Dervish Spell: Extend Enchantment : Change
heres the current spell
5 energy
1/4 cast time
20 recharge time
Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Remove all your enchantments. Enchantments cast on you last 100% longer. End effect: lose all enchantments.
now this is a sweet spell but it doesnt realy work well because of its 'Remove all your enchantments' when u cast the spell.
meaning you cant keep this going without stripping youself
i propose that they make this spell usefull by making it
Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Enchantments cast on you last 100% longer. End effect: lose all enchantments.
or even
Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Enchantments cast on you last 50...65...75% longer. End effect: lose all enchantments.
or somthing simalar
what do u guys think?
5 energy
1/4 cast time
20 recharge time
Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Remove all your enchantments. Enchantments cast on you last 100% longer. End effect: lose all enchantments.
now this is a sweet spell but it doesnt realy work well because of its 'Remove all your enchantments' when u cast the spell.
meaning you cant keep this going without stripping youself
i propose that they make this spell usefull by making it
Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Enchantments cast on you last 100% longer. End effect: lose all enchantments.
or even
Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Enchantments cast on you last 50...65...75% longer. End effect: lose all enchantments.
or somthing simalar
what do u guys think?
I don't really know about it. I rely on at least 2-3 enchants to END to power my derv through myst, usuallly zelous renewal + others. I also focus on some skills that remove my enchants, so when I see the skill that increases enchantment time.....i dunno.
I Will Heal You Ally
Wouldn't make sense... if an enchant lasts 20 seconds like PS you wouldn't get 40 seconds because it will strip after 20 seconds
Wouldn't make sense... if an enchant lasts 20 seconds like PS you wouldn't get 40 seconds because it will strip after 20 seconds
with +20% enchantments on wep extend enchantments will last 24 seconds
there for every 20seconds all u gota do is cast exend enchantments again and it stays going
and the second time it will last 2x longer
eg 40 seconds, so u only have to cast it once every 40 seconds the second time.
Massive Impulsa
To bad this doesnt work on stuff YOU cast =( (SoA Farm <3)
generally the enchantments i want extended r those that i want longer than +20s
making this not terribly useful
i spose if it extended enchants u cast on other allies, then it could find some gimmicky use
perhaps a perfect addition to the orders derv
so either 10-30s duration
or allow targetting to other allies as well
that or a complete mechanic change
generally the enchantments i want extended r those that i want longer than +20s
making this not terribly useful
i spose if it extended enchants u cast on other allies, then it could find some gimmicky use
perhaps a perfect addition to the orders derv
so either 10-30s duration
or allow targetting to other allies as well
that or a complete mechanic change
This is a call for perma enchantment builds, shadowform etc. ANET will NEVER allow this skill to do that.
The Meth
Imagine using the A/D crit scythe build under shadowform (the pits one in UW SC) except you dont need cons to maintain it (this is what this build is essentially suggesting). Im sorry, but this is either retartedly overpowered or useless.
Maybe change it to you lose all enchantments. For XX seconds all enchantments on target (other perhaps) ally last XX% longer.
Maybe change it to you lose all enchantments. For XX seconds all enchantments on target (other perhaps) ally last XX% longer.
ok then just make it not work with sf
make it if the two enchantments are up they are both instantly removed
assasins dont need cons atm to perma so whats the big issue?
make it if the two enchantments are up they are both instantly removed
assasins dont need cons atm to perma so whats the big issue?
A/D wouldn't work, it's still tied to mysticism... it would just open up a lot of long-lasting enchants for dervs, and it only works for enchants on self, not others
Owik Gall
I'd rather the condition that all enchantments be removed once this skill ends is, well removed. It makes no sense. Think about it. Most highly used enchantments last around 20 seconds. Using this skill with any of these enchantments results in a wash. It's pointless, really. Just as for the removal of that condition and everyone would be happy.
yea the A/D cant perma because
Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Enchantments cast on you last 100% longer. End effect: lose all enchantments.
it only lasts 5 seconds meaning when its ended u loose perma
because its tied into a primary attribute
meaning it wont let A/Ds perma without cons
Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Enchantments cast on you last 100% longer. End effect: lose all enchantments.
it only lasts 5 seconds meaning when its ended u loose perma
because its tied into a primary attribute
meaning it wont let A/Ds perma without cons