lf survivor run from Shing Jeah M. up to Gunner´s Hold

Rufus Deimos

Rufus Deimos

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2008

Hardcore Nappels Of Tdp [MOWL]


Hey guys,

I will start a new character and
I search someone who "rush" me in Gwen to Gunnar´s Hold
I will be afk and hope for you, that i don´t die because i want to do the survivor r3 there.

I will pay 50k for it when you bring me fast and without any problems to there.

My ingame nick is: Rufus Deimos


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


Big problem - it cant be done.
Shing jea has 2 lock points - only by doing the primaries will u gain access and the first lockpoint you have to go solo.
you also have to be lvl 10 to gain access to eotn via kaineng centre.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2007

P4n드4k트 F0rm4710n [Its heat not cheat]

No problem. It can be done Cuz I just did it for them. ^ ^ GL

Rufus Deimos

Rufus Deimos

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2008

Hardcore Nappels Of Tdp [MOWL]


Yeah, done. Thanks again.