In-game greifing at Aspenwood!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006



Wow, I never realized how bad botting and leeching had gotten in the Aspenwood competitive missions. Until I spent this week home with the flu and on GW at verying times of the day.

I realized i was reporting the exact same accounts over and over through out the week. I even added these accounts to my friends list, and when they came online, I would go to Aspenwood and of course you could get in a mission and there would be *names removed, please do not post player names*, or the 4 to 5 others that have been there botting or leeching all week. There were even a couple times at the start of missions other players would say: "yep, so and so, is a bot been reporting him for a week and he is still here"

Why is Anet letting these account's still be active, day after day, when they have been reported so often??....and how can you ignore the fact several people recognize these accounts and nothing is being done??



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


You aren't allowed to post names.

Every side has leechers, it sucks, but ANet doesn't really seem to care other than the /report system whoch only prevents them from playing for like 20 minutes.

What Now

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2007

Anet doesnt ban LOL I've reported someone for abusing a bug and I get an email back the next day saying we are aware of this bug and dont have an ETA of the patch. Next day I face them again. No one cares, this games a joke.

I have also gotten dishonorable for being the only one that's not jerking it and get around to reporting leechers but since not enough people agreed they were leeching I'm the dishonorable one.

The whole /report thing needs to be removed IMO.

Only seen it work in HA when lamers lose and /report everyone for every comment and get them banned. Grow some.

Ok ^^ vented.



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2007

In Memorium [iBot]


need to make it so you can report while not in the same zone

you warn people to stop doing something and give them the benefit of the doubt that they will stop, but then they don't and you go to report (without telling them of course) and now you cant report them because they aren't in the same area


Aussie Boy

Aussie Boy


Join Date: Mar 2007



Yes assassinx I to wish we could report people that are not in the same zone.
Like the dips**ts that zone into a town advertize Buying GW accounts/keys yada yada yada
by the time you find them or add there name to report them they zone out to the next town and you get player must be in the same zone.
It's really ahnoying like ther doing a hit and run to get around it abd they know they can.
I hope they change it and add say a 5 min time for reporting after people leave the area.
but then anet never seams to do anything about the repots so you just give up.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2008



From what I heard Gaile said it seems that submitting a ticket > /report.........maybe try that?(alot work for a few leeches, but still worth a try I guess)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Yer submit a support ticket instead, report doesn't seem to do jack.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Guild Of Handicrafted Products [MaSS]


The only time I seen report working is some apes in RA reporting me because I ran W/Mo :P. I didn't even use my ******* secondary.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008

Somewhere between GW and GW2

Shaved Wookies [HoT]


Hey lol! I reported those same guys just this morning. You must've been that player who told us to report those peeps.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

Untimely Demise [Err了] - SOHK

As much as we all would like the banning to be instant, or even in a timely manner, we on the other side wouldn't want to be removed because some moron decided he was mad at you so he /reported you and because it is instant you go poof until otherwise sorted. I think the system of innocent until proven guilty is probably a much better system than just a /report and poof. Of course over a short amount of time, we should see results and it seems too often we don't see that either.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Organised Spam


It's usually the same people, and they must get 1 to 2 reports on average per match, so Anet must have had literally hundreds of reports on these people by now, probably more, and still hasn't done anything about it. So that pretty much proves they don't give a damn. Reports from /report probably go to a folder on some server somewhere and is emptied every day without looking at it.

Think about it, let's say there's a hundred thousand people playing on an average day, and 10% of them would file a single report that day. That's 10.000 reports for Anet to check. (this is probably a very low estimate) Do you honestly think they're going to check the logs for each and every one of them? Waste money on manpower just for this task, which is more than a full-time job? Of course not. The scale of this already proves that nobody checks the /reports because it's impossible for a small group of people to do. Even if they had an automated system to check the logs for inactivity (I doubt it), they still have to read the chat to see if people are using inappropriate language for those reports, they still need people to double check if they're really leeching or just very bad players. And do that in 12 or more different languages, not to mention all the languages that aren't officially supported. To assume Anet actually has people doing that work is preposterous. If you're realistic about this, you know that they don't actually do that sort of work.

