New way to buy Elite armor for those neglected chars
Simple suggestion here :
The ability to buy Elite High End Armors for any PvE char that is lvl 20 w/ the exception of FoW and UW armors they would be excluded.
Now before you flame me there are some conditions to be met and not just a ... "im lvl 20, i can buy the Elite thing." Ive been playing the game since factions release so i understand to some degree why we weren't able to before but w/ the HoM & multi-chars i was trying to think of a reasonable approach that all could be considered common ground.
1.must be level 20.
2.Must own campaign that armor belongs too
3.Must have atleast 1 PvE char in the location that u would craft the armor u are trying to craft. ex: Bone Palace, Vas Burg, etc.
4. The character receiving the armor must have done the quest that allows the access to the cross campaign.
5. Character recieving armor Must be out of Pre searing or off of Newbie islands of Faction and NF and have opened the 3 main Eotn quest lines for Gwen armor.
Now the implication of the feature itself would be simple. When clickin the particular armor crafter it would say something like: " For which character would u like this to be crafted for ? " ~ would have to be transferred via inventory to said character.
feel free to add , but plz keep the thread creative and constructive if u agree or disagree or want to add to it.
The ability to buy Elite High End Armors for any PvE char that is lvl 20 w/ the exception of FoW and UW armors they would be excluded.
Now before you flame me there are some conditions to be met and not just a ... "im lvl 20, i can buy the Elite thing." Ive been playing the game since factions release so i understand to some degree why we weren't able to before but w/ the HoM & multi-chars i was trying to think of a reasonable approach that all could be considered common ground.
1.must be level 20.
2.Must own campaign that armor belongs too
3.Must have atleast 1 PvE char in the location that u would craft the armor u are trying to craft. ex: Bone Palace, Vas Burg, etc.
4. The character receiving the armor must have done the quest that allows the access to the cross campaign.
5. Character recieving armor Must be out of Pre searing or off of Newbie islands of Faction and NF and have opened the 3 main Eotn quest lines for Gwen armor.
Now the implication of the feature itself would be simple. When clickin the particular armor crafter it would say something like: " For which character would u like this to be crafted for ? " ~ would have to be transferred via inventory to said character.
feel free to add , but plz keep the thread creative and constructive if u agree or disagree or want to add to it.
Kerwyn Nasilan
It's easy to get a char to an armor crafter
Konig Des Todes
The only armor crafters which is a pain to get are the one FoW (btw, there is no UW armor set lol), the ones in Divine Path, and the one in Throne of Secrets. But even then, those are easy to get to.
/notsigned (I don't get unsigned, you do not undo something you didn't do)
/notsigned (I don't get unsigned, you do not undo something you didn't do)
sorry but it's just a bad idea.
if you want a character to have elite armor from a certain location you should have to get them to that location, not just use another character.
sorry but it's just a bad idea.
if you want a character to have elite armor from a certain location you should have to get them to that location, not just use another character.
Half the point of the elite armors is that you actually have to go to the place they are and get them.
Half the point of the elite armors is that you actually have to go to the place they are and get them.
If you're not willing to play your character to Joko's Domain for Ancient armor, you don't deserve Ancient armor.
Neo Atomisk
Apparently you don't understand the concept of elite armors.
Apparently you don't understand the concept of elite armors.
Funny how many people make suggestions without thinking them through. Thanks for the laugh, but as stated, this is a pointless idea and armor is not hard to get.
Marty Silverblade
If you want it then spend a few hours getting there. It really isn't that hard.
How many hours of play does it take to get to the endgame armour crafters? i wouldnt expect more than 10 hours of gameplay to be involved. Seriosly, the only ones that actualy take grinding are the EOTN, even then R5 isnt hard, its just slightly boring. Also this idea would remove having the R5 requirment for EOTN suddenly making them easy to get. Also while im here ill add the generic "A-net are to busy with GW2" response.
