Need HM Tyria Missions

Michiko Miko

Michiko Miko

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2007


Happy Holidays to all.

I need the following missions ran in hm, afk please.
I am making a thread because the people I have requested runs so far, none have done it, so I am tired of waiting weeks for particular people.

Please only post reasonable offers and if you are indeed available to do them soon. I play EST time. Feel free to add me in game and contact me there as well.

Thank you for your attention.


Sanctum Cay
Riverside Province
Aurora Glade

warrior running

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2008

The Cape Is A Lie[Trim]


i can run riverside province if you are on and want run plz post it on my thread(warrio hm miccions, vq`s, and blah blah i forget rest)

Michiko Miko

Michiko Miko

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2007


Still need these.