Here's what I need:
-All Prophecies missions (NM/HM)
-All Nightfall missions (NM/HM)
For each, I (obviously) want every mission master'd, and I'd like to be AFK.
I can provide a vamp mod or die or whatever, but I want an AFK price.
If you can provide what I'm looking for, please give me a price for one or all of:
- NF (HM)
- NF (NM)
- Prophecies (HM)
- Prophecies (NM)
I want ONE price for the WHOLE campaign. Exclude any missions that cannot be completed with masters or me being AFK.
I'm not sure that I want to pay this way, it may be cheaper for me to piece-meal it and only buy some of the runs individually. Please post your price and/or message me in-game about it.
LF NM/HM Run: All NF/Proph Missions