But now I'm at Heart of the Shiverpeaks quest and I need to kill Cyndr *sigh*. I know that there are some really long threads on this subject but I need to put in my two bits.
I've played this quest thru (up to Cyndr that is) 3 times and it all comes to a grinding halt at that point. So far Cyndr is nearly invincible against me. I am also trying really hard to do this with H/H. I've done my research on here and Wiki, I tried to equip my W/M with the right skills, heroes and henchies and I still come up with same result...Cyndr kicks my freak'n ass. The last time I tried to grind him with 60%dp for a half hour and his health didn't budge one pixel. And I thought Abaddon was hard...
Ok, now I can understand having bosses that are really really hard in any game. It's like someone posted on the Wiki discussion on Cyndr..."this is what separates the casual players from the hardcore ones". I don't mind that part. In fact it's good to have challenges like this. It's what makes us better players, right? It's the rest of the quest that gets me. I spend 15 to 20 min. just getting to Cyndr!

I need to feel like there's light at the end of the tunnel when a game get's really hard. I know my eyes are bad but I'm have'n a hard time see'n the light here. I'm not asking for help. The help is already out there...I've read it and it's good and plentiful. I'm just ranting. I guess my frustration is overflowing on to this forum so I apologize if this offends anyone but I needed to express my thoughts.
I'll keep grinding this quest for a while and will party up or try to find friends or even join a guild

So for now my excitement with this game is a little deflated...that's all,