Is peace and harmony overpowered?
Is peace and harmony overpowered?
I think it should be changed in : remove 3 conditions and hexes for each hex removed you gain +1 energy regen for 6 seconds for each condition removed you gain +3 health regen for 10 seconds
any other ideas?
I think it should be changed in : remove 3 conditions and hexes for each hex removed you gain +1 energy regen for 6 seconds for each condition removed you gain +3 health regen for 10 seconds
any other ideas?
Or you can leave it the way it is because it's not overpowered. Just removing the hexes and conditions isn't enough to overpower it. Not sure what the smiting prayers disabling is for but that's another sort of control.
If you're a condition stacker, RC is your worst enemy, P&H doesn't push the red bar back up. If you're a hex stacker then sure P&H all but shuts you down on that target but there are more powerful general hex removals out there, like Divert Hexes.
If you're a condition stacker, RC is your worst enemy, P&H doesn't push the red bar back up. If you're a hex stacker then sure P&H all but shuts you down on that target but there are more powerful general hex removals out there, like Divert Hexes.
Divine Slaya
Peace and Harmony is not overpowered. The only aspect of PvP that I have seen Peace and Harmony in so far has been in RA. Even then, whenever our team faces off against a melee heavy team, monks can not handle the pressure because of the lack of a big heal.
Disabling smiting prayers makes 2xmonk, 2 rao's in TA not able to function
when 1 monk is woh and the other one is a smiter with p&h, he can't use any smite skills to do extra dmg
when 1 monk is woh and the other one is a smiter with p&h, he can't use any smite skills to do extra dmg
hmm an enemy can take advantage with shatterstone and surge
instant 200dmg and instand KD + 100dmg
instant 200dmg and instand KD + 100dmg

here to troll
yeah lourens, except anything under 4 seconds long doesnt apply at all, so no damage
Its not overpowered. I've seen those monks in JQ and they get beaten down so fast is not funny lulz.
P&H can only handle massive hexes/conds..but if its a pure dps spike, they're finished *shrugs* I'll stick to ZB for now...
P&H can only handle massive hexes/conds..but if its a pure dps spike, they're finished *shrugs* I'll stick to ZB for now...
Anything to nullify that dam [visions of regret]
Theres really no reason to take P&H, yes there are extreme hexways out there, but theres no real big non-elite in any of the monk's attribute line.
They'd have to spec into Rit for a large heal, [[Spirit Light], but then they'd lose the valuable /Me and /W secondary professions.
Its only beastly in FA.
Divert Hexes>P&H
Theres really no reason to take P&H, yes there are extreme hexways out there, but theres no real big non-elite in any of the monk's attribute line.
They'd have to spec into Rit for a large heal, [[Spirit Light], but then they'd lose the valuable /Me and /W secondary professions.
Its only beastly in FA.
Divert Hexes>P&H
Wild Karrde
Peace n Harmony is definately not overpowered. Its a decent hex/condition remover that really doesnt see any use in PvP.
Hexes are overpowered (last long, rediculously short recharge, and usually devestating effects) and Peace and Harmony was buffed to try to compensate for this. although it does a decent job it doesnt have the "umpf" needed to really see play.
Would be good in some areas in PvE though where there are alot of condition/hex stacking enemies, and if you had a WoH monk along or something to make red bars go up better.
Hexes are overpowered (last long, rediculously short recharge, and usually devestating effects) and Peace and Harmony was buffed to try to compensate for this. although it does a decent job it doesnt have the "umpf" needed to really see play.
Would be good in some areas in PvE though where there are alot of condition/hex stacking enemies, and if you had a WoH monk along or something to make red bars go up better.
Not sure what the smiting prayers disabling is for but that's another sort of control.
PnH isn't overpowered. In arenas it doesn't have enough red bar power to keep a team up against pure damage, and RC is usually still a better choice in gvg and ha because of the added heal.
[protective spirit]
Disabling smiting prayers makes 2xmonk, 2 rao's in TA not able to function
when 1 monk is woh and the other one is a smiter with p&h, he can't use any smite skills to do extra dmg |
How about instead of nerfing an elite hex remover we remove the power creep off of the damn hexes that are the problem in the first place?
I Jonas I
Well it would be nice for one or the other to happen.. Hex removal skills are absolute carp, often having recharges of 8-12 seconds. In that time another 4+ hexes will have been applied to a number of targets.
There are some good condition removal skills, and IMHO, there needs to be some sort of adjustment to bring some of the hex removal skills more into line with the condition removal ones. I don't mean making [Remove Hex]'s recharge to 2 seconds, but something a bit better than 8 seconds would be at least a step in the right direction. [Cure Hex], [Holy Veil], [Remove Hex], [Peace and Harmony], and to a lesser extent [Divert Hexes], all suffer from having to long a recharge compared to the extensive array of hexes they have to fight against.
There are some good condition removal skills, and IMHO, there needs to be some sort of adjustment to bring some of the hex removal skills more into line with the condition removal ones. I don't mean making [Remove Hex]'s recharge to 2 seconds, but something a bit better than 8 seconds would be at least a step in the right direction. [Cure Hex], [Holy Veil], [Remove Hex], [Peace and Harmony], and to a lesser extent [Divert Hexes], all suffer from having to long a recharge compared to the extensive array of hexes they have to fight against.
Are you serious?
PnH isn't overpowered. In arenas it doesn't have enough red bar power to keep a team up against pure damage, and RC is usually still a better choice in gvg and ha because of the added heal. [protective spirit] |
Yes I was serious but someone explained it. Although I still don't see the big deal about dealing damage with one huge hex/condition remover.
It's a very powerful skill, but it doesn't work that well with most common builds. Both Heal and Prot monks want their elite for dealing with damage/pressure; the only monk build with a variable elite slot is a smiter monk. The condition on PnH kills that idea (and probably prevents some serious imbalance), and effectively keeps the skill from having a good build to fit into.
Is peace and harmony overpowered?
I think it should be changed in : remove 3 conditions and hexes for each hex removed you gain +1 energy regen for 6 seconds for each condition removed you gain +3 health regen for 10 seconds any other ideas? |
From what I've seen is that the skill could be used against hex/condition heavy teams, but the price is that one needs to swap another monk elite out of the team. I'm not sure if many teams are willing to do that.