Any mention of another double party points event?
Unlikely due to the exceptional circumstances of Gaile leaving the last time this occurred, but I was just wondering if anyone had seen anything relating to a double sweet/party effect in their .dat file roamings?
Just wanted to check if anything was potentially coming up before I use up all the earned fruitcakes from wintersday like some crazed sugar junkie...
Just wanted to check if anything was potentially coming up before I use up all the earned fruitcakes from wintersday like some crazed sugar junkie...
maybe if you get gaile fired from her other spot ?
Im keeping mine just incase anyway. Then again if you think about it during the event not everyone actually knew who Gaile was and there some lame sorta coverup to do with all the animals getting together and migration of the frog who knows....
You never know which events will occur so just aswell keep the items if you have the space on your account. Especially if you haven't got quite enough for 10,000 points in the particular title.
I don't think thats how the Dat file works anyway. If you did manage to have the something related to double points then it could've been there from last time. Or if it is in fact new then theres no telling when they will use it.
You never know which events will occur so just aswell keep the items if you have the space on your account. Especially if you haven't got quite enough for 10,000 points in the particular title.
I don't think thats how the Dat file works anyway. If you did manage to have the something related to double points then it could've been there from last time. Or if it is in fact new then theres no telling when they will use it.
Upcoming Canthan New Year would be the perfect occasion to use the Party Time!-effect during the event's finales.
I wouldn't be surprised if it came sometime in June at the earliest...
There was a huge thread a few months ago (maybe 2) where mods were talking about the game and answering questions and there they said, that no double party point event is planned in the near future...... but... you never know^^
Seeing as Gaile herself recently spent the time maxing her party and sweet titles I doubt if anyone in Anet has a clue. Stop hoarding just on the off chance of something.
Party time! would make a great reward for completing all dishes for the celestial animal. At least something that's not just buyable. Firework crates were nice but they could simply be bought, with a much lower price and effort than finding rare ingredients does.
Doubt another double party point event will happen anytime soon, if ever.
I pwnd U
It would be nice if it did though but I don't expect it.
Operative 14
They really should use Party Time during the finale events so people use their festival items at appropriate times. Somehow it's just not as festive when people are standing by the Xunali chest spamming away fireworks and snowman summoners during the middle of the year at no particular time.
Always cracks me up when people think the .dat file is the end-all answer to everything.
To the OP, wait and see like the rest of us. Something being in the .dat means nothing, anyone remember the Xunlai Marketplace rumor that was running around a few months back?
To the OP, wait and see like the rest of us. Something being in the .dat means nothing, anyone remember the Xunlai Marketplace rumor that was running around a few months back?