Hey everyone! I just figured I'd post my gallery here, wanting to know what you guys think.
I am thinking about offering commissions, but lately I haven't been that into GW, so in-game money may not be that useful to me, or worth it as I have quite a busy schedule...
My Gallery
Those are very lovely pieces. /clap
Don't even say commissions, your work will get a list here faster than your busy schedule permits you to say "Whoa! Too many!" It really is beautiful. Whether you decide to do any commissions or not, please continue to share and enjoy your stay.
Don't even say commissions, your work will get a list here faster than your busy schedule permits you to say "Whoa! Too many!" It really is beautiful. Whether you decide to do any commissions or not, please continue to share and enjoy your stay.
Antares Ascending
Wow, great stuff! Commissions could definetly become a full time job.
Not a bad way to make a living eh?
Not a bad way to make a living eh?
Thank you! It really means a lot to me, and I most definitely will share!
Chicken of the Seas
Very nice! Your dragons look familiar...have you posted your DA link anywhere else on gwguru before? If not, maybe I favorited one of them some time