1st time VQ
Alright...I decided to try my hand the other day at a vanquish on my own. I have never done one by myself or with anyone else. I decided to take my 55 Necro into Griffon's Mouth. I thought it would work because of the type of enemies there. I killed all enemies...except 2 stupid bosses. There was an ele and warr that I could not get. I tried to kill them in groups but it did not work. They outlasted everyone and by themselves I could not kill them. I even stayed alive until I had full energy but could not do it. Has anyone ever VQ this area alone or have any good ideas on how I could do it?? Maybe I'll have to not do this alone?? Thanks!
why would you vanq on your own...
You'd be much faster and more efficient to just take Heroes and hench with you. (Running a regular SS bar would be optimal for you.)
Unless you're only trying to do this as an accomplishment for yourself, then I don't really know what to suggest.
Unless you're only trying to do this as an accomplishment for yourself, then I don't really know what to suggest.
Marty Silverblade
Unless you're farming, vanquishing solo is only going to slow you down. H/H will roll through Tyria.
It was just for personal accomlishment and because I enjoy 55 farming. I thought I'd try to farm and vanquish an area at the same time. I know I can go with others. I was pretty much just curious if anyone could help with the soloing aspect. Ah well... Thanks for trying. Any other suggestions appreciated.