Hidden rock up when ever possible.
run along right edge, that should help you stay clear of the first 2 mobs,
knock down with Hidden rock gives you enough time to Hide another rock, then spam snow ball and get your mega snowball up, which knock down too, if they run towards you, give them the Snow Down the Shirt its interrupt 2-3 times, which kill them with you un harm, if unnecessary, keep the mega snowball for the next fight.
now you must switch to running along left side, pass the bridge down to your left thru the door then right again, and kill the next pop up.
run to the next door way along your right avoiding the next 2 on the left, run straight ahead, preferably along right hand side, avoiding the group of 4, kill the next pop up, and the next.
run straight to freezie, pass him up the slope stand beside the big wooden door. and wait.
now its a good time to visit guru.
the whole thing takes about 10 minutes.
on my 13th run

lol althought it take little time to do, but its extremely boring! I don't do them one after another. but i am keeping track, with my kind of luck [who has a heard of necrid horseman] i don't think i'll get the mini panda bear anytime soon.