Zkey, Ecto, or something else?
If you are full on cash and need to dump it, would you dump it on zkey, ecto, or something else?
Ecto fluctuates like today's stock market, while Zkey is seemingly dropping in values due to more awareness of Xunlai House.
So, what do you do when you need to dump cash?
Ecto fluctuates like today's stock market, while Zkey is seemingly dropping in values due to more awareness of Xunlai House.
So, what do you do when you need to dump cash?
I spend it.
xunlai chest can contain a looooot of gold, like 1M or so
max chars is 32 as far as i know, 100K per char, 4,2M total.
if you have more, just give it to me.
max chars is 32 as far as i know, 100K per char, 4,2M total.
if you have more, just give it to me.
i stash my cash in ectos, zkeys and lockpicks, if 1 crashes i still have the other two
zkeys don't seem to be precipitously dropping in value - they always lose a couple hundred gold at the beginning of the month then go back up as people use them.
While ZKeys do seem to be steadily dropping a bit, I would say that they have a stronger backing then Ectos. (Obvious reasons)
I keep all my money in ZKeys and cash. I have 0 ecto and I'll keep it that way until ANet makes another Ecto dump, such as Chaos Gloves.
I keep all my money in ZKeys and cash. I have 0 ecto and I'll keep it that way until ANet makes another Ecto dump, such as Chaos Gloves.
king swift
I put all my gold in ZKEYS. More stable than ecto as their price is not decided by a trader. Easy to sell 20-100k. If they suddenly tank for some reason, you could always open the chest. People use them up more than ecto so demand is higher, supply is less (as people use them.) As for XTH goes, as the keys get used up the prices will go back to 5k. The new monthly tonics will also decide the prices on zkeys (Less with the retarded floating head/more with phantasmal tonic.) Also don't forget, getting r7 zrank is mighty fun.
King Swift----Defender of the Zaishen (7)
King Swift----Defender of the Zaishen (7)
Trader of Secrets
i kno some ppl who stash cash in consets or just the essence. Not sure if this is such a great idea.
Dante the Warlord
Z-keys are probably your safest bet. Ectos fluctuate a lot and in some cases it goes into a panic where ecto goes down to 3kisk and you lose your money. Before though I would suggest filling up your chars like the first poster responded. You can have 1 mil in the Xunulai chest. After I would suggest maxin half your chars or more with 100k.
I put it into ectos because, Im rebellious.
Actually, my reasoning is, ectos do jump around a lot, but they have always gone back up.
To me, Zkeys are just falling a little too steadily for me to want to invest in.
Besides, if ectos do tank to ~2K, I'll just be original and get Chaos Gloves + FoW armor.
But I think the smartest thing to do is to invest in both.
Actually, my reasoning is, ectos do jump around a lot, but they have always gone back up.
To me, Zkeys are just falling a little too steadily for me to want to invest in.
Besides, if ectos do tank to ~2K, I'll just be original and get Chaos Gloves + FoW armor.
But I think the smartest thing to do is to invest in both.
Xx Da Best Xx
Id say buy lockpicks..they have a set price and will always be around 1.2k each.
Ariena Najea
Lockpicks are about as stable as it gets. Get a friend to get them in bulk from a Discount Merchant at their Guild Hall for 1200g each. Unless something new comes along that yields lockpicks rapidly, you are almost guaranteed to get your money back. Often, you can go to Kamadan American 1 and sell them for 1250g, so you have a good chance at making a profit. I have also seen people buying them in bulk (several stacks worth) for 1200-1225g so you could make a killing fast if you don't mind waiting for your money.
Z-keys will be 4.25-4.5k in six months imo, so unless you want to go for the title at some point I'd steer clear. Ectos are a risky investment, as ANet has frequently changed the ease of acquisition of them by making change after change to the Underworld. Unless something changes, you can expect the price of ectos to steadily fall, although with some spikes upwards of people buying for their armor. It may be a good investment to purchase a stack of these, but don't put all of your savings in ectos.
Z-keys will be 4.25-4.5k in six months imo, so unless you want to go for the title at some point I'd steer clear. Ectos are a risky investment, as ANet has frequently changed the ease of acquisition of them by making change after change to the Underworld. Unless something changes, you can expect the price of ectos to steadily fall, although with some spikes upwards of people buying for their armor. It may be a good investment to purchase a stack of these, but don't put all of your savings in ectos.
Hailey Anne
1. They dont fluctuate as much as people think. They are constantly 4.8-5.5k at trader. Every once in awhile they go a little lower but then go right back up.
2. Ectos are a LOT more common for trading purposes then z-keys.
1. They dont fluctuate as much as people think. They are constantly 4.8-5.5k at trader. Every once in awhile they go a little lower but then go right back up.
2. Ectos are a LOT more common for trading purposes then z-keys.
As said before.
