Official Guild Wars Web Site and Wiki
Are these down for the US sites? I haven't been able to access them for a couple of days now. Rss feeds aren't working either. I tried submitting a question through PlayNC but no response, not even an automated receipt, which is the first in two years I have submitted questions.
Guild Wars Wiki is up, but loading pretty damn slow. The website, though... I'm getting nothing.
they work fine here
Both work fine here too. Seattle, Wa.
Vendetta Wish
Both are working fine for me. Minnesota
Works fine for me as well.
mine worked fine, PA
Rocky Raccoon
Are these down for the US sites? I haven't been able to access them for a couple of days now. Rss feeds aren't working either. I tried submitting a question through PlayNC but no response, not even an automated receipt, which is the first in two years I have submitted questions.
Konig Des Todes
No issue in Chicago.
I love it how easy is to get your locations by social engineering.
(I am not implying that OP is doing that!!!)
(I am not implying that OP is doing that!!!)
I haven't been able to access either the official wiki or the web site since the first update on Thursday, and I honestly thought I was the only one.
It started yesterday for me, at least as far as I can remember. I tried a tracert with the following is normal, that many time outs isn't. I thought it was my ISP again, they share IP's with many customers so getting banned from google, wikipedia is pretty common, but at least its not just me.
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 1349 ms 1529 ms 759 ms []
4 1398 ms 1259 ms 1608 ms []
5 1249 ms 769 ms 779 ms []
6 1358 ms 815 ms 1268 ms []
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 1177 ms 629 ms 739 ms []
9 1309 ms 869 ms 759 ms
10 1877 ms 739 ms 759 ms []
11 1498 ms 758 ms 719 ms []
12 1168 ms 768 ms 1309 ms POS7-0.GW3.TCO4.ALTER.NET []
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 * * * Request timed out.
26 * * * Request timed out.
27 * * * Request timed out.
28 * * * Request timed out.
29 * * * Request timed out.
30 *
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 1349 ms 1529 ms 759 ms []
4 1398 ms 1259 ms 1608 ms []
5 1249 ms 769 ms 779 ms []
6 1358 ms 815 ms 1268 ms []
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 1177 ms 629 ms 739 ms []
9 1309 ms 869 ms 759 ms
10 1877 ms 739 ms 759 ms []
11 1498 ms 758 ms 719 ms []
12 1168 ms 768 ms 1309 ms POS7-0.GW3.TCO4.ALTER.NET []
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 * * * Request timed out.
26 * * * Request timed out.
27 * * * Request timed out.
28 * * * Request timed out.
29 * * * Request timed out.
30 *
Both Gaile and Regina noted that an ISP leading into their network was having difficulties over the weekend. This may be an extension of that.
Also, check your Flash, clear your Cache.
Also, check your Flash, clear your Cache.
I have to log out to use the GWWWiki as well as the GW Web site.I always clear my cache and cookies before I close my browser.
They have been down for few days for me now West Coast Canada.
They have been down for few days for me now West Coast Canada.
No problem here in Ma. Try cleaning your temporary internet files.
Finch is able to access the site (but no images of course since that is its purpose. Coral isn't able to load.(this is a network that acts as a cache for sites with less bandwidth).
Their European and Asian sites all load fine.
Server Error
The following error occurred:
[code=SERVER_RESPONSE_RESET] The server response could not be read because of an error. Contact your system administrator.
that's what i get from GWW, started a few days ago too
The following error occurred:
[code=SERVER_RESPONSE_RESET] The server response could not be read because of an error. Contact your system administrator.
that's what i get from GWW, started a few days ago too
Icy The Mage
Working in ON, Canada. 
No stalkers please.

