ER 7 Not just in Outposts, but in missions and explore areas too.

Phantom Flux

Phantom Flux


Join Date: Nov 2006

New York City

Phantom Flux (FLUX)


A long time ago I've noticed most er7s occurred when I'm in an outpost or a guild hall.

Since this pc I gotten early this year, it's been running GW pretty well til this damn month!!!!!!

Not only would i get lag, rubberband and cut off in those typical areas, but now I get them in missions and explore areas, especially when I'm with a team.

Sometimes the screen goes black, I'm asked if I wish to reconnect, I click yes, I get booted with the er 7 bullshit. Forgive my french, but most of you can see how frustrating this really, REALLY is.

I usually feel bad for my friends and guildmates I like to help out because I become quite useless with this shit happening, especially in the middle or almost done with a place such as Eternal Grove, Gates of Madness, etc.

There are some times GW would prrrr like a kitten, but sooner it gets very stupid. Not only that, my internet would stop going from page to page. My solution has been to turn off pc, plug off the cable modem for 1 minute, put it back in and hope it can work. ESPECIALLY, if I'm in an explore area because the option to reconnect is has been a freakin' hoax.

Is it something Anet has been working on and obviously failed to do cause not only is that cool, but that's possibly showing so many of their customers they don't really give a hoot of our customer satisfaction. I'm clearly ticked off and just got booted again with that er 7 junk while trying to help a friend out.

I looked at the index and couldn't find anything related to the situation. Just your normal er 7, but nothing like what I've experienced.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006



oh i completely understand. the service guild wars is getting just seems to be worse and worse. its the reason im done with guild wars until the second arrives. im just in for the holiday events and collecting zkeys from the tourneys.
i even sent quite a long message to the support teams. Summed up, my message basically said i was disappointed with the servers and people are complaining about disconnecting and errors all the time now and its not getting better. maybe if enough people start sending messages they'll take the hint?




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


I know you're frustrated, but please don't bash ANet. All that does it bring out the trolls and create more work for us mods. Thanks for your understanding.

On to the issue at hand. Has anything network-wise changed on your end? New ISP, new connection, new anything?

Phantom Flux

Phantom Flux


Join Date: Nov 2006

New York City

Phantom Flux (FLUX)


Its not a bash, because really I dont know who is really to blame. Really, whoever it is I'd like to kick in the nuts its sooooooo annoying.

My aunt did get a new modem, but kept the same provider, but as I said it would sometimes prrrrrr as a kitten then go nuttzo and its been nutzo a lot more often.

A few guildmates said anets new patch is whats causing trouble. If so, dear Anet its affecting my internet explorere too.




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


If it's affecting regular internet browsing as well, then it's not anything to do with ANet servers.

There has been major issues as of late with their network though. That's a moot point, though, since you're having other problems as well.

Phantom Flux

Phantom Flux


Join Date: Nov 2006

New York City

Phantom Flux (FLUX)


Idk about that. When I do not load GW, internet explore runs fine. It has to be Anet.




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


To me that points to a connection problem on your end. Are they capping your bandwidth or anything that you know of? Are you on a wired or wireless connection?

Phantom Flux

Phantom Flux


Join Date: Nov 2006

New York City

Phantom Flux (FLUX)


Originally Posted by Katsumi View Post
To me that points to a connection problem on your end. Are they capping your bandwidth or anything that you know of? Are you on a wired or wireless connection?
It's not wireless. Ill call my service provider, meanwhile I dont this case is closed. Atleast not til I'm done talking to them. Thanks.

Lord Of Blame

Lord Of Blame

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2008


Marked Souls [MkS]


Had an identical problem with my sytem. It turned out to be the wireless router I was using was causing the intermittant disconnects. I don't know what kind of router you have but if its a Linksys then I would get a new one. I have had 3 Linksys routers and they all were junk. The Netgear one I am using now is great, never had a disconnect since turning it on.

Even though you are not on wireless it could still be the modem. Did you buy it yourself or did it come from the ISP? I have also (a long time ago) got a bad modem from Comcast and had to replace it even though it was new.

Best of luck with the problem. I remember all to well how pissed I was when I was getting kicked off every 1 to 2 hrs.

Siirius Black

Siirius Black

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2007

The Dragon's Lair

La Legion Del Dragon


Well, it may be a different kind of problem. I for the first time got an error 7. THe lag has become quite distrubing having fps 2 and a ping of 1,074.

This happened while I was doing a dungeon with some of my guildies and y was the Monk 600. As you can imgine, that was quite disastrous.That was bad. I tried to browse and the browser worked great. I had Ventrilo on and the communication was excelent. I disconected from GW and recconected to the same session only to find the same lag problems. We did not continue with the dungeon.

I have a cable ISP with 5 mbps. I am running a wireless network.

My son was playing counterstrike on his computer at the same time and he had no lag problems. His computer is also connected to the router wirelessly.

I dont know what to believe, hopefully for this wintersday the lag will disappear.

Phantom Flux

Phantom Flux


Join Date: Nov 2006

New York City

Phantom Flux (FLUX)


Originally Posted by siirius black View Post
i dont know what to believe, hopefully for this wintersday the lag will disappear.
amen to that!