Fix Snowball


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


make it same bars, its all about your own skillz, not about 1 bar better then the other

avalanche owns atm (if you have 3 times luck, you win the final of a GvG tourney cause of it)



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Sep 2006

I played exactly 10 snowball tournament matches, all as grenth. I think thats pretty fair, lol.

/signed for op

Shayne Hawke

Shayne Hawke

Departed from Tyria

Join Date: May 2007

Clan Dethryche [dth]


This just became relevant.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2009


My suggestions:

Yellow Snow is removed and Avalanche is given to both sides with a slightly reduced Cripple time.
Dwayna's side has an advantage. Both sides should be equal.

Daze time from Hidden Rock reduced slightly.
Hidden Rock is used constantly and perma-daze is annoying.

Paragon skill (Steady Aim) now makes the next snowball move 100% faster and interrupt an action.
This skill just seems kinda useless to me.

Ranger skill (Flurry of Ice) replaced with Yellow Snow. And, Yellow Snow is now a snowball skill that poisons target foe for 10 seconds.
The only real use for Flurry is to shut down a target with snow down the shirt. This would preserve the lulz from Yellow Snow(if it is eliminated from Grenth's team) and Rangers using poison just makes sense.

Dervish forms are disabled for 45 seconds instead of 60.
Poor dervs can only keep this up half the time.

Assassin Skill (Side Step) now steps to a nearby location away from target and heals for 50 health.
Randomness is bad.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


My opinion has not changed in 6 months... other Hawke

Shayne Hawke

Shayne Hawke

Departed from Tyria

Join Date: May 2007

Clan Dethryche [dth]


Wintersday will probably be here in two or three weeks, so I'm going to bring back this thread to maybe get some discussion on it before the season hits.

I'm also going to update the original post, because I need to revise some of my ideas or the formatting, and some of the information may just be out of date.

Edit: Actually, since the only thing that may have remotely been fixed is the win condition, I'm just going to leave my original proposal as is.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007


on 24th of december you log on and see that they have fixed this, then what happens

for 8v8 just make yellow snow 1sec cast time, thats all it needs nothing more, nothing less. if 2 good teams fight against each other the one that is grenth will win if they have a huge amount of luck on their side with spawn points, getting free gifts. gift swapping etc...
ps: i tough about making a topic about the same thing...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


You want to give the syncers more gamer pts? okaay...

I'm expecting to see some very familiar guild tags in the arena this wintersday.

Martin Alvito

Martin Alvito

Older Than God (1)

Join Date: Aug 2006

Clan Dethryche [dth]

Let me make some alternative suggestions:

- Decent Gamer point rewards for ATs and reduce the zkey rewards. Some people were upset with the quantity of zkeys given out during last year's event. If ANet were to up the Gamer point rewards very substantially while decreasing the zkey haul, this would accomplish three things. It would establish some justice, maintain the incentive to play and get syncers out of 4v4 Snowball Arena. All that has to happen is that the Snowball ATs have to be substantially more rewarding to decent players than grinding the 4v4 arena. Then only the really serious nutcases will ever sync the arena between ATs, and even they have to sleep sometime.

So here is what I propose. Increase the Gamer points per win substantively, and provide large, escalating quantities of Gamer points to teams in the top 8. You think syncers would get out of your arena if they could get 1000 Gamer points for winning an AT, 400 for making top 8, and 50 per win? Next to grinding 100 points an hour, that looks pretty attractive.

Zkeys: halve the rewards. Enough to make it worthwhile. Not so many to make it as crazy as last year. You could still outearn the mAT winners, but you'd have to play and win very frequently.

- Av vs. Yellow Snow: Three problems. One is the disparity in cast times. Two is the removal of Hidden Rock. The third is AoE. Let's face it, 8v8 Snowball Arena looks like five year olds playing soccer. The presents are magnets. A single Avalanche affecting all opponents in a melee like that is OP. One second Yellow Snow isn't going to fix that. They're still getting 1-3 seconds of time advantage per Avalanche due to AoE whenever Avalanche MUST be cleared.

But we don't want Disease Hidden Rocks. That creates a nasty DPS advantage, as you can get a cheap 16 damage per iteration from parking a target alone with disease. Doesn't sound like much, but it adds up over iterations.

In the area friendly fire Avalanche won't work; Avalanche is most useful when you want to snare a runner that got away, forcing it to Yellow Snow its Rock off and gaining position.

Believe it or not, your best bet is to nerf the duration of the cripple hard. If it were a 3-4 second Cripple, it becomes tactically useful in the 2v2 and 3v3 situations that predominate strong matches, but isn't overpowering or plain unfair.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

looks like someone was listening to this thread. Comment about snowball arena = 5 year old kids playing soccer cracked me up.

Elle Bishop

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2008

Death by [Emo], And Haus of [GaGa]


Originally Posted by Ugh View Post
My suggestions:

Paragon skill (Steady Aim) now makes the next snowball move 100% faster and interrupt an action.
This skill just seems kinda useless to me.

Suggestion for Steady Aim
Change functionality to: For 10 10 seconds,prevents interruptions or knocked downs ONCE for allies within ear shot .



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2008

Dallas, Texas

Zero Quality [zQ] /[LaG]/[USA]/[iQ]


I've noticed that between two teams of equal skill, the balance is quite even.

But I have noticed another thing, if one euro team is placed against an american team of equal skill on american servers. The euros have a 5% chance of picking up those presents faster than americans. From what I saw today was that sometimes the present didn't even show up if I was on the handicapped side of the server.

There should be some balance in present dropping and re-appearing.

I don't have any solutions in mind atm.