No stalkers please.
Both are working fine for me.
Works fine from my IP.
Doesn't work from my proxy server, which is Shaw Canada.
Doesn't work from my proxy server, which is Shaw Canada.
All clear in Georgia (Yeeeehaw!!!!)
Owik Gall
Got an issue here in Cali. Site takes long to load then it gets an error while retrieving url because of a read error. Then it goes (104) connection reset by peer. So basically the url can not be retrieved for me.
Regina Buenaobra
Our network team has looked into this and there is nothing out of the ordinary happening on our side.
fusa: Our team has taken a look at your traceroute, and it looks like the issue is with your provider.
fusa: Our team has taken a look at your traceroute, and it looks like the issue is with your provider.
Clarissa F
This happened before, and it was one of the switches/hubs run by Qwest or another company, between the game's servers and the provider's. Call your provider and they can usually help with the info.
I have been in touch with my provider, they state that they are not blocking those sites....
Also some proxies I have been using are reporting now no longer able to access or finch is the latest I have used that can no longer access your web sites, even though they can access other sites normally.
Is it possible for this issue to be forwarded to a technician that will actually read through my messages instead of repeatedly telling me it is either a router or firewall issue? Both of these are impossible to be since I have bypassed both with the same results. It is either an issue between my ISP and your web host or your web host blocking by ISP.
Also some proxies I have been using are reporting now no longer able to access or finch is the latest I have used that can no longer access your web sites, even though they can access other sites normally.
Is it possible for this issue to be forwarded to a technician that will actually read through my messages instead of repeatedly telling me it is either a router or firewall issue? Both of these are impossible to be since I have bypassed both with the same results. It is either an issue between my ISP and your web host or your web host blocking by ISP.
Clarissa F
This was the issue last time. The web host sends the signal out, it goes through a gateway, usually run by Qwest or another company. From there it goes TO your provider, who sends it to you. If your provider says they are good, and Anet say they are sending out, and other people in different areas or with different companies who many use a different switch say they are good, then either it is you, or someone BETWEEN the web host and the provider.
Sometimes, when they have a threat, Qwest will put out a patch to resolve it. This can sometimes recognize certain pings as a threat until the issues are resolved. It happens.
This is the only explaination, other than the router/firewall ones you hate hearing ad infinitum, that fits your issues.
Sometimes, when they have a threat, Qwest will put out a patch to resolve it. This can sometimes recognize certain pings as a threat until the issues are resolved. It happens.
This is the only explaination, other than the router/firewall ones you hate hearing ad infinitum, that fits your issues.
The problem is their horirble "senior" techinical support. They are telling me how to connect to the game.....I have sent them MULTIPLE emails, saying it is their WEB site and their WIKI that is unaccessable, it is not the game.
The wiki and website are still down for me. If it was a problem with the person connecting us to the website and wiki, then why is it that not everyone has the problem? For the record, I'm using a completely different ISP than Fusa.
Anyone got a roto-rooter? I feel like shoving something down these series of tubes. It's only been a week, after all.
Anyone got a roto-rooter? I feel like shoving something down these series of tubes. It's only been a week, after all.
The wiki and website are still down for me. If it was a problem with the person connecting us to the website and wiki, then why is it that not everyone has the problem? For the record, I'm using a completely different ISP than Fusa.
Anyone got a roto-rooter? I feel like shoving something down these series of tubes. It's only been a week, after all. |
Can just add that the sites is also down for me since last week

Try accessing from http:// doesn't work for some people. This will not work for the wiki though. Ports 21 and 443 at ArenaNet's server are accessible, but for some reason port 80 is being blocked to some ip's.
Thanks fusa. Now at least I can view the main site, pity about the wiki but I'll use the other one 
Even the support guys at my isp could not access the site, so it must be upstream somewhere

Even the support guys at my isp could not access the site, so it must be upstream somewhere
Shemsu Anpw
Thanks Fusa I can now access the main Guildwars page at work now with the https: Can't do the wiki site both went "down" like a week ago. but I can access both from home without a problem.
Regina Buenaobra
Our network operations team is continuing to monitor the sites for issues. Thanks for the reports.
You just got tomahawked
Now when I search anything on wiki it re-directs me to's Network News page. Same goes for when i click a link.
Now when I search anything on wiki it re-directs me to's Network News page. Same goes for when i click a link.
<--NY, dsl, Firefox, firewalls and AV are up, Guru is loading slow(but whats new).
*edit Still fine, even after Regina's last post
Regina Buenaobra
Here's an update on the status of the wiki. The RSS feeds seems to be causing problems, so they have been taken down until they determine why the wiki has difficulties with the RSS feeds. They are continuing to work on this issue.
Well, Wiki still doesnt working after 16 days in my case

Same here. and both has not been working for the last 2-3 weeks (form home and work - which is on 2 different isp's) =/ Someone mentioned using https on which works ok, but I'm still unable to access wiki.
C'mon ANET. This is obviously not on "our" side, as the probs seems so extend from the u.s to europe to africa... Its worldwide! I smell some isp routing issue?
BTW, Location: South Africa
C'mon ANET. This is obviously not on "our" side, as the probs seems so extend from the u.s to europe to africa... Its worldwide! I smell some isp routing issue?
BTW, Location: South Africa