CC shard drop research
plz post your CC shard drop rates and where ur farming
Raptors: 49 runs HM, 0 CC shards
Raptors: 49 runs HM, 0 CC shards
CC Shards are barely dropping. You have to do the quests. But you can only do them once over all characters so I'm guessing I won't have more than a stack. Depending on how many quests I do over all characters.
But I got about 4 from 1 Vaettir Run. (1 run is a full inventory of rares, which is about 30-50 times in and out).
But I got about 4 from 1 Vaettir Run. (1 run is a full inventory of rares, which is about 30-50 times in and out).
here to troll
0 hm and nm farming runs 20cc's from quests
0 hours spend farming
0 hours spend farming
Scythe O F Glory
Hmm i was planning on farming raptors... mabye I wont. Thanks for this
CC Shards won't drop well. Farm the collector trophies in NM. You will come ahead faster and cc shards will drop once in a while.
around 600 vaettirs and 200 raptors, 2 shards
I've been farming a rather odd place and getting mass amounts of CC Shards... I'm working on my fourth stack right now.
Yang Whirlwind
Filled inventory 3 times farming Vattirs - 7 CC shards
4 CC shards with 20+ run vaettirs.
Skyy High
Shards seem to have been scaled back, but other holiday drops are quite frequent I'm finding. Eggnogs, summoners, and fruitcakes are dropping like, well, candy.
pumpkin pie
1x cc during the charr broil quest if not mistaken.
1x somewhere i can't say, cos Anet will nerf it.
normal mode
on my 6th CC in 5 runs
1x somewhere i can't say, cos Anet will nerf it.
normal mode
on my 6th CC in 5 runs
4 runs between surmia and frontier gate 9 shards
Imo I think snowballing it up is the way to go.
I'm at ~105 shards from like an hour of it.
Ya get a few ZKeys too.
I'm at ~105 shards from like an hour of it.
Ya get a few ZKeys too.
Bug John
got a snowman summoner drop from a frozen elemental in varajar when I was doing wintersday cheer with my assassin
don't know if those can be farmed though
don't know if those can be farmed though
The Arching Healer
Farmed vaettir for an hour, got like 50 of the rest and only 2 shards. (and 1 frosty tonic). So you need to throw some snowballs or do the quests.
Rocky Raccoon
Ive been getting them at about the same rate as the snowmen summoners, fruitcake, and eggnog.. Not that i've been getting much of any of them, lol... I need better farming spots..
Master Knightfall
My spot as usual is yielding a shard a minute on average. But, I'm not telling my spot as nobody else ever farms this spot or even mentions it. Just goes to show if you don't share your farming spots they stay healthy with loot.
None from raptors, but I get a fair few from just doing gargoyle skull runs out of Nolani. I mean, if you're farming collectible drops anyway (skulls), you may as well farm while you farm :P
c + spacebar outside of the sunspear great hall in normal mode yields about a shard per minute + eggnogs + fruitcakes + sentinent roots and juvi termite legs. best place ive found so far. i use a warrior with a perma speed boost (primal rage is easiest) and one shot everything but that ele boss. really easy, really quick.
The Lost Explorer
i was doing the quest from the rift warden Strengthen the Snow and the other one. they drop abunch in there i made 60 in an hour
Did about 10-15 HM raptors runs and got 3 shards
2 Strength of snow runs & got 28 shards
2 Strength of snow runs & got 28 shards
yea, just do the quests, they drop like crazy, but why would anyone want the shards so much?
yea, just do the quests, they drop like crazy, but why would anyone want the shards so much?
What can u get for a gift?
WOW!!!! 1307 Shards!!!!
You're a god...
You're a god...
Parson Brown
Dookie Dookz
I turn them in for gifts, once in a while I get 10 shards from a gift costing 5 ccs even though this is suppose to be rare according to wiki.
Zidane Ortef
Strength of Snow can be done in 6 mins and gives you ~15 shards including the reward, plus 5 holiday items 4 are always the same the fifth one is the one that could be that mini polar bear
so you can get around 150 ccshards an hour doing SoS + all the other goodies you get from the chest.
so you can get around 150 ccshards an hour doing SoS + all the other goodies you get from the chest.
Would it make more sense to open up the Wintersday Gifts you trade the shards in for, and sell the contents? Or just sell the Gifts themselves? Personally, I am not going to use any of the stuff, except the Peppermint Candy Canes possibly (already got a stack

Rothan Celt
farm collector items nitwits
CC shards are a pretty ooooo gz drop.... its a gz worthey drop if u erm catch my drift.

CC shards are a pretty ooooo gz drop.... its a gz worthey drop if u erm catch my drift.
Aussie Boy
Maybe he/she heard the rumor that you need 250 ccs at end of event for a Polar bear mini.
Thats a "Rumor" i keep hearing in game.
Thats a "Rumor" i keep hearing in game.
Parson Brown
Let me try

You fools should be farming collector items. While doing that, you may earn candy cane shards as well. That is great, if you understand my meaning.
With that said, I don't know of a farm that can get you enough collector items for 5 holiday items AND drop 15 shards in under 10 minutes.
CE Devilman
gargoyle skulls farming..1 to 3 CC a run.
Would it make more sense to open up the Wintersday Gifts you trade the shards in for, and sell the contents? Or just sell the Gifts themselves? Personally, I am not going to use any of the stuff. |
Eragon Zarroc
55 strength of snow runs<>little over 1,000 shards
straight to the heart yeilds around twice as many shards if not more because of the numerous amount of enemies killed
(both rift warden quests)
straight to the heart yeilds around twice as many shards if not more because of the numerous amount of enemies killed
(both rift warden quests)