I like the idea because I'm lazy, but then I realized pve is easy and it's not hard to get any of the elite armor. ;\
I would even throw in Fow armour does it really matter at this stage of the game especially to new comers.I could only imagine what is going to be aviable(sp) for GW2 and how to get maybe you will need titles.What about those who got away using bought gold?
I would even throw in Fow armour does it really matter at this stage of the game especially to new comers.I could only imagine what is going to be aviable(sp) for GW2 and how to get maybe you will need titles.What about those who got away using bought gold?
Learn how to play the game, hopefully it decrease the amount of dimwits who think armour makes you good at the game, and it'll actually mean something. ;\ Think about your first set of elite armour you ever bought it was like a huge acomplishment, why take that away from someone who can just get rushed/ran and then do a few quests here and there and get the armor?
I know a surefire way to advance your neglected characters.
Play them.
Play them.
If you're trying to get into Sardelac Sanitarium hall of fame(aka: hall of fail) you need to try harder.
Just account wide aoutpost unlocking would make more sense... but that would require to change some missions that can be done without having the Previous Missions and Primary quests made so you must make them before being able to start them.
warrior running
not good idea /unsigned
Ooh how about this: If any of your characters has ever gotten an ecto as a drop, all your other characters can buy ectos for 100g each!
Play the game, get the reward. jajajajaja! I like this! ![]() |
now to all those saying play the game its not that hard etc ... ur right its not ive got 6 pve 5 pvp ~of the 6 pve chars, 4 have are fully completed campaigns etc with enuff maxed titles to make each one happy w/ no less than r2 Koabd. I personally dont have the time to take the rest thru a campaign like i did a yr or two ago when i started playing but i just realized some of them got a lil neglected along the way. wouldnt mind some sort of option in the assistance of atleast making them cosmetic upgraded.
Play game get reward ... u still have to farm for ur material and cash to obtain it so id say ur playing and receiving a reward ur just rewarding another one of ur own characters dont see the harm here. And most didnt obviously read that as a player of some time now i understood the concept on why but w/ the addition of HoM and everything else comin easier why not add a lil more to the idea of skill over time ... remember this game was not suppose to be grind wars , not to mention i left UW/ and FoW armors outta this equation and was only talkin of elite campaign armors.
It would be nice, but having it the way it is gives a person incentive to get further, get the armor, and maybe finish a campaign as well. ;P
pumpkin pie
Neglected character will stay neglected even if you buy them armor.
Wants to give them armour, pay more attention to them, take them through all the quests and missions. Before you think no one does that. Yours truly here is one of them.
/not signed!
Wants to give them armour, pay more attention to them, take them through all the quests and missions. Before you think no one does that. Yours truly here is one of them.
/not signed!
How many hours of play does it take to get to the endgame armour crafters? i wouldnt expect more than 10 hours of gameplay to be involved. Seriosly, the only ones that actualy take grinding are the EOTN, even then R5 isnt hard, its just slightly boring. Also this idea would remove having the R5 requirment for EOTN suddenly making them easy to get. Also while im here ill add the generic "A-net are to busy with GW2" response.
/notsigned /unsigned |
In general, though: Play the characters! Most of the disincentives to playing multiple characters have been removed, and they'll gather funds for you on the way, including allowing you to repeat lucrative quests. I have characters of every profession, and all of them have completed Nightfall, all but one have completed Factions (and that only because I can't really be bothered killing Shiro with my Paragon just yet), most have completed Prophecies and about half have completed EOTN - and there'd probably be more of the last if I hadn't been holding out to see if allegiance titles would go account-wide. It's really not that hard, and you may find out you enjoy those neglected characters after all.
This idea is completely retarded and could only be made up by a true retarded pve scrub.
Be proud.
Be proud.
