Nostalgia characters
Vann Borakul
I'm sure many of you have played through campaigns a few times. Second playthroughs are never as thrilling, but I'm sure none of you exactly need help to beat a campaign with a new character. I got the idea about a year ago to play new characters with limitations for the sake of good fun and making use of what you have instead of buying max armor at level 5 and having elite skills at level 2. I've never had the time to do it, but I just got the sudden urge to right now.
Anyone interested right now? We'll start in Prophecies. Get all skills in pre, maybe a couple more quests, sear, and start out in post. We'll do some of the quests in post, not all.
If you have any other ideas to make the experience better, please post your suggestions. By limitations, I mean no tomes, no use of existing weapons/shields/mods, and we'll only have a certain amount of gold available. Here's how the gold will work: (feel free to suggest otherwise, though I think this is fair)
Post Ascalon - 1500g
Yak's Bend - 1500g
Lion's Arch - 2000g
Quarrel Falls - 1000g
Henge of Denravi - 1500g
Amnoon Oasis - 1500g
Droknar's Forge - 3000g
Thunderhead Keep - 2000g
Perdition Rock - 10,000g (if we even get anywhere near this)
You just withdraw said gold from storage whenever you reach given destination. If your armor costs an abnormal amount then you can give yourself a little leeway, but you can see how/why I'm doing this. It's all in good fun. Choose any profession. Depending on how many people want to play we'll need to split up in pre and possibly Ascalon.
I hope to start in about 1 hour from posting this. Please have quite a bit of time to play if you want to join.
Anyone interested right now? We'll start in Prophecies. Get all skills in pre, maybe a couple more quests, sear, and start out in post. We'll do some of the quests in post, not all.
If you have any other ideas to make the experience better, please post your suggestions. By limitations, I mean no tomes, no use of existing weapons/shields/mods, and we'll only have a certain amount of gold available. Here's how the gold will work: (feel free to suggest otherwise, though I think this is fair)
Post Ascalon - 1500g
Yak's Bend - 1500g
Lion's Arch - 2000g
Quarrel Falls - 1000g
Henge of Denravi - 1500g
Amnoon Oasis - 1500g
Droknar's Forge - 3000g
Thunderhead Keep - 2000g
Perdition Rock - 10,000g (if we even get anywhere near this)
You just withdraw said gold from storage whenever you reach given destination. If your armor costs an abnormal amount then you can give yourself a little leeway, but you can see how/why I'm doing this. It's all in good fun. Choose any profession. Depending on how many people want to play we'll need to split up in pre and possibly Ascalon.
I hope to start in about 1 hour from posting this. Please have quite a bit of time to play if you want to join.
own age myname
This sounds actually kind of fun. But I don't have much free time with sports and school anymore...
Don't use storage until you complete the campaign.
Rothan Celt
id 2nd bsoltans suggestion.
and although it looks intersting i can not join
and although it looks intersting i can not join

the Puppeteer
1 hour is a bit little time for ppl to gather up

Vann Borakul
Suggestion: Only armors from collectors (need to farm materials for em) and only selffound weapons + no anykind of trading with other ppl.
Whenever I start a new character they always have to make their own money until they at least leave n00b island usually even longer. My para has something in the region of 45k on her which she has amassed, having completed EotN and reached a fair way through NF and Factions. I have to admit she was allowed access to the materials storage, but no money which she didnt earn is ever spent on her.
i want to participate ><
and this will be a good time to start my new necro
and this will be a good time to start my new necro
Vann Borakul
Dang, seeing two people from GoE already is making me miss it.
So you're up? Want to wait some more time for anyone else?
I can't say I would even use the character once I beat the campaign.
That might be fine if it was easy for us to get together, but we're not guildies so it would be hard, but completely plausible if you want to.
i want to participate ><
and this will be a good time to start my new necro |
I can't say I would even use the character once I beat the campaign.
That might be fine if it was easy for us to get together, but we're not guildies so it would be hard, but completely plausible if you want to.
pumpkin pie
i already have one, a mesmer, she turns level 13, prophecies, she's at Lion's arch. starts from 0 gold/skills/armor still a survivor woopie!
Taetra Pack
I might be up for it in like a hour from now. sounds like great fun.
Vann Borakul
I might be up for it in like a hour from now. sounds like great fun.
I'm either going to be a ranger or necro, still deciding.
yeah very sorry guys but it looks like i cant...sigh got to go work......@#$@!$
this sounds like a blast. Can do a bit at a time.
Ign is Hauk Eyes. pm if you want me to go with you. I really need to get a monk going.
Ign is Hauk Eyes. pm if you want me to go with you. I really need to get a monk going.
Work FTL! >.< Sounds fun tho...keep us posted on how it goes!!
I'm up for this, may aswell start playing this game - AGAIN.
ign Miffy Two K
ign Miffy Two K
lol pretty funny this...i have been with a similar idea in my head for a couple of months now..never did it cos i lack the caracter slots but this might be the time to buy some. i would defeniatly be a mesmer then
Vann Borakul
There's only 3 of us now so if anyone wants to join really quick, hurry up. We have 2 monks and a necro. We're still in pre but we're about to finish so you'll have to be fast, we can quest in post while we wait.
My old guild did this all the time. We'd start in Pre and use only what we earned on that character. Prophecies-only skills and items, and once we beat prophecies, we'd open ourselves up to Factions-only skills and items. No xunlai storage allowed, only what we carried on our backs to survive.
Lots of fun.
Lots of fun.