Primary Attribute Subset
Maximus Sydieus
4 sub attributes linked to the characters Primary attribute. Ill use the warrior class as an example.
With 3 ranks in strength allows points to be spent in "Swift"
for every point in swift base movement speed is increased by +1%.
with 6 ranks in Strength allows points to be spent in "Block"
for every point in block +1% base block chance while wielding a shield.
with 9 ranks in Strength allows points to be spent in "Rage"
for every point in rage +1% chance to gain +1 adrenalin.
with 12 ranks in Strength allows points to be spent in "stalwart"
for every point in stalwart +10% base health.
a system like this could allow a player to focus a build more to a specific task, elite skill or simply spend the few leftover points he has.
With 3 ranks in strength allows points to be spent in "Swift"
for every point in swift base movement speed is increased by +1%.
with 6 ranks in Strength allows points to be spent in "Block"
for every point in block +1% base block chance while wielding a shield.
with 9 ranks in Strength allows points to be spent in "Rage"
for every point in rage +1% chance to gain +1 adrenalin.
with 12 ranks in Strength allows points to be spent in "stalwart"
for every point in stalwart +10% base health.
a system like this could allow a player to focus a build more to a specific task, elite skill or simply spend the few leftover points he has.
GW currently fails because of the insane amount of options in it.
Let's not add more.
Let's not add more.
I wouldn't say GW fails because of the number of options - but I definitely agree that this is unnecessary and could really only lead to more class imbalances/issues.
I wouldn't say GW fails because of the number of options - but I definitely agree that this is unnecessary and could really only lead to more class imbalances/issues.
Here is where the game fails.
(I am still going to have a superb time dressing him up though!

it is hard to balance a game with so many options, also there wont be enough attribute points to really take use of it. However if it was only a passive attribute, with a lot more attrib points available, without any skills so that you dont have to then it shouldn't be too hard to balance it. OFC with the very little amount of developers available to update GW1 i doubt they will do this.
Balancing skills is like trying to cut all the branches of a 10 trees with the same length.
Add more branches and you make the task harder.
Add more branches and you make the task harder.
Game is over 3 years old, and you want them to change one of the cornerstones of its foundation.... LOL.
The concept is fine, but mother-of-pearl it would be near impossible to try to balance every skill in the game. We see what an amazing job they do with balancing HA/GvG (big shoutout to the Dev team for the obnoxious buffing of Aura of the Lich for Lichway, all the while ignoring Smiteway...please don't bother reviewing them they're clearly balanced), and adding this would make players and Anet staff alike go buy a dangerous weapon in real life for obvious reasons that needn't be explained
Let's not add more troubles to the list, I'm fine with Primary and Secondary professions
Let's not add more troubles to the list, I'm fine with Primary and Secondary professions

accidental double post. edited
Icy The Mage
Not a good idea, it would lead to even more problems with imbalance, in both PvE and PvP.
Owik Gall
You're pretty much suggesting more attributes for each class. Everyone who posted above me has already explained the consequences. If you want variety for a class use secondaries, or ask Anet to create things like the pve titles in GW1. Only in GW2 they can be PvP, balanced, and give more of a variety. The latter is unlikely, so stick with using your secondary to create a unique, personalized character.