heres #1:
Profession: Mesmer
Attribute: Inspiration Magic
Type: Stance(non-elite)
Campaign: Core
Mantra of Protection
15 energy
instant cast time
20 second recharge
Stance. For 10...20...30 seconds, you can not loose enchantments, but each time you would have lost an enchantment, you lose 15...10...8 Energy or Mantra of Protection ends. End effect: loose all enchantments.
heres #2:
Profession: Necromancer
Attribute: Soul Reaping(non-elite)
Type: Enchantment Spell
Campaign: Core
Sacrifice Enchantment
10 energy
1/4 second cast time
15 second recharge
Enchantment Spell. Loose 2...1...1 enchantment(s), For 5... 10... 15 seconds you can not loose enchantments, however you can not gain more than 3...5...5 enchantments. Each time you would of lost an enchantment, you gain poison condition for 5 seconds (stacking).
heres #3:
Profession: Dervish
Attribute: Mysticism(non-elite)
Type: Enchantment Spell
Campaign: Nightfall
Mystic Enchantment
15 energy
1 second cast time
30 second recharge
Enchantment Spell. For 10...20..28 seconds your enchantments last 50..35..20% shorter, however you can not loose enchantments. Each time you would of lost an enchantment 1 enemy in the area looses 10..15...20 health for each other enchantment on you. Prevention cost: loose 50... 30... 25 health. End Effect: loose all enchantments.
heres #4:
Profession: Paragon
Attribute: Leadership(non-elite)
Type: Chant
Campaign: Nightfall
Anthem of Enchantment
10 energy
1 second cast time
25 second recharge
Chant. (5... 10... 15 seconds). Allies in earshot do not loose an enchantment when they would next.
(this chant ends when they do prevent removal)
and these prevent the prevention
heres #1:
Profession: Necromancer
Attribute: Curses(Elite)
Type: Hex Spell
Campaign: Core
Expose Enchantments
5 energy
1 1/2 seconds cast time
15 seconds recharge
Hex Spell. For 5... 15... 20 seconds, target foe can not prevent the removal of enchantments, this target takes 30... 45... 70 damage whenever they would prevent enchantments. If this hex ends early target foe looses 1... 3... 4 enchantments.
heres #2:
Profession: Mesmer
Attribute: Domination Magic(non-Elite)
Type: Spell
Campaign: Core
Shatter Defenses
15 energy
2 seconds cast time
30 seconds recharge
Spell. Target Foe looses all protection against enchantment removal, for each protection removed target foe looses 1... 2... 3 enchantments and looses 2... 5... 10 energy for each enchantment removed, if target foes energy reaches 0 you gain 50... 75... 100 health.
heres #3:
Profession: Assassin
Attribute: Deadly Arts(non-Elite)
Type: Enchantment Spell
Campaign: Factions
Seeking Blades
15 energy
2 second cast time
30 second recharge
Enchantment Spell. For 10...20...25 seconds, the next 1...4...7 successful hits with attack skills ignore enchantment prevention, for each enchantment prevention ignored like this, one other enchantment on the foe is reduced by 15...40...50%.
please rate the idea
these spells are examples of what i think they should have