/notsigned sounds lazy.. i mean if you gonna do that..why have a run around just ask anet to put elite armor in the noob islands and in pre so u can make a character and get Elite Armor in 30 seconds. then make all the foes have weaker armor.
why not ask them to have a weapons npc that u can buy any weapon that you have previously unlocked from another character..that way if you bought a crystalline sword and make a new character you can just get a copy of it..or even better yet be qable to make copies of it so u can get rich fast by selling it to other people and watch the economy of the game fall on its arse.
idk sounds about as good as my "tank and donkey punch" build team. since no one likes tank and spank anymore.. yeah i know i have issues.
why not ask them to have a weapons npc that u can buy any weapon that you have previously unlocked from another character..that way if you bought a crystalline sword and make a new character you can just get a copy of it..or even better yet be qable to make copies of it so u can get rich fast by selling it to other people and watch the economy of the game fall on its arse.
idk sounds about as good as my "tank and donkey punch" build team. since no one likes tank and spank anymore.. yeah i know i have issues.
Eragon Zarroc
ur post doesn't make much sense...
if u cant understand that here are the possible reasons:
A) you read 2 fast/try reading s l o w e r
B) you may need better glasses
C) lack of humor
D) you couldn't keep up with my creativeness
E) read below mate
i could say more but why bother spending more time on it when if it doesnt make sense to you that sounds like a personal issue, one i regret to inform you i cannot help you with.
on second thought call me and ill explain it to you
A) you read 2 fast/try reading s l o w e r
B) you may need better glasses
C) lack of humor
D) you couldn't keep up with my creativeness
E) read below mate
i could say more but why bother spending more time on it when if it doesnt make sense to you that sounds like a personal issue, one i regret to inform you i cannot help you with.
on second thought call me and ill explain it to you

I know a surefire way to advance your neglected characters.
Play them. |
What?!!!!!!!!1!? Blasphemy i say!!
Why should i have to put time into a game that is obviously a huge fashion show. I want everything just handed to me without having to put forth any effort. That is how lazy i have become. I have become so lazy that even putting forth effort on a video game has become a task that i just dont have the energy to attempt. People have called me lazy for playing video games instead of going outside or even cleaning my house, but ill show them just how far i can take this lethargy.
This is the best idea ever OP i will /sign it for every poster who /unsigned.
/doublesigned * 100
GW isn't much of a grind compared to other games.
Takes only a few hours to get your character anywhere you wanna.
If you can't stand to get your character to any town in PvE well then don't play PvE.
You can get any armor skin with PvP reward points.
Not signed as ~32 others
Takes only a few hours to get your character anywhere you wanna.
If you can't stand to get your character to any town in PvE well then don't play PvE.
You can get any armor skin with PvP reward points.
Not signed as ~32 others
assassin shaun
i have to agree with the posters b4 me that /notsigned or /unsigned this thread it is just a way for the lazy to get elite armour. just play the game on those chars or delete them 

I had to get help translating that... And it does matter at this stage of the game, why should newbies get any more slack than they already have? I don't mean to be one of those "Well back in the good 'ol days of Proph!" but seriously, pve is so retardedly stupid with the skills and consets and heroes. You roll your head across the keyboard with just about any bar and guess what! You Win!
Learn how to play the game, hopefully it decrease the amount of dimwits who think armour makes you good at the game, and it'll actually mean something. ;\ Think about your first set of elite armour you ever bought it was like a huge acomplishment, why take that away from someone who can just get rushed/ran and then do a few quests here and there and get the armor? |
What about those who used bought gold?
Here's an idea... Why not simply give everyone elite armor...
Wait for it...
Yeah, that's a big "NO".
P.S.: I didn't read the entire idea (got the gist of it) because I couldn't really read the slaughter of the English language that is the Original Post.
Wait for it...
Yeah, that's a big "NO".
P.S.: I didn't read the entire idea (got the gist of it) because I couldn't really read the slaughter of the English language that is the Original Post.
I didn't understand a word you said. ;\ And those who bought gold are in the same category as dimwits who think elite armor makes them good.
Calista Blackblood
And those who bought gold are in the same category as dimwits who think elite armor makes them good.
I want my elite armor free and available at level one thanks.Also every foe in the game should have the chance to drop ectos/shards and the forgemaster should be added to spamadan,SJM and Pre.
Blatant /unsigned. If you don't suck PvE is ridiculously easy