of your posts are located.
Post count has been disabled in the Off-Topic & the Absurd section, where a lot of your posts are located.
Pretty sure it's because posts in the off topic forum don't count towards your post count. When you search your posts however, it shows all of your posts. Say you make 10 posts in riverside and 5 posts in off topic, your post count will be 10, but when you search your posts it shows all 15.
l Rainy l
wow I'm dumb. Thanks for the help though - very appreciated.