Just a small request. Will it be possible for it to not swap your skills around after a game, so you don't have to reposition where your skills are on your skill bar every single game, then end up using the wrong skill by accident in the next?
Konig Des Todes
I assume you mean the dwarven boxing and polymock, and snowball stuff?
I have no issue with skill placement before, during, or after any kind of skill swapping in the game.
But if others are - although something minor - yes, /sign.
I have no issue with skill placement before, during, or after any kind of skill swapping in the game.
But if others are - although something minor - yes, /sign.
It would be convenient if the skills didn't reset after each match. Changing skills around can be done within regular gameplay, so why shouldn't it be able to do be done during the mini-games?
Codin The Great
I totally agree with u -voted yes
Lady Lozza
Do skills really get swapped around? Never happened to me I don't think, but if it does I can understand why it is so annoying. /signed
Marty Silverblade
Hmmm, I've never noticed (don't play minigames often) but I assume it would be annoying. I know I press buttons (for skills) without really looking at them. Don't know if its worth Anets time to do it though.
Owik Gall
/sign for said idea. I want to move my skills around in those circumstances and have them stay there until I get out of the arena.
Doubt it being possible, or at least easy. You get the skills when you enter the arenas, not only when you enter the outpost.
It's way easier to get used to the order of the skills as they come. A good player must be flexible like bamboo sprouts.
It's way easier to get used to the order of the skills as they come. A good player must be flexible like bamboo sprouts.
That, and also stuff like costume brawl. After playing a profession for a few thousand matches, you get used to skill orders.
And Mithran, I don't think that matters. Every other holiday event (rollerbeatle, dragonball) you get the skills in the outpost (snowball is probablly different since it was the "first" mini game created), and even then the skills can not stay where they were moved after matches. So I don't think it has anything to do with when you get the skills.