Im trying to upgrade my Dell Inspiron with a better graphics card so it can actually play higher quality games on well low to medium settings.
Currently I have an integrated GMA 3100...
Anyways my main question is does anyone know what graphics card my current power supply can actually supply. I dont mind switching my power supply also (don't need something monstrous)
Currently I have a Q600 Quad and 3GB of Ram int eh computer, along with a HD
I know im not being descriptive enough but could someone at least tell me what I need to find out before I can determine what my computer will need.
Trying to Upgrade Dell Inspirion 530
inspiron 530s have the option for custom built to include a radeon 3450
i'd like to assume they provide that without a different powersupply
i'd like to think it can handle a radeon 4850
but if u wanna be on the safe side, then go wit a 4830, or even safer 4670
how much would u like to spend?
edit: did some googling and it read that the 530 comes wit a 375 or 300 watt psu
u -mite- be able to run a 4670...but i dunno
i think u'll have to upgrade the psu
i'd like to assume they provide that without a different powersupply
i'd like to think it can handle a radeon 4850
but if u wanna be on the safe side, then go wit a 4830, or even safer 4670
how much would u like to spend?
edit: did some googling and it read that the 530 comes wit a 375 or 300 watt psu
u -mite- be able to run a 4670...but i dunno
i think u'll have to upgrade the psu
hmm thats a bummer, I heard most retail PSUs were not compatible with Dell computers
would a 375w be enough for a 4670?
would a 375w be enough for a 4670?
the wattage can be very deceiving... amperage on the +12v rail is what you should be interested in. You'd be better off getting a quality midrange 400W or 450W unit which will easily run a 4670 plus other hardware.
As far as compatibility, ensure you get a PSU that is ATX 12V 2.2 or higher and if its a standard size case, you should be able to install it physically. The only ones you should worry about are those Dell mini-towers, but I assume you don't have that with a Q6600.
As far as compatibility, ensure you get a PSU that is ATX 12V 2.2 or higher and if its a standard size case, you should be able to install it physically. The only ones you should worry about are those Dell mini-towers, but I assume you don't have that with a Q6600.
Elder III
the 4670 requires a 400 watt or greater PSU - manufacturer's specs.
You could go for an ATI 4550, I'm sure that works with a 300 watt PS and is still better than the GMA3100
Cyric The Liar
I'm running an HD3850 in a Dell 530 with the stock power supply, no problems whatsoever.
ATI/AMD recommend a 400watt power supply for the 2600, but you may get away with it.
Elder III
fork over $25 for that PSU, and then all your problems are solved and you will be able to put in a decent video card of your choice.
fork over $25 for that PSU, and then all your problems are solved and you will be able to put in a decent video card of your choice.

Lord Sojar
nope.... elder, you forget, Dell uses proprietary pins on the motherboard. You have to get a PSU through them.