If you consider this you can only conclude that it looks like /report is a placebo for the people that were complaining to Anet about leechers in AB and RA. It's a sad conclusion, but I honestly don't see it any other way.

Yes, I'm very bitter about this, because I happened to enjoy Fort Aspenwood untill it suddenly became really popular again recently, and now it's just annoying that you're pretty much guaranteed to have at least 1 leecher, leaver or bot in your team. /report is just an illusion.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2008



^ nice quintuple(?) post

and like someone said before, they really should just get rid of the /report's a complete waste of your's and ANET's time.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


Originally Posted by Shursh View Post
^ nice quintuple(?) post
I will second that

Anyway some of these leechers put nmore effort into leeching then it would take to play. I run the Kurzick side and went on a mapping excursion and I was finding luxons hiding all over the map. In the crooks and crannies it was creepy. Killed them just in spite hopefully they got reported on the lux side.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Organised Spam


Sorry about that, it didn't show up on my pc. This message probably won't show up either but I'll just click the button once.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2009


Reporting people really just a waste of your time. Instead of typing in /report <name> you could actually be playing the game. I don't know what everyone is talking about with not being able to report people when they leave the zone I reported someone last night for spamming when they had left the area.

The folder that all those reports go into its called the trash bin.

Skyy High

Skyy High

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2006


Originally Posted by What Now View Post
Anet doesnt ban LOL I've reported someone for abusing a bug and I get an email back the next day saying we are aware of this bug and dont have an ETA of the patch. Next day I face them again. No one cares, this games a joke.
Go play Gears of War 2 and come back and say that. The group of devs still working on GW1 is much smaller than the group working on GoW, but at least GW is playable. The worst we have to deal with is afk-ers and leavers, whereas almost every other online game out there is plagued with hackers and exploit-abusers who screw with the gameplay itself. GW's had a fair few bugs and exploits, but the very rare ones that have significantly affected gameplay have been hit hard and fast (ie, Signet of Might).

belladonna shylock

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2007

Hey Mallyx [icU]


If this is the mind set I might as well start leeching in Aspenwood. Nothing like getting balth for doing nothing!

On a more serious note it is annoying, esp. the mes/rt that's on the Kurzick side. I cannot tell you how often he's running his bot.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Report them for having names you personally find offensive (even if you have no evidence to support your claim) they will receive a ban post-haste and with extreme prejudice...ANet cares more if you are offended that if you hate leechers.

Lycan Nibbler

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2006


Its just a shame that syncing is now being encouraged in these areas to try and minimize the bots /sigh



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by AKB48 View Post
From what I heard Gaile said it seems that submitting a ticket > /report.........maybe try that?(alot work for a few leeches, but still worth a try I guess)
Support ticket..? PFFTT.

I remember back when the leeching was in its heyday(3-4 leechers per game) I used to take screenshots of the worst offenders and send to support. They would reply me with stuff like "the incident is being investigated blablabla we cannot inform you if any action has been taken". The next day I log back in and what do I see? The same old FA regulars leeching away happily.

I don't bother anymore.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Organised Spam


I remember something similar, one time I got spammed through whispers by several people at the same time, they were in a different district. So i made screenshots and sent it, stating explicitly that I couldn't report them because I wasn't in the same district as they were.

They would reply me with stuff like "the incident is being investigated blablabla we cannot inform you if any action has been taken".
I got exactly that message and added to that was the instructions to use the /report function instead of sending them e-mails, and that I didn't have to bother sending an e-mail back to them. Even though I stated quite clearly that /report didn't work because they were in a different district.

When I saw that I had good enough proof (for myself, since it's not conclusive on a large scale) to know that they simply don't read what I have to say. So if they don't even read our emails, you can be pretty sure they don't mind /report information either.

So yeah I don't bother anymore either.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006

In my own little world, looking at yours

Only Us[NotU]


When they leave the zone you are in, screen shot and email to ANet. Slower, but it does work. Zapped a couple of gold sellers that way. Took 3 minutes to report and in less than 10 minutes they were "offline".