Anet making Great skills into better elites ?
Am i the only one that noticed this ..
We have rof : great skill and then they make lifesheath ? Oo
We have bulls : great skill and then they make enraged smash
We have frenzy : awesome skill and they make the even more awesome'er primal rage
Is this the way anet is thinking ? They are just making better copies of great skill into a tad better ones of unused elites .
I'm not against it but it might not be apreciated by some people .
Although it is working , lifesheath is seeing some major action now ; so is primal rage , but don't really know about enraged think people yet need to discover it's greatness .
Are they going to make an elite ps and dshot ? Oo
We have rof : great skill and then they make lifesheath ? Oo
We have bulls : great skill and then they make enraged smash
We have frenzy : awesome skill and they make the even more awesome'er primal rage
Is this the way anet is thinking ? They are just making better copies of great skill into a tad better ones of unused elites .
I'm not against it but it might not be apreciated by some people .
Although it is working , lifesheath is seeing some major action now ; so is primal rage , but don't really know about enraged think people yet need to discover it's greatness .
Are they going to make an elite ps and dshot ? Oo
dr love
i liked the old lifesheath, still nothing beats good ol' WoH
except maybe peace and harmony. that's sic now!
except maybe peace and harmony. that's sic now!
You do all those skills came out in 2005, and they all sucked back then?
You do all those skills came out in 2005, and they all sucked back then?
I like the new skill updates. If every skill got buffed, then nobody would bitch about a "power creep" because it would be normal. Further, the entire idea with Nightfall was to introduce strong skills and then tone them down; while the entire idea with Factions was to introduce weak skills and buff them.
I think that's actually the way to go.
Introduce more elite versions of skills that already work. No point in being a unique snowflake and then ending up with a shitty skill.
Introduce more elite versions of skills that already work. No point in being a unique snowflake and then ending up with a shitty skill.
the savage nornbear
elite d-shot? /drool
[Incoming] is now a "slightly" improved version of [Fall back]
Rhamia Darigaz
Am i the only one that noticed this ..
We have rof : great skill and then they make lifesheath ? Oo We have bulls : great skill and then they make enraged smash We have frenzy : awesome skill and they make the even more awesome'er primal rage Is this the way anet is thinking ? They are just making better copies of great skill into a tad better ones of unused elites . |
you see, anet wrote exactly what they were doing in the dev update. it's not a secret.
Konig Des Todes
Still wondering what happened to [Bull's Charge]
You also forgot that ["Incoming!"] is now an elite (not that much better) version of ["Fall Back!"] as someone mentioned (needs a longer duration or more health, more than just the removal of stripping upon hit).
There are other recent elite versions of good normal skills. Also, this is nothing new, if you look at just Prophecies and core skills, you can see that since the game came out, most elites were buffed versions of regular skills.
[Quick Shot]=>[Called Shot]
[Mark of Protection]=>[Reversal of Fortune] (no longer the case due to recharge >.>)
[Signet of Judgment]=>[Bane Signet]
[Martyr]=>[Draw Conditions]
[Blood is Power]=>[Blood Ritual]
[Crippling Anguish]=>[Imagined Burden]
[Echo]=>[Arcane Echo]
[Elemental Attunement]=>Air/Earth/Fire/Water Attunments
[Life Transfer]=>[Life Siphon]
[Order of the Vampire]=>[Order of Pain]
[Virulence]=>[Rotting Flesh]
I could go on, but i think that's enough to prove a point.
There have always been elite versions of normal skills, and imo, all - or at least most - elite skills should be elite versions of normal skills.
I still like [Unyielding Aura], the elite version of [Rebirth] - and it's not under Protection either!
You also forgot that ["Incoming!"] is now an elite (not that much better) version of ["Fall Back!"] as someone mentioned (needs a longer duration or more health, more than just the removal of stripping upon hit).
There are other recent elite versions of good normal skills. Also, this is nothing new, if you look at just Prophecies and core skills, you can see that since the game came out, most elites were buffed versions of regular skills.
