AB paragon



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2007

Delayed in order to meet ANet's high standards



Originally Posted by orgeron View Post
you know that less is... less then 11? like 10... plz... tell my how you can get less nrg if your party consised of 4 ppls. it's a party shout... 1 nrg for each party members is... 4 nrg if all of them stick together... you can't get less...
My bad here. My Para sees more play in Fort Aspenwood, that's where the 'or less' comes from.

Quote: Originally Posted by orgeron View Post personly, i whant a vid where you can see how you use your skills :P gave it to a guilie and he to whoulden use it... he asked how much nrg you had (and atribute plz...) You don't need a vid, lol. Energy is 30 like for any other Para. I've already shown attributes, but:

Ld 9+1
Spear 12+1+1
Comm 9+1

Quote: Originally Posted by orgeron View Post lets say you will pay 11 neg for this (not good enough to use...) and an warrior or what ever is attacking him, he will kite away, cast spells, kite and so on... 11 nrg in 16 -18 sec while kiting, he'll get hit like... not that many times... and if you got a freaking monk, why have a suport para :P if you whant to relive som presure of the monk... go rit or what ever... an other monk if the case is that your monk can't handel it himself... you will help him more if you kill the fu--er that is pting presure on your monk... in stead of having this waiting game to so who can survive the longest... This rant is about whether a Paragon is a worthwhile addition to a 4-man team. I never disputed the fact that Para's have it bad.

Originally Posted by orgeron View Post
yes, ok... if i go para in ab, i will take fall back instead of anthem of flames... but only becouse i don't need my nrg outside of battle. Weird comparison.

This is your problem right here. If you're the kind of guy that splits off from your team because other people are gathering to mob, take a class that can actually split.

Originally Posted by Brilliance View Post
I don't see how Riposte is so much worse than Shield Bash when they have similar effects. Their effects are far (and I mean FAR) from similar.
I'm making sure your not on my team not noticing
"the unbelievable sarcasm"

Honestly, they only way to not catch that is to be blind, or can't read.

If you read the rest of it which was in Italics and some bold. You would see that I had a point.

What you aren't seeing is that we are giving advice to make you a better player.

But, PM me, since you know my IGN. I'll bring my elementalist with the Game Cam and film you kicking butt. So, people can see what you do, and how well you do it. I'll add some cool music put it on youtube and post it here.
"A picture tells a thousand words. A video tells a thousand words*32*number of seconds."

What we are doing is advice. Look at it like this.You baked a cake. Vanilla. Tastes good. Here comes bobby2 with the icing. He claims it will taste better with the icing. Sure, you can keep the cake with no icing. Still tastes good, how can you go wrong with cake? Or, take bobby2 advice and add the icing. Then comes Zodiac Meteor with his vegan girlfriend chatting up a storm on how bad it is for me.
You made the build (cake). But you can do more.

Napalm Flame

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2007

Crimson Butterflies [CB]


Absolutely awful OP build is absolutely AWFUL.

Napalm Flame

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2007

Crimson Butterflies [CB]


Originally Posted by Brilliance View Post
First off, I'm going to emphasize the AB part of the title of this post.

Second, some people did not give this build a second of thought and just said the skills are crap.

Sins won't spam [Palm Strike] because most of them are scrubs and hit the second skill in their chain before they even realize that 'oh shit, wtf happened to palm strike'.

Sure the skill is similar to running primal rage, yet not having the double damage effect and also getting the effect of basically having ["For Great Justice!"]

You are basically playing a 90 Armor warrior with FGJ and Frenzy, cept not in a stance so you get the extra damage w/ [Barbarous Slice].

I wouldn't say that the Sword is better than the Spear because i haven't tried spear due to not having the amazing GW:EN skills.

As orgeron said, Agressive Refrain is crap.

This is just a unique and practical build to run in AB. It's something different and it raises peoples eyebrows when you slaughter them. Go run it in AB and tell me if it's not fun. You're going to shit yourself when you come up against me then. I'd realise within half a second that you're not a killable target on my PS assassin, instead relying on killing the rest of your team, and waiting for you to get knocked down in order to falling lotus.

