Morag's Art Dump
yay ^.^ *is hugged*
I love it! I especially like the pose. She looks very sexy and agile.
I love it! I especially like the pose. She looks very sexy and agile.
Haven't been here in a while. It's nice to see all the lovely stuff you've cooked up. Especially the Alphones Mucha esque linearts are gorgeous. The Dervish and the necromancer painting is my favourites. The style is very mature. Beautiful work as always!
Morag D
Thank you so much, and welcome back!
Originally Posted by StarrTheInsane
i r teh lucky 1
I was inspired to give that style a try, but nothing beats the master here. Lol! I spent the whole day at work reading your blog and about Grim but somehow I missed it was actually a painting of the dervish himself. I must have been dazed...typical office day...
I was inspired to give that style a try, but nothing beats the master here. Lol! I spent the whole day at work reading your blog and about Grim but somehow I missed it was actually a painting of the dervish himself. I must have been dazed...typical office day...
Well, Opal doesn't play a major role in Grim's bio (she was adopted by Starr, not so much as a daughter, but as a little sister). But I couldn't decide whether I wanted a picture of her or Grim, and it turns out I didn't have to choose
Morag D
couldn't choose myself :P so I had to do both, still glad you're happy with it
Morag D
quick 10mins eryn sketch. she's being corrupted by dark powaaarrrr. similarities to Tzu's are entirely incidental; and my necromancer Kara
Morag D
for the Grim Mortbane contest
for larger vers. see
Morag D
After Abaddon was defeated, the victorious humans persuaded his dark forgemasters to craft powerful weapons for them. Eryn, then an aspiring young warmarshal, was one of the first to recieve a spear that pulsated with Abaddon's feverish power. To draw on this power soon gave her comfort, strenght and supremacy in battle. She found herself cherishing the spear's sinister perfection of both craftsmanship and handling. The darkness captured in the weapon however was not meant to be wielded by humans, and it creepingly started to corrupt her body.
The darkness spread inside her and gradually split her skin to reveal the dark power of Abaddon himself. Although the transformation was horrifying and painful at first, Eryn found that her strenght increased and zealously refused to give up the weapon. She did not age like ordinary humans anymore, and grew lonly and remote on her long hunts. And the darkness continued to expand.
After what felt like years, she was finally summoned by the new godess Kormir and scalded for her selfish behaviour. Kormir told her that if the corruption was not stopped soon, she would turn into a Margonite like the those that had been tempted by Abaddon's power before. Kormir placed runes on her skin to seal the darkness inside Eryn and set an end to its expansion. The changes however could not be reversed, and so Eryn is still out there hunting for dark creatures, an envoy of the Nightfallen Lands.
Unlucky Slayer Edit: Tsk Tsk you should know better than to post bewbs as a straight picture. =P *changed to a URL*
edit: haha, had to try it's not the boobs that are the problem... it's the evuuul nipples. ever thought of that?
You know what I mean though. =P
<333333333333 BEWBS!
no but seriously, fantastic art. You've improved a lot lately ^^
And, as you know, I love Eryn!
no but seriously, fantastic art. You've improved a lot lately ^^
And, as you know, I love Eryn!
I love what you did to her. She is one hot looking Margonite
I leik margoz!
Is it just me or has there be waaaay too much art of Eryn D:! Totally unfair.
Is it just me or has there be waaaay too much art of Eryn D:! Totally unfair.
Originally Posted by Tzu
<333333333333 BEWBS!
It looks awesome. Also, purple is awesome.
It looks awesome. Also, purple is awesome.
Unlucky Slayer
<3 Bewbs indeed, but you know the rules around here. =P
And what Blue said... WTB (with my non existent moniez) more other characters. =P
And what Blue said... WTB (with my non existent moniez) more other characters. =P
Morag D
haahaha lulz
there can NEVARRR be too much Eryn around, k? For me there's only her, and your bad luck if I actually GOT the moniez =P
there can NEVARRR be too much Eryn around, k? For me there's only her, and your bad luck if I actually GOT the moniez =P
Unlucky Slayer
You know we're only jokin around, your stuff is great.
Deimos Zargarda
You aint doing anymore commissions, right?