Spend it.
If you wanna keep it and are really worried about fluctuations in the market invest in lockpicks, but good luck reselling them easily.
Spend it.
If you wanna keep it and are really worried about fluctuations in the market invest in lockpicks, but good luck reselling them easily.
warrior running
Y not spend on titles or armour and weapons and fill HoM then be done till gw2
Rothan Celt
zkeys or lockpicks
i stopped buying ectos awhile back..
only thing is with zkeys i have urges to use them and it really pisses me off
only reason why i ever used ectos was due to the fact that i hated all ob armor and decided i would never get it so keeping ectos as a dump for cash would be a safe option because i am unlikely to ever use them
but i spend like 90% of my time nowdays below 100k after reaching the conclusion i now longer care about titles and i already had sexy gear. maybe if a new farm opens up i will horde a few valuables but those days for me are over
i stopped buying ectos awhile back..
only thing is with zkeys i have urges to use them and it really pisses me off
only reason why i ever used ectos was due to the fact that i hated all ob armor and decided i would never get it so keeping ectos as a dump for cash would be a safe option because i am unlikely to ever use them
but i spend like 90% of my time nowdays below 100k after reaching the conclusion i now longer care about titles and i already had sexy gear. maybe if a new farm opens up i will horde a few valuables but those days for me are over
I'm going to go with the bandwagon and say spend it. There are enough gold sinks in the game that there's always something to spend money on if you look.
If a situation ever developed where I really did have more money than I knew how to spend... then obviously I don't need money any more and I could start redistributing it to friends and guildies. But it'd take a looooong time to get to that point!
If a situation ever developed where I really did have more money than I knew how to spend... then obviously I don't need money any more and I could start redistributing it to friends and guildies. But it'd take a looooong time to get to that point!
guildwars hero22
ok dude i was in the same position as you a while ago
here what you do.
1) max out your storage of 1000k
then go out and in stead of having your money sit in the storage INVEST IT!
there are many diff minis you can buy they are good investments that will increase in value over time and so netting you more cash. have your money work for you not sit!
invest in mini undeds such as oni naga or yeti ect--then have the mini pet sit for a month or how ever long, then when u go to sell youll be up 50e+
here what you do.
1) max out your storage of 1000k
then go out and in stead of having your money sit in the storage INVEST IT!
there are many diff minis you can buy they are good investments that will increase in value over time and so netting you more cash. have your money work for you not sit!
invest in mini undeds such as oni naga or yeti ect--then have the mini pet sit for a month or how ever long, then when u go to sell youll be up 50e+
Lockpicks, Ambraces and rare minis.
Konig Des Todes
What I do as I get cash is the following:
1) Buy Elite armors for all my characters (so I end up having all Elite Armors across my account for when the HoM goes account based)
2) Fill the Valor monument
3) Save for events (i.e., buy ales, sweets, and party items)
4) *hardly do this* Buy Z-Keys to open the chest.
1) Buy Elite armors for all my characters (so I end up having all Elite Armors across my account for when the HoM goes account based)
2) Fill the Valor monument
3) Save for events (i.e., buy ales, sweets, and party items)
4) *hardly do this* Buy Z-Keys to open the chest.
Lyssa Apate
Like I always do, dump it on armour. Pretty pretty armour.
... most probably Monk & Mesmer FoW.
... most probably Monk & Mesmer FoW.
Zkeys dropped? Still selling for 5K here.
Khazad Guard
If you have countless free space on your account (or several accounts) and you are absolutely mega-super scared of your money losing it's value as it sits in storage you could always waste it on Festival Tickets. They buy and sell at the same price so you never lose anything. The only problem is that a stack is only worth 3750g, but as I said if you had a heap of space on other accounts that's 168.75k for a character with 45 inventory slots...Just a thought....
Then again it's 3.75k per stack -.-
Then again it's 3.75k per stack -.-
spend it imo
armours, titles etc. kitting out your heros to a high level weapons and runes soaks up quite abit of cash too
armours, titles etc. kitting out your heros to a high level weapons and runes soaks up quite abit of cash too
Lycan Nibbler
Hmm Id say that if you have 1,000k in storage, then I really wouldnt worry about whether you get ectos, keys, picks or whatever. I am assuming you have all your heros etc fully equipped?
If you are looking at saving towards getting something rare like a polar bear or similar, then just exchange for ectos or keys and suck up any depreciation - anet always manage to find a way to reduce prices of most things sooner or later anyway.
If you are looking at saving towards getting something rare like a polar bear or similar, then just exchange for ectos or keys and suck up any depreciation - anet always manage to find a way to reduce prices of most things sooner or later anyway.
I would dump mine on ecto if I had enough to dump but I don't so like todays real world economy I just save instead of spending.It would be nice if ecto went on sale slashing prices down to say 50 to 75%.