Either way, run a proper para bar. Agg ref, anthem of flame, spear of lightning, GftE, vicious attack. You've still got an open elite slot for a spear elite, or a support elite.




Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2007

Delayed in order to meet ANet's high standards



Originally Posted by Napalm Flame View Post
I'd realise within half a second that you're not a killable target on my PS assassin Wrong assumption.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008


Originally Posted by Napalm Flame
View Post
You're going to shit yourself when you come up against me then. I'd realise within half a second that you're not a killable target on my PS assassin, instead relying on killing the rest of your team, and waiting for you to get knocked down in order to falling lotus.

Either way, run a proper para bar. Agg ref, anthem of flame, spear of lightning, GftE, vicious attack. You've still got an open elite slot for a spear elite, or a support elite.

Also stop being RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing terrible, agg ref is the BEST PARA IAS IN THE GAME. Um, you kill a monk on my team? doubt it. Block FTW. And even if you did i would still outdamage you by far this is where riposte comes in handy imo because not only is your attack blocked, but i also inflict damage. Messes up your entire chain while im repeatedly spamming barbarous/gash/sunmoon.

In the end, if a melee opponent attacks me, they die. I'm sorry if you disagree, but it just happens because there is nothing they can do cept Defy Pain warriors are hard to kill.

ALSO, aggresive refrain is not worth cracked armor and trying to maintain all of the time. Not to mention 25% faster vs. 33% faster and the gain of r 33% more adrenaline. To say that it is better is false. It is not a matter of opinion but pure fact that this skill is better. That's why it's an elite to begin with. Whether you think it's worth it or not is up to you, but when I kill you using Soldier's Fury, don't come crying to me.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2007

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Originally Posted by Brilliance View Post
And even if you did i would still outdamage you by far this is where riposte comes in handy imo because not only is your attack blocked, but i also inflict damage. Messes up your entire chain while im repeatedly spamming barbarous/gash/sunmoon.
Originally Posted by Brilliance
Bobby2.......sins waste 25 energy just to get palm strike off(which has never happened to me) and then i use [riposte]. I'll be more clear this time.

1: Sin spams Palm Strike to break through CTT!.
2: Sin either:
- auto attacks to get his energy up a bit, in which case Riposte didn't affect the chain at all.
- goes straight into Trampling Ox, of which you'll only block the first part... and still get KDed by the second hit.

Now think of what Shield Bash would do.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Guild Of Handicrafted Products [MaSS]


Hehehe lol I tried that build the OP posted in RA with hammer bash and it's LULZ. but then, [Rampage As One] says hi. Rampage has no activation time, so it's better then soldiers fury.

Anyone that says Aggressive Refrain is any good in AB should play AB more often. having a para stand still every time to cast some silly shout to keep AR up is a big waste of time.

Anyone that says paragons are good in AB should ab more often. Their survivability sucks, if you wanna throw spears in AB roll a packhunter, if you wanna hit people with swords, Primal Rage says hi.

Speed boosting shouts can be fit on eles or other support casters, because they're in command.

This is not a troll, in the end you can run w/e you want, but if you wanna know what's optimal, well you get it



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2007

Delayed in order to meet ANet's high standards



As a side note

I'm usually running [lead the way] since:
A: it's always somewhat useful to have a speed boost
B: it guarantees [soldier's fury] is in effect at all times (read: when [stand your ground] runs out)
C: [Baby] ran it for their Soldier's Fury (Spear Swipe!) Swordgons, even though it was a big investment they figured Screw it! we got [go for the eyes].

Playing as a regular spearchucker I've grown quite fond of [stand your ground] but less so of [lead the way]. Luckily...

[godspeed] becomes a monster in a [life bond]ed team.
[they're on fire] does funny things alongside a [searing flames] Ele.

So, coordinate with your team. [can't touch this] lacks creativity as well as efficiency.

Originally Posted by bungusmaximus
Anyone that says Aggressive Refrain is any good in AB should play AB more often. having a para stand still every time to cast some silly shout to keep AR up is a big waste of time. Having more Chant/Shout sources helps smooth over AR, but I'd have to agree... since AB Para teams don't exist.