Morag D
my newest project: a season series
Autumn: Tzu's ranger
Winter: Starr's necromancer
get the chance to bid for the free SPRING SPOT!
c&c welcome
Autumn: Tzu's ranger
Winter: Starr's necromancer
get the chance to bid for the free SPRING SPOT!
c&c welcome
you should colour the entire series some day, it would be epic.
And then I can print it and have my own little season-card thingy!!
Actually, I think I'll do that regardless.. >.>'
you should colour the entire series some day, it would be epic.
And then I can print it and have my own little season-card thingy!!
Actually, I think I'll do that regardless.. >.>'
AAAH! Winter! That so..."cool" (lol)
*jumps up and down like an idiot*
*jumps up and down like an idiot*
Those are so awesome
Morag D
haha, I seem to have made somebody happy today great, that means job done. I really enjoy hanging out with you guys here, and wanted to show some appreciation. Plus, what can you do when the world's biggest art bug is chewing on your leg? I've had two really productive weeks in terms of art, but my PhD seems to be suffering a bit... ah well. it's summer after all
uploaded the two individual cards on my DA page: Autumn and Winter
uploaded the two individual cards on my DA page: Autumn and Winter
I couldn't resist.
Morag D
I'm pleased to announce that my new Eryn website (which of course contains all the artwork) has just gone online
Me likes! Very nice :d
ozmgodz that's pretty! Loving the new character sites that are popping up. These are so fun! Lol, mine's just a blog. *blush* GJ
edit: *sniff* you put the story on it's own page :*D
edit: *sniff* you put the story on it's own page :*D
That's nice, Morag
I've been writing backgrounds for my characters lately ^^; I might do something like that at some point.
I've been writing backgrounds for my characters lately ^^; I might do something like that at some point.
Morag D
little update on the season series
(and Yun's commission - working on the linearts now!)
Spring - Summer
yeah some sizing issues there it'll all be good in the end
(and Yun's commission - working on the linearts now!)
Spring - Summer
yeah some sizing issues there it'll all be good in the end
Morag D
Everybody likes W.I.Ps
Completing face and hair is always the biggest step - after that, all usually goes all right
sry4doublepost, for some reason I can't edit the previous post... ?
Completing face and hair is always the biggest step - after that, all usually goes all right
sry4doublepost, for some reason I can't edit the previous post... ?
Ohh looks very nice Morag
Can't wait to see the finished product..
And also cannot wait for the finished product of my tattoo xD
Can't wait to see the finished product..
And also cannot wait for the finished product of my tattoo xD
Morag D
thanks darling
last update before finished lineart - final version will have birdies in it!!
last update before finished lineart - final version will have birdies in it!!
Qing Guang
Stunning as always! And that's not just because I am a Mucha fan, haha. HOW DO YOU DRAW SO WELLLLLL??? *jealous*
*formulates plan involving large hammer and Signet of Capture*
*formulates plan involving large hammer and Signet of Capture*
Morag D
Originally Posted by Qing Guang
Stunning as always! And that's not just because I am a Mucha fan, haha. HOW DO YOU DRAW SO WELLLLLL??? *jealous*
*formulates plan involving large hammer and Signet of Capture* lmao
I shouldn't say this here, but I'm not really that good... I look at references LOADS, haha. the rest is practice (feel free to look at the stuff I did two years ago )
*formulates plan involving large hammer and Signet of Capture* lmao
I shouldn't say this here, but I'm not really that good... I look at references LOADS, haha. the rest is practice (feel free to look at the stuff I did two years ago )
as Yun has already paid and recieved the full version, I can also post it here:
as Yun has already paid and recieved the full version, I can also post it here:
In the immortal words of Starr,
*jumps up and down like an idiot*
*jumps up and down like an idiot*
Originally Posted by YunSooJin
In the immortal words of Starr,
*jumps up and down like an idiot* See?! You do, right!?
*jumps up and down like an idiot* See?! You do, right!?
Morag D
random doodling to balance out art nouveau focus
Chicken oft he Seas' necro
Verene's dervish
call them freebies if you want
Chicken oft he Seas' necro
Verene's dervish
call them freebies if you want
wow Morag, those look so freaking cool! Is that like 'negative' drawing? Black background and then eraser tool? omg >_<
Ahhhh, she looks so cool, Morag, thank you <3