How many Guild Wars accounts have you gone through?
I have 3 banned, 1 stolen, and 1 I lost the account information to.
Jae Onasi
I'm not interested in paying good money to do something stupid enough to get an account banned, let alone 3.
travis ranger
haha i agree
3 accounts..have them all
cept 1 got keylogged..and everything dissapered...
cept 1 got keylogged..and everything dissapered...
I pwnd U
1, just 1, cause I'm cheap. Yup.
Two...main and another I bought for my brother in law but he got bored so it's mine now.
Hell Raiser
I've got 2, my main I've had for ~43 months, my other I've had for ~7 months. Never had either "hacked." My main was banned once for 72 hours, can't remember for what, though

8 accounts, none lost, never been hacked. Cuz I'm pro.
Beta Sprite
One, which I've had for a little over 3 years now.
Only 1 which I still have
3. One is my main, one I guessed the pw to, and the other I bought outta boredom and greed for moar zkeys
You stole an account?

Cale Roughstar
How do you get 3 accounts banned? lol
Still have mine, recently bought 3 off amazon (yay Black Friday $5!) for keys, and I use my cousin's for keys as well, cus he barely plays at all.
Still have mine, recently bought 3 off amazon (yay Black Friday $5!) for keys, and I use my cousin's for keys as well, cus he barely plays at all.
I also have a password for a friend's account, who no longer plays, but I haven't taken anything from it, or used it much... only when I get temp-banned for flaming. :V
I also have a password for a friend's account, who no longer plays, but I haven't taken anything from it, or used it much... only when I get temp-banned for flaming. :V
travis ranger
3+1 that my friend doesn't use, i have a main..the others i use them as storage or for predictions
7 .
Lycan Nibbler
I haven't "gone through" any, as I still have all mine ^.^
I'm still using my first account as my main. I have a few other side accounts that I use though. Sometimes having two accounts and two computers can come in handy (A.K.A. obs mode spying)

pumpkin pie
don't like thread that gathers information, somehow, its suspicious, why do you want to know, especially someone who joins Jan 2009 ...
1 account... the same one I started with. Never done anything to get banned. Never will. If you have to cheat at a video game to make yourself feel better, you /fail and should quit.
I have just one account... I never figured you ever needed more than one...
I have 2, one is my main, almost 3 years (in February), and the other is my friends, which is about 6 months older or so.
@OP: 0.o Are you a botter? Seriously.
@OP: 0.o Are you a botter? Seriously.
Zodiac Meteor
One. Why do you need more than one?
if u are wrongfully banned, eg transferring 100k or ectos between ur accounts or with friends etc etc contact anet and they will unban u. no need to buy a new one. ofc if u misbehaved enough to get banned 3 times.... lol
One. I only buy second account/keyset if the game is awesome.
The only one so far is Diablo 2.
The only one so far is Diablo 2.
i play one i use one and if you need more becuase you are banned you are either doing something that makes others report you or you are stupid and you spend outside money on in game gold or items when you can make plenty of gold a legit way
One. When I preordered prophecies, I registered an account, but when it came out, I made a new account instead of adding it to my preorder account =/
I really wanted a preorder code on my account though so I got another o.o
So I have another account that has nothing but the prophecies preorder and the Ithas Bow IIRC. I don't even remember the info but I'm sure I could find out if I needed to.
I really wanted a preorder code on my account though so I got another o.o
So I have another account that has nothing but the prophecies preorder and the Ithas Bow IIRC. I don't even remember the info but I'm sure I could find out if I needed to.
Bob Slydell
Dude, 3 Accounts banned?
I have 1, because i follow the simple to follow EULA
Seems harmless to me, I don't see what he can do it's not like he put some magical keylogger on this thread alone, lol.
I have 1, because i follow the simple to follow EULA
Seems harmless to me, I don't see what he can do it's not like he put some magical keylogger on this thread alone, lol.
2 account hmm..
on my first and i hav it temporarily banned for fraud payments which was an accident.
I has 9 accounts, 2 are my own. Other gotten through friends just quitting GW out of boredom (heard that before ?). So I just left those alone and use them for Z keys.
I always forget to predict tho
I always forget to predict tho
own age myname
1, Yo es barato
Neo Atomisk
I have 1 account as my main, and 2 zkey/mule things.
Massive Impulsa
Got 1 main, never really understood why people would bother to buy others altough say you use 1hour a day a farm i think it might be better to buy 1 account 5$ then just do something else:P If ur just going for the money:P
Anyways i have 2 sec aswell, bought from a friend ingame who got them from Afking friends altough i did just pay 600k for 2accounts , not that bad seeing it that one had Propechies and the other had Prop + NF + Eotn - a long term investment ;]
Anyways i have 2 sec aswell, bought from a friend ingame who got them from Afking friends altough i did just pay 600k for 2accounts , not that bad seeing it that one had Propechies and the other had Prop + NF + Eotn - a long term investment ;]
Massive Impulsa
Got 1 main, never really understood why people would bother to buy others altough say you use 1hour a day a farm i think it might be better to buy 1 account 5$ then just do something else:P If ur just going for the money:P
Anyways i have 2 sec aswell, bought from a friend ingame who got them from Afking friends altough i did just pay 600k for 2accounts , not that bad seeing it that one had Propechies and the other had Prop + NF + Eotn - a long term investment ;]
Anyways i have 2 sec aswell, bought from a friend ingame who got them from Afking friends altough i did just pay 600k for 2accounts , not that bad seeing it that one had Propechies and the other had Prop + NF + Eotn - a long term investment ;]