LF quick NORMAL MODE help



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2006

Droknars Forge

No Goats No Glory


I need someone to help me some missions completed against the title.
This is normal mode, so for most of u guys this shouldnt be very hard?

I need help because i suck at pve and im not patient enough to try twice. I want to get a couple of more titles completed before i get too tired.

Id like to be AFK if that is possible..

I have done 11/20 mission myself? pretty impressing huh?

Missions i need2. Jokanur Diggings 2k (need run there)
3. Blacktide Den 2k (need run there)
8. Moddok Crevice 4k
10a. Dzagonur Bastion 5k
11. Grand Court of Sebelkeh 5k
12a. Jennur's Horde 5k
13. Gate of Desolation 5k
14. Ruins of Morah 5kk
16. Gate of Madness 6k
Up for it?
Please post here, if the money i offer for each mission isnt enough we can talk about that.

i dealer i

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2008


whisper me ingame
nila van aris