How to body block?
Bloody Sacrifice
Ive tried standing infront of people and it never works. Ive tried moving while infront of them in what direction i think they are going but they just seem to walk through me..
here to troll
i assume your talking about pvp, its best to use choke points in the terrain, and sometimes using two or more people. You can completely trap someone from moving with three people standing in a equalaterial(?) triangle. Don't forget that because there is no z axis, you can block people from underneath or above them on top or below bridges.
Ratson Itamar
Are you trying to block them while you're in an outpost? Because you can only body block them when you can interact with them in combat (use your skills and/or auto-attacking) like in arenas and such.
Icy The Mage
If you're using your WASD keys, good luck.