Graphics in the older games
I am considering getting proph and factions while the offer is on, as I already have NF and EotN. How do the graphics compare to the later two? I read on one thread that Prophecies was less demanding, does this mean worse graphics or what?
They all use the same graphics engine. However, the later two campaigns do have some improvements in terms of graphics. One great way to see this would be to look at the water effects. In Prophecies water looks all blury and dull, but in GWEN it looks shiny and reflective.
ok thanks for a quick response.
As Jimmy said, they all use the same graphics engine. NF and EotN added a few graphics details such as the water effects, but the basic graphics, as in the look and detail of the scenery, armor, & etc., is the same.
I have Proph, NF, and Factions and in my experience they have the same graphics, but sometimes the detail in NF stands out for me.
yeah, I have just started a char and got past pre-searing, and i do think it seems a little twee compared to NF lol.