Growth-stock mutual funds. You want to invest your expendable income in 1/4 size pieces, in four different types of markets. You want your consistent price (lockpicks) funds, long-term growth funds (ectos, which over the course of time will probably fluctuate around the same values), moderate-growth funds (these are the hot-new flavor-of-the-month weapons that you can turn profit on if traded properly), and rapid growth/emerging market funds (Z-Keys could be considered emerging market, and rapid growth would be your rare mini-pets, etc.).
Oh wait. GW =/= RL. Sorry.
Oh wait. GW =/= RL. Sorry.
spend on chaos gloves... as many as u can buy... if someday u need ecto, just salvage it!
ppl cant see your ecto on your bank but they can be happy to see your raibow gloves
ppl cant see your ecto on your bank but they can be happy to see your raibow gloves
I'm in the process of spending the gold I've hoarded. Crafting elite armors and destroyer weapons for my monk's HoM. Spent 2 million on unids during Wintersday.
Armbraces is the best bet. Best way to consolidate your gold by faaar.
Especailly since Armbraces are easy to find cheap and sell high. Ive seen 30 ecto gaps between the profit margins on armbraces. You can buy one in DoA then jump to scamadan and sell it for 30 more ectos than you paid for it.
Especailly since Armbraces are easy to find cheap and sell high. Ive seen 30 ecto gaps between the profit margins on armbraces. You can buy one in DoA then jump to scamadan and sell it for 30 more ectos than you paid for it.
Keep the gold. Anything else gradually decreases in value over time. Only buy items that you actually need.
Yang Whirlwind
romeus petrus
The issue with braces value is that it fluctuates according to nerfs/buffs. Atm they seem to be stable around 48-50e and have been this way for a couple of months. I have sold no less than 40 braces at that price over the past 2 months, but lately I've been having difficulty selling for 50e. On the other hand imagine what would happen to ecto prices if SF finally gets that long awaited REAL nerf.
Ecto fluctuates like today's stock market, while Zkey is seemingly dropping in values due to more awareness of Xunlai House.
I lean toward the "just spend it" idea, but if you must save it for some reason, buy whatever stacks nicely - ectos, shards, keys, lockpicks - and don't worry about the "value" going up or down. (I buy ectos when the case arises, btw)
Cale Roughstar
I keep my money in ectos. They have been very stable over the past year or so at 21=100k, barring the huge drop with the whole perma-sin in the UW thing, but they climbed back up to the same price within the next few weeks. Zkeys are pretty solid, and probably arent going to loose much in value, if they do at all. I find armbraces to be a bit finicky lately (though I am not quite loaded enough to be hoarding these). The most solid probably is Lockpicks. Never changed, never will.
That being said, spend it. Spending is wayyy more fun
That being said, spend it. Spending is wayyy more fun
I just keep a stack of ectos + cash and if I go over 1mil gold I just buy about 300k in zkeys & use em . I pretty much never farm at all so I don't buy them too often.
I keep alot of money in mini pets. The ones that will not be re-released. Certadon, Celestial Pig, Etc......
Mini pet market... Tic Toc Tic Toc
Mini pet market... Tic Toc Tic Toc
I put all my gold in ZKEYS. More stable than ecto as their price is not decided by a trader. Easy to sell 20-100k. If they suddenly tank for some reason, you could always open the chest. People use them up more than ecto so demand is higher, supply is less (as people use them.) As for XTH goes, as the keys get used up the prices will go back to 5k. The new monthly tonics will also decide the prices on zkeys (Less with the retarded floating head/more with phantasmal tonic.) Also don't forget, getting r7 zrank is mighty fun.
King Swift----Defender of the Zaishen (7) |
I don't remember exactly which set of notes it was in, but Linsey said they're working on a way to "make Zaishen Keys more accessible to the casual PvPer".
I hope that means making them 1,000 faction each. Then i'll get to laugh at all the people who stockpiled them while I sit on my huge pile of money from liquidating them.
Also, nobody cares about your Zrank. Yay. You bought a title. /care
id say help a few friends out. in game im constantly making new friends and friends from real life are joining to play with me. spend some cash on them, get them fancy stuff. everytime i get a new guild member they get 100k + a new 15k armor set. then over time they get more. easy way to blow cash and making friends in the process is always nice.
in all honesty, if you have all the gear you need and that much cash, theres no way youre going to even spend half of it, so why not blow it on a someone.
in all honesty, if you have all the gear you need and that much cash, theres no way youre going to even spend half of it, so why not blow it on a someone.
Sir Skullcrasher
I'm going to save up on ectos and z-keys since both items won't lose that much values over time. Plus there is still a nice demand for both.
Currently selling my wintersday items to make some spare K's.
Currently selling my wintersday items to make some spare K's.