Why is this website so slow?
It takes forever to load and all other websites load instantly on my computer! I think they need to invest in better servers!
Icy The Mage
Buy premium membership then.
The forth fly
its a cheap way to make you pay
It's a popular MMO site.
Moved to Site Feedback.
Moved to Site Feedback.
Stop The Storm
do premium members get a different server then?
how does that work?
how does that work?
its just a trick to make you pay there is no way premium memebers get a different server
The site's just slow. (for now)
Paying will not get you any faster loads. Neither does being an admin, fyi. Totally share your pain.
In the meantime you can give feedback here -> http://guildwarsguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=78126
Enjoy your new year.
Paying will not get you any faster loads. Neither does being an admin, fyi. Totally share your pain.
In the meantime you can give feedback here -> http://guildwarsguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=78126
Enjoy your new year.