Why isn't TOPK decorated?
I know the outpost is more dead than Senator Craig's career after trying to bang a dude in an airport and populated only by A/E kids who have been afk since before the nerf, but it would be nice for us old hands to see the decorations up again, even if they have to be dreary.
Doesn't it only get decorated on Halloween?
who cares bout topk
Divine Slaya
You already answered your own question. Why waste time decorating an outpost that no one will see.
You just got tomahawked
They always have. Why stop now?
TotPK was only decorated for Wintersday in 2005 and for some reason it ended there. It was a gorgeous scene, with little gingerbreads and cookies adorning the entrance and golden lights sparkling. So pretty.
When the HA entrance moved to the Battle Isles, a part of Cantha, I guess from a lore perspective it made no sense to have Wintersday in a Canthan controlled area (as then people would want Wintersday in KC/SJM and blah blah fishcakes, Canthans have their own celebrations, etc etc yadda yadda). -- which would explain why the decorations never went to new-HA land. I realise I'm waffling here.
But yes, I agree with the OP. I would love to see it decorated just one more time. It's most likely too late for this year's Wintersday. As it seems unlikely GW2 will appear next year, if we could get it back next year it would be awesome. After all, surely our plucky adventurers would have done enough to fight back Abaddon's taint on the Tombs by then, surely? Surely! Failing that, tinsel surrounding the tentacles could be pretty neato!
/puppy-dog-eyes @ ANet.
When the HA entrance moved to the Battle Isles, a part of Cantha, I guess from a lore perspective it made no sense to have Wintersday in a Canthan controlled area (as then people would want Wintersday in KC/SJM and blah blah fishcakes, Canthans have their own celebrations, etc etc yadda yadda). -- which would explain why the decorations never went to new-HA land. I realise I'm waffling here.
But yes, I agree with the OP. I would love to see it decorated just one more time. It's most likely too late for this year's Wintersday. As it seems unlikely GW2 will appear next year, if we could get it back next year it would be awesome. After all, surely our plucky adventurers would have done enough to fight back Abaddon's taint on the Tombs by then, surely? Surely! Failing that, tinsel surrounding the tentacles could be pretty neato!
/puppy-dog-eyes @ ANet.
I pwnd U
ToPK is still there?!?! Dang I thought they had just done away with it. Maybe because they are now mainly working on GW2 (so it is said anyways) they may just be doing the main towns now.
Topk was decorated when it was a pvp outpost. Back when they cared about pvpers. To give the pvpers some winterday fun as well.
You should be asking why they dont do it to HA but, meh. /care
You should be asking why they dont do it to HA but, meh. /care
Owik Gall
It's not because people rarely go to TotPK that it isn't decorated anymore, far from it really. Back then it wasn't just an HA entrance, it was a safe haven in the games reality. A year later the original HA entrance was invaded by demons. This made the out post no longer a safe place for the good will and hearted. Now the Zaishen members post there to gather as many heroes as possible to help fight off the corrupted entities inhabiting the area beyond the gates. The place has become a dark aura stained lid that's threatening to burst open from all the devious things it's trying to keep outside. In the reality of the game, it's insane to hold the festivities there. Particularly because of the possibility that those nasty guys will break in. Deities knows what horrible outcome that would be, and how it would affect the minds of people after such an incident. Of that thought alone, the tomb will not be decorated. For safety reasons.
In sensible/practical terms, the enterance has a whole bunch of tendrils and chaos portals sticking through it now. That compliments the hallloween atmosphere spirits and sky background fine. Meanwhile, the whole point of this version was the cookied-up enterance, which has since been destroyed. If they did want to wintersday it and yet still make it look like a mission outpost, they'd have to redo it and that = work.
My question is if they're going to take the time to decorate three Tyrian cities - Ascalon, Lion's, and Drok's (not to mention EotN) - then why does Nightfall only get Kamadan?
WTB decorations in Sunspear Sanctuary and Kodash Bazaar
WTB decorations in Sunspear Sanctuary and Kodash Bazaar
My question is if they're going to take the time to decorate three Tyrian cities - Ascalon, Lion's, and Drok's (not to mention EotN) - then why does Nightfall only get Kamadan?
WTB decorations in Sunspear Sanctuary and Kodash Bazaar |
Im wondering how the snow is only getting into EOTN now, even tho it snows all year around there

Oink The Pig
I miss the Wintersday decorations at ToPK as well, but agree that it's probably hard to get them in there with all the madness that happened there, whereas on Halloween, the spirits can come out and play with no problems.
Probably because a lot of the Vanguard are off duty and nobody's sweeping up after all the dirty adventurers tracking snow in.
Probably because a lot of the Vanguard are off duty and nobody's sweeping up after all the dirty adventurers tracking snow in.