Confirmed Everlasting Frosty Tonic
Some guy was selling it in kamadan and I asked to see it and he showed me it. I think he got a lot of hits because he failed to answer my questions in regards to where he got it. I asked if he got from Z-Chest and he said "no one got from game". Terrible english but I can't figure out what he is talking about. And I saw other people crowd around him so I guess he was too busy to keep answering my questions. Does anybody know of anyone else that got one and where?
think it does drop from zchest tho
Interesting, thanks for the pic. Not sure what the "noone got from game" is about. According to wiki there is also an everlasting sinister tonic that is "not obtainable in game" but there is no mention of the frosty version.
Who the hell knows what you have to do or who you have to blow to get something that is listed as unobtainable in the game but oh well, gz for him.
Who the hell knows what you have to do or who you have to blow to get something that is listed as unobtainable in the game but oh well, gz for him.
Just spoke to a guy in Kamadan who is selling it.
He said his came from the Zaishen Chest.
He said his came from the Zaishen Chest.
No proof it drops from the z-chest yet though.
Shayne Hawke
If we get a screenshot of this actually dropping from the chest, then I know where I'm putting my Z-Keys from Snowball.
To be honest, though, I'd rather have an Everlasting Mischievous Tonic.
To be honest, though, I'd rather have an Everlasting Mischievous Tonic.
Any one able to confirm its drop location ? Going to be a pain if it is from the Z Chest, its going to bribe me to use my Z Keys.
Joe Fierce
Old news. Drops from the zaishen chest.
I saw a guy selling an everlasting frosty tonic so I asked him to see it but he wouldn't show me. I thought it was not real but I guess not. Kind of weird that he said not obtainable ingame.
Went to spamadan ad1, saw a guy selling, he was more than willing to show it in trade. Claims it comes from zchest as well. Just go there and look for yourself if you really think its a scam.
Now we just need to get a screen of the everlasting dropping from the Z-Chest to absolutely prove it. Although with so many people saying it does come from the Z-chest, I am going to assume it does.
Ohh that's nice Lovely Xmas treat.
Regular ones are dropping in-game. Got one doing one of the EOtN wintersday quests (and not from the reward).
Eragon Zarroc
ooooo, how exciting. one of the better tonics =)
Most people I have seen selling it have said comes from zchest. So it probably does.
Has anybody found an everlasting mischievous tonic yet?
as far as i know theres no ever mischevious
Shayne Hawke
I think it's fair to say that that's what we all thought about the Everlasting Frosty Tonic until we saw this thread. I only think that it's logical that they would have an Everlasting Mischievous Tonic somewhere as well.
Everlasting Frosty was found in the .dat earlier. Mischievous was not so it doesn't exist at this time.
Will Holden
a player in my alliance (Whom i wont name!)
Bought one last night for 450e, the player he bought it from said he got it from the z chest.
Bought one last night for 450e, the player he bought it from said he got it from the z chest.
Massive Impulsa
Frosty ftw tbh :> Altough the Phantasmal wins 24/7 ^^
Miscehevious SUCKZ wow :S Havent even bothered using them since theire so guly
Miscehevious SUCKZ wow :S Havent even bothered using them since theire so guly