I need help farming. I am a lvl 20 War/Mo and I use a sword. I need someone that really knows there stuff who can help me with..what build to use? where to farm? what to farm? and most importantly HOW to farm! The easiest way would be to hop in a ventrilo server with me, to make communication easier. I can pay you quite well, and if I need to buy a better shield/skill/sword/axe/etc then that is fine, I just want to be a good farmer. Ingame name is- "Mystic The Tank"
Farming Help
warrior running
i will help and have alrdy pmed u
Since this guy scammed me for 45k I still need help..
warrior running
i did not scam u im trying to think of a build casue u dont have factions
Look under the big bold letter W
and here too
And now here:
Read what seems interesting.
Post ON the thread that has the build you want, so they can help you.
Hope this guides you in the right direction.
It also helps to tell what campgaings you got and how far your warrior has gotten.
And now I'm done feeding you with a silver spoon.
and here too
And now here:
Read what seems interesting.
Post ON the thread that has the build you want, so they can help you.
Hope this guides you in the right direction.
It also helps to tell what campgaings you got and how far your warrior has gotten.
And now I'm done feeding you with a silver spoon.