[Quick Shot]=>[Called Shot]
[Mark of Protection]=>[Reversal of Fortune] (no longer the case due to recharge >.>)
[Signet of Judgment]=>[Bane Signet]
[Martyr]=>[Draw Conditions]
[Blood is Power]=>[Blood Ritual]
[Crippling Anguish]=>[Imagined Burden]
[Echo]=>[Arcane Echo]
[Elemental Attunement]=>Air/Earth/Fire/Water Attunments
[Life Transfer]=>[Life Siphon]
[Order of the Vampire]=>[Order of Pain]
[Virulence]=>[Rotting Flesh]
I could go on, but i think that's enough to prove a point.
There have always been elite versions of normal skills, and imo, all - or at least most - elite skills should be elite versions of normal skills.
Originally Posted by AKB48
And [Peace and Harmony] is like the skill for prot. monks =D my favorite
Evil Eye
i use enraged smash
<------still waiting for elite versions of [Blades of Steel] and [Final Thrust].
On that day, I will be happy. And also, I will not be playing a high-priority caster in low-level PvP.
On that day, I will be happy. And also, I will not be playing a high-priority caster in low-level PvP.
they stated it in the dev notes have u bothered to read them...
so it was their intention
imo its a good thing
and would like to see more of it in future updates
unlike the duplicate skills that factions brought upon
which i think r pretty lame
so it was their intention
imo its a good thing
and would like to see more of it in future updates
unlike the duplicate skills that factions brought upon
which i think r pretty lame
the new life sheath is neat, but i would have liked to see the old function kept for the second part. instead of the rof-esque one hit deal, make it the next ... amount of damage negated. maybe that would be too good?
im waiting for an elite diversion, elite d-kiss??, the elite d shot is magebane, or at least thats as close as we are gonna get. just make power leech the elite p drain we all want, too. perhaps turn shove/headbutt, into the elite shock.
maybe soa is the elite elite version of mark of protection??
im waiting for an elite diversion, elite d-kiss??, the elite d shot is magebane, or at least thats as close as we are gonna get. just make power leech the elite p drain we all want, too. perhaps turn shove/headbutt, into the elite shock.
maybe soa is the elite elite version of mark of protection??
WTB elite version of [splinter weapon]! Offering an arm and a leg!
Just imagine the spectacular "pew pew pew!"
Just imagine the spectacular "pew pew pew!"
As noted, this is not a new concept, just new for skill balancing to change skills that weren't that way already. And all the skills I've seen mentioned, none said:
[wild blow] -> [whirling axe]
[wild blow] -> [whirling axe]
Yet I'd still take WB over WA for the fact that it guarantees a crit hit and also for the fact that WB can hit up to 3 foes if using a scythe but WA can only hit one foe at a time.
- Exactly. That's how ANET made Prophecies elite skills too, originally. Eviscerate = elite version of Executioner's Strike. Restore Conditions = elite version of Mend Condition and so on. This is a very good way to control that no skill can become broken by functionality.
l Rainy l
I want an elite for gale.
ele pl
Martin Alvito
Although it is working , lifesheath is seeing some major action now ; so is primal rage , but don't really know about enraged think people yet need to discover it's greatness .
As for your comment about elites being buffed normal skills, it's pretty clear from the thread that people think that's perfectly fine. Giving us more valid choices of elites forces players to make more strategic decisions before the match starts, which is a good thing.
However, this works if and only if the new elites are buffed to be comparable in power to existing elites. Too potent and they crowd out existing skills; insufficiently potent and they never see use. So far, this seems to have been a good balance update that increased diversity.
I'd agree, except 2 skills need some tweaking, namely [Lingering Curse] , either increased recharge, or increased energy, it's aoe lasts long, and is way to spamable. Then there's [Mark Of Insecurity] with 90% which is way overkill... GvG wise at least people have changed builds up and all matches aren't going till 28 minutes which I'd say is a goal met by Izzy and the balance team if that was his/their intent.
I hope they wont nerf the Ion cannon for pve. It's so much fun to zap some undead with an orbital laser.

Nah. Requires more aggro management than CoP (much smaller AoE), attribute investment and elite skill slot. Besides, seeing 3 Hammer of D... I mean Rays of Judgment is awesome. The big damage against Kuunavang is awesome, I've never killed her so fast with h/h.
Reverend Dr
Watched a warrior trash Awowa and Three Pounds the other day in 3:30 on Burning Isle with a hammer and Enraged Smash. I think people know it's good.
I really don't see Enraged being anything other than a gimmick on a warrior, unless IQ's Linebacker becomes viable again.