Well I've had this interesting problem for a while now. Whenever I move my mouse or scroll, my speakers make this buzzing sound. It's the same for both my speakers and headphones. I'm not sure how to describe it, other than its a high pitched buzzing.
I'm using a plain old optical with a cord, plugged into the ps2 port via a usb adapter. I've tried it with my old ball mouse, no sound.
Any ideas?
My Mouse makes... sounds.
Mesmer in Need
Zodiac Meteor
might be your sound card.
Konig Des Todes
Don't worry, it's just this little mouse looking around for cookies. 
On a serious note:
Go into Control Panels, go to where ever your mouse info is, and look around there. If nothing with that, check the cable of the mouse making the sound (or, since you're using a USB port, put something else into that specific port/put your mouse in a different one). If that doesn't work, I think it's your sound card acting up.

On a serious note:
Go into Control Panels, go to where ever your mouse info is, and look around there. If nothing with that, check the cable of the mouse making the sound (or, since you're using a USB port, put something else into that specific port/put your mouse in a different one). If that doesn't work, I think it's your sound card acting up.
King Manolo
Try to plug the mouse into ps2 without the USB controller.
It could also be possible that your computer shares the same IRQ line for your mouse AND soundcard, if so you can look into your mainboard manual to solve IRQ conflicts.
It could also be possible that your computer shares the same IRQ line for your mouse AND soundcard, if so you can look into your mainboard manual to solve IRQ conflicts.
Lord Sojar
Most likely it is backup from the PS2 port because that mouse is overwhelming the port. Why are you using the PS2 port? That port is only useful for extreme overclocking where your USB ceases to function, otherwise, PS2 is antique and outpaced by USB 2.0 by quantum leaps.
Mesmer in Need
Thanks Rahja, ill try the USB. I cleaned out some of the dust from behind my computer as well as the connections as well. It's all quiet for now.