Gods Of Erratic Night [JOLT] Recruiting Loyal PvP and PvE'ers

Daykara Sin

Daykara Sin

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2007

Florida. The bitchin' state of too much sun.



Leader of [JOLT] here. My in game name is Xyst Sin, but that is only one of my 15 characters, so I apologize if you have a hard time contacting me. [JOLT] is a new PvP/PvE guild, filled with personal friends of mine and people we are just starting to get to know. We are wanting to learn and teach and participate in basic and advanced PvP and PvE. Such things as AB, JQ, RA, TA, UW, and FoW are included. There are no requirements for this guild. We are currently working on raising the guilds faction which members and officers are payed for. I dont believe in bribes but I do believe in rewards for those who are willing to help. Im constantly on and off on weekends and weekdays, the only time Im not very active is during school. The rest of the guild is usually on starting at 5PM EST (-5 GMT)(<-- I Think lol) We have a website, vent, and will be joining a large 7Mil+ ally within the next week. As a guild we are currently holding 800k and still rising. We have weekly cape changes to fit the wants of members and officers and if you have any other suggestions for the guild, please feel free to PM me. For invite or more information, message me in game. Thank You.
~ [JOLT] Leader